Violence feared
NZPA-Reuter West Berlin The West German police were preparing for more Leftist violence which , they, feared ‘could be touched off by the start of a conservative political conference today. They put a heavy guard on a meeting of the leaders of West ’ Germany’s conservative Opposition parties, gathered to plan an election campaign.
On Saturday, West Berlin felt its worst Leftist violence since the 1960 s student riots, The police, who said the meeting could be used as a pretext for more outbursts were to step up the force guarding the 800 delegates. The main target of Leftist displeasure is Mr FranzJosef Strauss, the Bavarian strongman chosen to lead the conservative. election challenge against Chancellor Helmut Schmidt’S Left-liber-al coalition Government. .
The delegates of the Christian. Democratic Union’s sister 'parties were to evolve . a strategy to try, to reverse the trend of four recent State election defeats, Mr Heiner Geisler, *'• the general secretary of the C.D.U., said he wanted the West Berlin meeting tej “congress of pneour* agement.” Nl/ Whatever second thoughts the delegates might about the choice of ,Mr Strauss as Jheir leader not body believed fbey would try ta’replacta him now. • Mr Strauss, who has >n| unshakeable power base] in Bavaria, has refused .-'tq accept any blame for’ th® re* cent C.D.Uj defeats. In the latest, irt north R h i n e-WestphaJfa, Mi Schmidt’s Social Democrats not only replaced the C.D.U, as the biggest party, but also gained an absolute majority.
Violence feared
Press, 20 May 1980, Page 8
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