I - Cars for Sale VIVA Magnum 1300 Coupe 1977. 10,000 km, one lady i owner, terrific performer: - As new, only $4995. Crester I Car Sales, Ph. 897-715, LMVD.TH22 S ffl 3 VIVA, 1975, goes well. Must sell. 52950 0.n.0. Ph. 429-476. TH 22 VIVA, 1968. Recent o/haul. 51499 or $9OO dep. at Mor- ' ries, 231 Colombo St. LMVD. VIVA HA, 1966 model, genuine 63,000 miles, lovely deep green with matching trim. I A good reliable unit. Real ; value at $995. Dave MitI chell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742. VW 1500, 1970. 43,000 mis by . only 2 owners. Red. Must j surely be the best example | available in N.Z. $4500. Me- : Laren Motors, 108 St Asaph I St. Ph. 798-940; a.h. 288-966, i 45-967 or 891-074. LMVD. 21 WOLSELEY 1300 Mk 11, genuine 77,000 miles, -lovely j bright red with beige trim. : Absolutely first class condition and mechanically Al'. I Real value at $2295. , Dave' Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd 45-742. LMVD. ZEPHYR, Mk 3 auto., 1964,: very tidy, throughout, heater, 5999, $6OO. Avon! Motors, 9 St John St. Ph 849-331, LMVD. ZEPHYR Mk 4, 1970, 3 line, meeb. A.l, heater, Monza j red paint, gold pin striping,' $1399, Or $B4O dep. Avon Motors, 9 St John St. Ph j 849-381, LMVD. ZEPHYR Mk IV 71. 68,0001 miles, radio and heater, aj beauty, $1299. Fitzgerald Ave Car Court. Ph. 66-B'l LMVD. ZEPHYR V 6, 1971. New Grenada motor, 2 owners. Im- j maculate original order. Heater, lovely teal paint ! work with tan trim. Value! at . $1495. Dave Mitchelll Wholesale, 110 Riccarton 1 Rd. Ph. 45-742, LMVD. ZEPHYR Mark I>l Red. good going car; $799 $430 dep. Avon Motors, 9 St John St. Ph. 849-381. LMVD. ZODIAC Mk 4, 1969. One private owner. 60,000 miles, Seafoam with tan trim. 4speed with power steering. $3199 Centrepoint Cars, Phone 61-374. Lincoln Moor house cnr. a.h 557-375 i 5695. Holden S/W, 1962. Goes extra well. Great value. Wholesale Auto. 45 Ferry Rd. LMVD. Ph. 792-675; a.h. 324-279. 24
Cars Wanted Q B 0 B A genuine buyer of 4 cylin-' der cars only. Call at Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph,. 64-057. D AAA. Auto wrecker wants cars, any cond., for wrecking, or repair. Ph. 41-809. D ALL makes and models .cars, vans, motor-cycles bought, traded or sold on commission. $lOO to $4OOO Existing H.P. paid out. Avon Motors. 9 St John St Ph 349-331. a.h. 583-236. D ALL maltes anti models of cars, vans and station waggons, $5OO to SSOUO. re quired urgently Cash on the spot. Pli. today 63-373. Metro Auto Court, Ltd. cnr Moorhouse Ave and Durham Sts. LMVD D ALWAYS top prices paid for cars at Cooper Henderson Trading Post, cnr St Asaph and - Durham .Sts. Phone 790-588. , . - D . .®. .-.,e s< 0 ALWAYS buying; selling, trading all makes and models. “Seekers” Auto Sales, Ltd, 237 Riccarton Rd task for Larry Voice!, Phones 45-080, 45-081. a.h. 517-303, LMVD.D ANGLIA wanted, about 1962, must be in good order. Ph. 61-850 day. 227-625 evenings. ; 2i AUCTION for cars," vans arid utes, Wed. and Friday at 11.30 a.m. All makes and models handled. Phone 61807, Turners Car Auctions.! cnr Lichfield and Madras! Sts (Lie.'Auctioneers!. Di AUSTIN, Morris. Anglia, Cortina, Avenger, . Hunter. Viva. Victor, all Japanese cars, waggons wanted. Alan Ford. 438 Tuam St, Linwood. Ph. 6'0 ; 350. LMVD. ' BARRY Brown Car Sales', Kaiapoi, requires cars urgently. Ph. -Kaiapoi 6191, after hours Kai. 7716. THS BIG or small cars up to $3OOO wanted. Kaiapoi Kar Kourt. . Ph. 6370; a.h. 8693. D EJ 0' E - ES CAPRI 1600 GT, 1970-74 model wanted urgently by private cash buyer. Good money for a good car. Ph. 3254345.21 CORTINA 1600 L, 1972-73 model required. Must be tidy. Call tn today. Cashel Fitzgerald Motors. Ph. 795- ' 729. LMVD. D CORTINA Mk H, 1971-73. Moderate miles preferred.. For instant cash Ph. 793-162 j or 842-227 a.h. . MVDI. 22 | DATSUN 4 cyl. models wanted; must be nice. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd.| Ph. 389-161. THS ESCORT 1300. 1969-74. Any; cond. considered. For instant cash Ph. 793-162 or 842-227 a.h. MVDI. TH22 ESCORT' 1600 .'Sport, late model, low km. Ph. 853-969. FIAT 'l2B, 125.' 132 wanted, must be good. Murray Cos--tello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd. Ph, 389-161. THS FORD 1 'Escorts, Cortlnas, Caprls wanted. Call at Smlthburn Motors, 27 Moor•house Ave. Ph., 64-057. D JAPANESE cars, all 4 cylinder models wanted. Murray Cos■'tello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 389-161.THS Sf' - B ■ 0 S JAPANESE cars, coupes. ■ waggons genuinely wanted Call at 27 Moorhouse Ave. •Smithburi) Mtrs. Ph. 64-057. ~ ■ D MAZDA RX3 coupe. 1974 to .1975 required urgently. Must be 12A single distribut for motor, ontaet 65-327 bus. hours. 31 MAZDAS, all 4 cylinder models wanted. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 389-161. THS a is @ c MINIS - urgently required at Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. D MITSUBISHI L and GTO 2000 wanted,-must be good. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoin Rd. Ph. 389-161. THS a a •' ■ ONE owner ,or low mileage 4 cyl. cars urgently required Call at Smitbbura Motors. 27 . Moorhouse Me, Ph. 64-057 D a o s s TOYOTAS, Datsuns: Mazdas, etc., 4 cyL only . Top' prices 27 Moorhouse Ave, Smithburn Motors. Ph. 64-057. D VOLKSWAGEN 1200 1300 and 1500 s top prices paid for tidy cars. Call' tn today, Cashel-Fitzgerald Motors, LMVD D VOLKSWAGEN 1300 or 1500. For the best-cash price call Ferry Fitzgerald Motors, 134: Ferry Rd. 793-162. MVDI. 22 4 cylinder Cars and light vans, up to $4OOO Willing to do pairs Ph-. 516-78- LMVD n 4 cylinder cars, 'cash, : must be good,.;Murray, .Costello Cars,- 305' Lincoln' Rd. Ph. ' 389-161. THS