Across 1 — inferior speed of minute division. (6, 4) 7— Partly chaperoned former South American dictator. (5) 8— Round the South we have proper ancestry. (7) 10— lam certainly shown to be better. (8) 11— Chief actor returns animals. (4) 13— Initially good accommodation for stable men. (6) 15—Affront beyond the limit? (G) 17— Coming back', came across one detail. (4) 18— Worker at the front has stroke in game. (8) 21— A hint during the night before makes him go - elsewhere for safety. (7) , . 22— Among the lava, I locate something to be of use. (5) ■ 23— He mauls the oldest man. (10) -Down" ' • . I—With a narrow band, fasten up the components. - / (5) ■ -. 2—loo on French river are in the soup. (8) 3— Showed agreement .to be strange -in the end, strangely enough.-(6) > 4— Spots because lacking in caution? (4) 5— One doesn’t expect people to play here when it’s operating.'(7) ‘ . 6— When things go up by leaps.and bounds? (10) ■ 9—it’s a lie that a deserter is up to swindle. (10) 12— It. turns out that.everybody had,precedence. (5, 3) 14— Do a Cutting job in 5. (7) ■ 16—Conceals 600 balls in the field? (6) . ; ; . 19— A-laundry-flooded. (5)- ; : 20— It would be cruel to give her less. (4) r 1 < . (Solution on Monday)
Yesterday’s solution Across: 6, Concord; 7, Rebut; 9, Sea; 10, Relations; 12, Testing time; 15, Trout stream; 17, Raingauge; 19, For; 21, Deans; 22, Officer. • Down: 1, Copes; 2, Ice; 3, Free; 4, Registrar; 5, Surname; 8, Tanner; 11, Returning; 13, Tasman; 14, Breaker; 16, Power; 18, Gift; 20, Bid.
Press, 17 May 1980, Page 14
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