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V SA-’. ■■ . ' : -i z /f M -_ No other car comes close to Corti nd. 'That's why V ’t* ew ea^anc^s mos * favoured car. And anything less. an a Cortina is exactly that... a whole lot less. es t r ‘ ve ew ea^anc^’s greatest car deal today. ''''^' Step into your Ford dealer and prepare yourself for an experience in jure unabashed European driving pleasure. Because we believe you’ve earned the right td drive the best. ”, .' r And that. ..is Er»v4 . •, Check out: The precision of European engineered 1600 or 2000 cc performance. ■.■ ' The economy of up to 7.7 litres per 100 km (36mpg)* ■HIBSHHSHKMHHHBHHHBiMHHHHHHHMI'' : —— ; —-— ' ' Sedans, wagons and the luxury Ghia. .><■ 7 :/• . Genuine European Formula styling and refinement j; |-QR|3 TEAM Stylishly crafted interiors in velour, cloth or vinyl.: ’ •0 _ jl I " — : r_ _ PALMER AND DOAK LTD LMVD. Rangiora, phone 7059, Amberley LUCAS BROS LTD, *-MVD r ; Blenheim, phone 5359. . Superb handling security and responsiveness,- «£ •». p- —’ ~~. ’ . Paoanui Branch ohone 525-916, Sydenham Branch, phone 33-171. TIMARU MOTORS LTD, Timaru, phone 3155. . Crystal dear instrumentation and finger-tip control. . ■ , ; S _ Toptrades and'the back-up of New Zealand’s Nd. 1 Pepler network. p.’JSK 1 tTO,iMVO - N "*"' *“* BM “’ ” cl,m<md Br '- C,i ' ShnlulS’y uiva ttss. The Extras, safety equipment and the resale values. DRIVE AHEAD WITH FORD —— : :—: : — ; RFP22O_
Page 11 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 14 May 1980, Page 11
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