Public Notices SELL youi stereo-equipment with- a quick-action Classitied advert. D THOUSANDS of • listeners thank • Christchurch-based ■ Radio Rhema for its Good . News and Good Music from 6 a.m. to noon every Week ■ day and from 6 a.m. -to, midnight every Saturday' arid Sunday. They invite .others to listen to 1575,kHz. 17 WE'RE -' lughiy ■ ypiimistie about our Classified ads. Shop our column’s and you’ll see-why’ ■■ ■ D WOULD Golf Cliib Captain who ordered pottery prizes ring Woodend 666. WOULD any person knowing the -present addresses of Joyce Alders, or her brothers, David -Mclntyre and Roy Mclntyre, please bring this advertisement to their notice, . or alternatively, write to Messrs Knapp, Pearmain, Botting and James. Solicitors, P.O. Box 203, Nelsen. WSI7 HENRV HUGHES. LTD. Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys. Patents and Trade Marks. Applied for in all countries. P.O. Box 828 Phone 69-664. 221 GLOUCESTER STREET. CHRISTCHURCH 1. ; MW Paparua I County Council PAPARUACOUNTY COUNCIL CLOSURE OF PARTS OF SPRINGS ROAD AND TANCREDS ROAD ; WORLD PLOUGHING CHAMPIONSHIPS PUBLIC notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Local Government Act 1974, andl its ariiendments, I, John Young Pethig, hereby declare that it is considered desirable that traffic should be temporarily diverted from the portions of roads , shown in the schedule below and will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the period indicated below. ROADS TO BE CLOSED Springs . Road between Tancreds and Robinsons Roads, and Tancreds Road between Springs Road and Birchs Road , . . PERIOD OF CLOSURE 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 17, 1980. J. Y. PETHIG. Countj’ Chairman. ’ SWI4 HOUSE PLANT PARTIES NOW Is the. time to organise Friends, Relations, Neighbours (and don’t forget your husband) to gather together for an evening. This is an opportunity to learn all about care anq maintenance of your house plants. Ring now for a booking 384-828 or 382-019.
I DOWNS NURSERY. LTD. WSTC ©Ministry of Works and Development S.H. 6 HAAST PASS SECTION TRAFFIC may expect delays of up to two hours betw’een 7 a.m. and- 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday on State Highway 6. Haast. Pass between Pleasant Flat and Gates of Haast Bridge. Normal daily times of road opening to all traffic will be 9.30 to 10 a.m.. 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. and 3 to 3.30 p.m. . P. F. REYNOLDS, District Commissioner of : Works. Christchurch. I ' '; ' WS3I .PARENTLINE . . through LIFELINE IS now accepting applications for-the next training course. Would you like to help other parents in your area? If so, please phone 328-153 or 893-274. or write to P.O. Box 1815, Christchurch. WSI7 HOW. D. F. QUIGLEY Will be Available to meet Constituents from the CHEVIOT. AREA On the afternoon of Friday, I May 16. at the Cheviot i County Office. i For appointments Phone Cheviot County Office. ' WSI4 , . ,
I WAIMAIRI COUNTY COUNCS. REFUSE PIT AS from SUNDAY, May 17, :charges at the Council’s tip at Sawyers Arms Road will be as follows:— - Cars and Station Wagons 50c Single axle Trailers $1.50 Commercial: Skip Trucks .. SB.OO Multi axle Trailers .. $B.OO Up to 2 tonnes . . $B.OO ! 2-5 tonnes ..’ St 6.00 Over 5 tonnes . $24.00 J. REID, County Office. County Clerk. FENDALTON. . HSWI4 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given, that the- Annual General. Meeting of the- Christchurch Branch of the New . Zealand Home Association will be held on 27.5.80 at 7.30 p.m. ■in the Conference . Room, at 'the. Sumner Redcliffs- R.S.A. Club. AGENDA ' Minutes. ■ Correspondence ; Election Of Officers and* Executive Committee, Notice of 'Motion. General Business, • (Signed) D: L. WEYER, I , Secretary-Treasurer.
Page 41 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 14 May 1980, Page 41
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