Auctions '' ’’x- ? ’ ' BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF GREAT INTEREST TO INVESTORS & OTHERS. 230 TUAM ST. "EDISON HALL" OPPOSITE HIGH STREET POST OFFICE. AMD BETWEEN MANCHESTER AND HIGH STS. FACES NORTH, CATCHES THE SUN! ZONED COMMERCIAL 4 AREA 225 SQ. METRES - (8.9 PERCHES). TOGETHER WITH ACCESS OVER RIGHT OF WAY. Improvements: TWO STOREY COMMERCIAL BUILDING OF DOUBLE BRICK ’ CONSTRUCTION, large window area. GROUND FLOOR: 155.15 square metres, consists of a modernised retail area occupied by substantial firm on a monthly tenancy, A dangerous goods store of 10.22 square metres, toilet facilities and a covered-in car parking area for several vehicles. THE FIRST FLOOR area being 155.15 square metres, complete with toilet facilities. Offers good workroom or warehouse accommodation. TO BE OFFERED IN OUR LAND AUCTION ROOMS, .131 WORCESTER STREET, THURSDAY 22ND MAY AT 2.30 P.M. ON BEHALF OF THE VENDOR. NOTE: This offers a rare opportunity to purchase such a property so placed in this ever popular easy access position, where, property values must increase in the future. For inspection and further details, please contact: FORD AND HADFIELD Orb: AUCTIONEERS, PHONE 797-830. Solicitors to the Vendor: Williams, Reed and McKenzie, 65-67 Worcester Street. Properties for Sale REDWOOD. Immaculate 4 bdrm family home featuring large lounge with feature fireplace, spacious separate dining room, modern kitchen, dble garage, plus private bricked courtyard. This is truly a magnificent property with quality chattels and sited on a private section. For genuine sale at only $41,500. Telephone Owners Agent, Philip Rotherham 488-781 a.h. 595015. Collins Real Estate, MREINZ.IS REDWOOD, sole agent, six bdrm Summerhill stone home with 2 toilets, 2 bathrooms. 2 showers, and large sep. diningroom, adjacent to spacious lounge with open fire and ranchsliders to terrace, good carpet throughout, ideal for livingin parents or larger family, on 38 perch (961 sq m) rear site with stream boundary and dble garage $51,500, makes this a rare buy. Ph. Mercer Real Estate, 66-917 MREINZ, a.h. 528-559, Jack. 14 REDWOOD. $41,500. 4 bdrm mod. Summerhill stone home, just 7 years old, with dble garage, in a beautiful cul-de-sac Very handy Main North Road. Features include very large sunny lounge with open fire, adjoining sep. dining room, excel, carpets and decor throughout. Vendors building' new home. Do not hesitate to view this immaculate new home. Early possession available. Phone Hector McPherson. 62-538, a.h. 588-761. Paslev Real Estate, MREINZ. MWI4 RETREAT RD. Outlook to lovely trees. 3-bdrm perm, material home in immaculate cond. Delightful lounge, separate dining, elevated tidy section. $28,500. Sole agent, Reg. McKenzie, Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ, 555-707, 555-708, a.h. 517-594. SMWI4 RICCARTON. $23,000 0.n.0. Retirement or first, home, sound little 2 bdrm bungalow on 900 sq m section, good carpets, newly painted and papered. Close to Clyde Road shops. Sole agents, Whittle Knight and Boatwood. Riccarton, 44-149 a.h. Norm Greenaway 31-719. WS2I ' RICCARTON, $27,500. A sparkling older style home on a sunny corner section. Big 24 x 12 lounge (beams and open fire), sep. dining and excellent kitchen. ■ 3 good sized bdrms plus all the usual amenities. Dual : hot water. For inspection gh. Whittle. Knight and oatwood. MREINZ, 44-149, a.h. lan Knight 487-275. SMWI4 0 SO 0-0 RICCARTON, $21,000. This attractive perm. mat. family home facing north, 2 dble bdrms and sun room could be third bdrm, spacious kitchen/dining with cosy lounge and single garage. Handy to shops and bus. To view phone the vendor’s sole agent. Douglas Wood, 796-280, a.h. 851-988. H. G. _Livingstone Lid, MREINZ. RICCIqRTO N~Pi reeL close Matipo St, $26,000. Sunny 2 bdrm (could be 3) plus sunroom, close all amenities, quarter acre section. Jonathon Carey 68-669. a.h. 516-161, McCrosties. MREINZ. ROIMATA, Sullivan Ave. Tidy 3 bdrm, lounge living room, early bungalow with pleasant interior. 34p section, garage G.V. $17,000 price $17,000 0.n.0. Owner keen to self, as moving from ChCh. Further details from owner’s agent, - Central Homes Ltd. 69-234 a.h. 265195 MREINZ. ROLLESTCN. Charming modern home, built to the sun, 3 dble bdrms each with own wardrobe, ranch sliders to sun patio and master bdrm, big lounge with vaulted ceiling and exposed beams, feature tapestry brick open fire and ranch sliders to sun patio, Shoji doors to spacious open plan dining/kjtchen area. 1 acre section with swimming pool and huge C.B. garage. $33,000. Ben Burton of Daniel J. Visser Real Estate MREINZ. 68-853 a.h. 499-295. ST ALBANS. Sound roughcast cottage on tiny sec- ; tion, only 1 minute to shops and buses, good carpets and wallpapers. Sacrifice at $14,500. St Albans Real Estate. Ltd. 67-129, a.h. 519575, Jim O’Hanlon, MREINZ. 14