Cars for Sale ESCORT 1300 XL, 1971, 1600 Cortina motor fitted. Freeflow and Weber carb, mags. Great performance. $3499. Select Autos, 58 Manchester St (next to Cokers). Ph. 66-193, a.h. 487-773. LMVD. FAIRLANE. 1974, 303 V 8 auto., p/strg, metallic gold, only 66,000 km, stereo. A real beauty. $7995 or $4300 dep. Don McNeill Mtrs, 55 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 483-969, a.h. 277-654, LMVD. ■■ ■ ■ FAIRLANE, 1972, ZF model. Radio and heater, dark metallic green, very original car. Look, only $4995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-199, a.h. 596-529. FAIRLANE 500, 1973. 303 VB, auto. Power steering, radio, vinyl roof, etc. Only 47,000 miles, $6695 or $4020 dep. Don McN'-ni Motor.:. 53 pic carton Rd, LMVD. Ph. —4BB-969 aJi. 331-067. nb n ■ FAIRLANE 500, 1970, 302 VB, 2 owners, new mags and tyres in immaculate condition. Best in town. $4795 or $2BBO dep. G. Dennison Ltd, 73 Stanmore Rd. Ph. 891-674 a.h. 792-857, LMVD. FAIRLANE ZD Dec. 1971, absolutely as brand new, 70,000 miles, motor fully reconditioned to be run in, reduced to sell at $4290, or $2580 dep. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 228-714, 69 Moorhouse Ave, LMVD. XFI7 FAIRMONT wagon, 4.1, 1980, XD auto, p/steer, delivery km only. Aust, assem. Every extra. Inquire now. Don McNeill Motors, 55 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 487-106, aJi. 277-664, LMVD. FAIRMONT Ghia XD, 308 VB, latest model. Only 9000 km. Copper bronze, power steering, air conditioning, electric windows, RADIO CASsette, deluxe trim, and tinted glass. A new car under new price. Prepared to trade. Ph. 517-497. FAIRMONT coupe, 1975, V 8 auto., mags, stereo, red with black trim, $7995. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph St (High St enr), Ph. 67-401, a.h. 518-510. LMVD. 14 FALCON 600, XR, 1967, radio, and heater, radials, towbar, etc., goes very well, overhauled. Bargain price $995. Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph St (High St enr). Ph. 67-401, a.h. 518-510, LMVD. 14 FALCON 500 XT, 1963. Seafoam blue with tan trim. Factory radio and heater. Genuine 84,000 miles. Compare at $1995. Marina Motors, 13 Nursery Rd (around enr Ferry-Nursery Rds). Ph. 60-666. LMVD. B S M B FALCON XR Stn Wagon. Excel, cond. all round. Just had recond. motor and is yet to be run in. A good buy for someone at $1995. 194 Waltham Rd. Gasson Mtrs 792-059: ai. 39-200. Open Saturdays. SWI4 FALCON Ute, 1970, blue with contrasting trim, drives well, only $2999 or $lOOO dep; $B7 per month. Stephen Jones Motors, Ltd, 360 Cashel St. Ph. 664)94; ab. 428-722. FALCON XA, 1974. Delightfully styled in deep purple with bone vinyl roof and tan trim. Aust, assem., bucket seats. 250 motor, auto, transmission. Great buying at $4290. Clyde Collins Motors, MVDI, 62 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-172, a.h. 855-611. I FALCON 500 XB late 1976 model, auto. Tango orange with tan trim, 90,000 km. excellent cond. Ph. 8298 Rangiora. WSI7 FALCON, 1967, XR. Drives very well, trade in special. $999. Fitzgerald Ave Car Court. Ph. 66-811. LMVD. FALCON, 1965, XP auto., lovely cond. Drives well. $1699. Select Autos, 58 Manchester St (next to Cokers), Ph. 66-193. a.h. 487-773, LMVD. FALCON, 1970. 80,000 miles, excellent cond. Best avail, at only $2495, $l5OO dep. The Motor Arcade Ltd, 167 Waltham Rd. Ph. 796-423. LMVD. FB Holden s/w, $7OO oji.o. Apply Flat 2, 264 Fitzgerald Ave after 5 p.m. FIAT 124 5-speed coupe, 1970, original cond. $3999 or $2400 dep. Car Market, Kaiapoi, Ph. Kaiapoi 6394, a.h. 429-293 Chch. LMVD. FIAT 128 SL coupe, 1975, 1 private owner. Factory mag wheels, red. Arriving Monday at Neate Mitchell Motors, 138 Victoria St, 67-391, a.h. 582-178. MVDI. FIAT 124, 1680 5 speed, Flat mags, radials, immaculate condition. $4OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 87-829 Nelson. WSI7 FIAT 125, 1970, finished in Hue with matching tan trim, $lOOO just spent on engine to be run in. immaculate condition. $2999. Marina Motors, 13- Nursery Road, (around enr FerryNursery Roads) Phone 60666. LMVD. FIAT 125, 1970. A good performer, tidy cond. Trade-in special. Compare at only $2195. Geoff Allin Motors, Ltd, Rga. Ph. 6611 or 6850 anv time, LMVD. XFI7 FIAT 850 coupe, 1971, orange, 56,000 miles, runs well. 3 month warranty. $2495 or $l5Oo dep. Smlthbum Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 64-057, a.h. 35-249. FIAT 128, 1978, 1 owner, , 34,000 km, pretty tan colour, immaculate all round order, $5895. 12 months, 20,000 km warranty. McLaren Motos, 108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940, a.h. 45-967, 288-966. 891-074. LMVD. 15 , FIAT 850 sports, 1971. Only 1 44,000 miles and very tidy cond. Value at $2799. Auto City, 217 Ferry Rd. FIAT 128, 1970, runs well. $1990. I*h. 69-475, Chch Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave, LMVD. . 15 FIAT 128-Bello, 1978 1 lady owner only 20,000 miles, sparkling blue with charcoal trim, as new cond. Compare our price, only $5699. Gordon McMillan Motors, enr Tuam and Madras St, Ph. 61-431, aJi. 382-237. FORD Galaxie LTD 1972. Factory right hand drive, every factory extra, ex Govt car. Immaculate black paintwork, unmarked. Dave Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742, LMVD. FORD Granada 3.0 Estate, 1972. English assem., manual, power steer, plus many other factory options. Exclusive station wagon. Quality Cars, 42 Manchester St, LMVD. BB B B FORD Falcon XC. 1977. 3.3 manual, only 60,000 miles. Best value in town at $5995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln and Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-199, a.h. 596-529. FORD Escort, 1968. Cheapest in town at $1995. In terrific cond. A bargain. First to see will buy at this price. The Motor Arcade Ltd, 167 Waltham Rd. Ph. 786-423. LMVD. _____ m [B B B FORD Zephyr V 6, 1971. This car has had only 3 owners and travelled a genuine 43,000 miles. Need we say more come and have a look for vourself. Priced to sell at $1695 at Gasson Motors 194 Waltham Rd. Ph. 792-059, a.h. 39-200. Open Saturdays. SWI4 FORD Escort 13 van, 1977. 23,000kni. This vehicle is as new in every way, fully carpeted and sound proofed, many extras. $6595. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940, a.h. 288-966. 45-967. 891-074. 12 months or 20,000 km warranty. 1$