CORTINA 1600 L, 1972, ming blue with tan trim, really I tidy order all round. $2999 at Auto City, 217 Ferry Rd. CORTINA 1600 E, 1970. Bronze metallic with tan trim, immac. cond. with fully overhauled motor just completed, first to see will buy. $3499. Inspect today. Cashel Fitzgerald Motors,, LMVD. 14 CORTINA 1.3, 1975, 34,000 km, radio, heater, great buying at $4795. Ray McLean MotI ors. 266 St Asaph St (High I St enr), Ph. 67-401, a.h. I 518-510, LMVD. 14 ine 65,000 miles. Receipts for engine overhaul, spotless cond. Inspect Ferry Fitzgerald Motors, 134 Ferry Rd. Ph. 793-162. MVDI. 15 CORTINAS, 4 superb examples to choose from. $2995, $1990, 1600 L, 2000 L plus 1973 2000 L, GT extras. AU with warranties and trade ins welcome. Inspect today, Cashel Fitzgerald Motors, LMVD. 14 CORTINA 2000 Estate 1976. Sought after, $4995. Carthy Motors, Ltd, 166 St Asaph St. Ph. 796-450 any time, LMVD. CORTINA 2000 auto.. 1976, 79,000 km, radio. $5395. Carthy Motors, Ltd. 166 St Asaph St, Ph. 796-450 any time, LMVD. CORTINA 1600 o.h.c. Genuine 51,000 km (30,000 miles), one owner, brand new cond. Radio and heater. $4999 or $3OOO dep. Car Market, Kaiapoi, Ph. Kaiapoi 6394, a.h. 429-293 Chch. LMVD. CORTINA 1.6 Station Wagon 1977, latest model. One owner, 48,000 km, Daytona yellow, excellent cond. throughout, $7995. Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. 1 796-980 a.h. 266-599, 883-516, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L Station Wagon, latest European model. White, tan trim, 1 owner, H.R.W., $6699. Neate Mitchell Motors, 138 Victoria St. Ph. 67-391 a.h. 582-178, MVDI. CORTINA Ghia 2.0 1977 automatic, only 27,000 km, red i with tan trim. $9599. At | Neate Mitchell Motors, 138 Victoria St. Ph. 67-391. a.h. 516-369. MVDI. CORTINA 1200 de luxe, blue, i goes exceptionally well. $1195. Bruce Reid Motors, Ltd, enr Moorhouse Ave and Selwyn St, Ph. 69-607, a.h, 228-574. Q B E B CORTINA Mk 3, 1971. 1600. Really tidy car, radio and heater, only $2850. Sydenham Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-199, a.h. 596-529. CORTINA 2000 GL. 1 owner, auto, trans, 47,000 miles, beautiful iridescent green with a luxurious beige draion interior. Buy now, only $7495. Sydenham Park Car Sales Ltd (opp. Sydenham Park), Ph. 35-668, a.h. 299841. Lmvd. CORTINA 1600 L, 1972. Original 70,000 mis, heater, immaculate in white with red trim. Absolutely immaculate. A beauty. Value at $2695. Dave Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742. LMVD. CORTINA GT 2000, 1973, auto, glistening white withfactory black vinyl roof, radio and heater etc., this popular sports saloon Is in mint condition throughout, $4499. Marina Motors, 13 Nursery Road (around enr FerryNursery Roads). Phone 60666, LMVD. CORTINA Mk 2, 1970, 77,000 miles, 2 owners, metallic bronze. $2499. Select Autos, 58 Manchester St (next to Cokers), Ph. 66-193, a.h. 487773. LMVD. CORTINA Mk 2, excellent condition, 2 owners. $lB5O. Ph. 856-179. CORTINA, 1968, Super. Very tidy, white with red trim. Look, special at $1895 or $ll4O dep. Phone 796-423. The Motor Arcade Ltd, 167 Waltham Rd. LMVD. CORTINA 1600, 1975, metallic paint, radial tyres, 1 owner. $3999. Stephen Jones Motors, 360 Cashel St, Ph. 66-094, a.h. 428-722, H B B CORTINA 2000 L, 1974. A nice tidy unit, travelled 49,000 miles. $4895. Sydenham Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln | Rd and Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-199, aR. 596-529. CORTINA 2.0 L, 1978. 1 owner, 26,000 km. Met. blue, radio, radials. A real beauty. $8495 or $5lOO dep. Don McNeill Mtrs, 55 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 487-106; a.h. 277-664. LMVD. CORTINA 1600 L, 1975, facelift model, 50,000 miles, Daytona yellow, a beauty at the right price $3990. Canterbury Cars, 97 Main South Rd, Upp. Rice. Ph. 488-043 a.h. John Hay 584-079 LMVD. CORTINA .Aut9, 1967, 44,000 miles, a very popular car for only $2299. Canterbury Cars, Ltd, 97 Main South Rd, Upp. Rice. Ph. 488-043 a.h. John Hay 584-079 LMVD. CORTINA Mk 2, 1600 reconditioned motor and clutch, radio $1990. Garden City Motons, 156 Ferry Rd. Ph. 62-261 a.h. 852-878 or 851-536 LMVD. CORVETTE Stingray '7O, I 350V8, 4 speed, bright red, low miles, $16,500. Garden city Motors. 156 Ferrv Rd. Ph. 62-261 a.h. 552-S7B or 851-536, LMVD. COKTINA 1600, 1974, 56.000 miles, red with tan trim, ' immac. cond., throughout, $3999 at Caprice Motor Court, 55 Ferry Rd. Ph. 61936, a.h. 381-096. LMVD. CORTINA 1600, 1974. Facelift model, only 51,000 kms. Daytona Yellow with tan trim. $4195 or 52520 dep. Trever Crowe Sales. 160 Ferry Road. Ph- 797-967; a.h. 585-612.