I Situations Vacant A RELIABLE PERSON FOR steam pressing, 1 day a week — Tuesdays — from 9 am. to 5 p.m. Will teach conscientious person. Apply: . DEANS SUIT HIKE, 610 Colombo St. ; _ i ADMINISTRATION OFFICER 1 THE position of Administration Officer for the Queen Elizabeth n Arts Council is shortly to become vacant. - The person will be responsible for internal accounting, financial reporting, the preparation of annual accounts, administrative servicing and the supervision of the Councils small clerical and secretarial staff. An accounting background, ideally with some experience of an arts organisation, an ability, to develop and maintain financial and administrative systems and some staff supervision experience, is required. ( Salary will be negotiable from $lO,OOO. Please write, providing full • personal and career details, 1 to: The Director, QUEEN ELIZABETH II ARTS COUNCIL, P.O. Box 6040, Te Aro, .•• • ■ WELLINGTON. Applications Close on FRIDAY, May 30, 1980. AGENTS AGENTS required to dis- . tribute health products. Remuneration by generous commission plus Incentives. PHONES 583-055. ALTERATION HAND A VACANCY exists in our tailoring workroom for a capable person, experienced in the alteration of men’s garments. Although a full time worker is preferred, we would consider part-time hours. Interested persons are invited to telephone 797-400 to arrange for an interview with the Personnel Officer. AN OPPORTUNITY ASSISTANCE required urgently. Temporary or per- , manent. No experience needled, good income and opportunity plus some travel. Must be keen, prepared to work hard and learn quickly. If vou can start immediately ■ Phone 64-538. AN OPPORTUNITY IN AUSTRALIA SENIOR PARTS SALESMEN Here is your chance to join our highly successful spare parts team. THE COMPANY YOU WILL WORK WITH Having been highly commended for their work by both Mercedes-Benz and Toyota, the men who form our spare parts team are : rare- so we at The Stewart Car ’ Company look after them. Their needs for good working conditions, long term security and commensurate remuneration are properly satisfied. Our facilities are second to none and our administration progressive, accordingly the desire to progress is not restricted but encouraged. Clients have responded to our- men to the extent that major building expansion, on line computerisation and an increase in quality personnel have become necessary. THE TYPE OF MEN WE NEED We have several vacancies for well qualified, senior parts salesmen for our phone room, front counter and ' workshop operations. The following attributes are most • desired: — 5 years experience with Mercedes-Benz or Toyota parts, — aged between 25 and 35 years, — a willingness to accept re- — A ° nS SD4CERE nd RESPECT FOR THE CLIENT IS PARAMOUNT. For more details in strictest confidence, please send your application to Mr. Norman Blair. 0 THE STEWART CAR COMPANY 175 Port Hacking Road, Miranda, Sydney 2228, AUSTRALIA. AVON SELLING CAN PUT SUNSHINE IN YOUR LIFE BORED by one grey day - after the next? Develop a sunny new aspect of yourself — as a n Avon Representative. Sell quality products, earn good money and have flexible hours too. For details, for City and North Canterbury areas, Phone: GRACE ADAIR. 325-703. City: SUZANNE ERNST, 882-833. BAR STEWARDS the ADMIRAL LODGE requires Bar Persons and Wine Stewards for casual work. Please Phone 899-014 for an appointment after 11 a.m. BOILERMAKER WELDER the above versatile person ■with low hydrogen welding experience is required for fabrication and welding work bv a structural steel contractor. Applv GEOFF BLACKBURN STEEL 1979 LTD. 125 A MACES SOAD, BROMLEY. : CAFETERIA V»ORK PERSON to work in cafeteria, North Beach Sunday and Monday. References required. Phon® 831-530.
Page 31 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 14 May 1980, Page 31
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