r "Hi KZI. Finance Ltd. I PER £NNUM FOR 2 YEAR TERM gj Also 13% per annum for 6 months U 14 1 /2% per annum ford year, 15% per annum for 3 years & s 14%.per annum for 4 & 5 year terms I ; INTEREST ON THESE SECURED | | DEBENTURES IS PAID QUARTERLY H & OR-COMPOUNDED IF PREFERRED. - Applications for debentures will proceed only on one of the. forms H of application referred to tri and issued with a printed copy of the IH ‘ S prospectus which may be obtained from any member of the Stock ® '• Exchange or any branch of Trie New Zeeland Insurance Company il B Limited or by posting this coupon to: rap N.Z.I. Finance limited, P.O. Box 1552, ' ' ■ ■ * ran . Hereford Street, Christchurch, Phone 61-972 m < H Please send me a copy of your new prospectus, gI Name —— • —li g Address 1. g.; ■||| Your account and all enquiries should be addressed to: '• m r Wk Mr R. A. Russell, N.Z.I. Finance Limited, P.O, Box 3350, . W, AUCKLAND. . imuran ram am ma I
In / ng;^ ny ' s Sendees ind nde * E*ecmo r and -r W -d - I ' •Attorney H-i’ ... or those |- I ■ ■ ■ I •TS"' T 4 te - a " n “ Mc i I Asklheadvice (7075 today oftheoneldi 1 you can trust Telephone or Call Pyne Gould Guinness Ltd (Trust Dept) Cnr Cashel and Manchester Streets, Christchurch. Telephone 798-600 and at Blenheim, Kaikoura, Darfield, Ashburton, ! Timaru, Geraldine and Waimate.
Warehousing nequired , - Richardson-Merrell Limited, an’international pharmaceutical company, wishes to establish a national distribution system to food and pharmacy outlets based on warehousing facilities in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We would envisage sharing either new or existing premises ‘with food—pharmaceutical companies which have excess space or wish to expand. We do not preclude companies which have facilities in only one or two of the three areas. We require approximately 5,000 square feet in Auckland and 3,000 square feet in Wellington and Christchurch. For further details please reply to: -Richardson-Merrell Limited P.O. Box 5861. Telephone 33-829 Auckland. Attention: Mr A. W. Thomas.
Page 26 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 14 May 1980, Page 26
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