• BKl z '^**Sfa £ || ‘ MmMM B \M I 11 ' - < z; x< ' s ’ ' - xxfix - BSi S. Ml I^MsNMM h &£> bv,&rr <' > tz Tdks. X? x MIMI E - I■ MB h •< ■ • xx X :isw»OHapMmMl i— < : fejj ?<- : '-xj x r xxxxaXmV-' IBMr '* 'Bl 111 B M r ■ VBl' ■ .. *fc a jw< xx^ \v/ ! ■ wO™mBF ■ w Bi te • -*o** ‘Aj ju> x J| ohmt x gSKgMK wp? jBKi ■ 0 «jL X; < ' ' 'Hu ■ EI A' . -'■■ ■ i -; - » • • ; <E ’"MiX >OWXOSS» 1000 a ? x- ?<;> ' ~ ; ;' r 1 1 1 W'lrii.XL. ■.’, ■ v x 31®?' w z \ \ '>' y\, > <• ”•' Mitoi < ( " - <<".X’V«-''-*~= "' /' Ax i '<>» IBB' ;J £>s' -feXw^BW^PA>X AAA M' K -*.w' ' ’ z< %c. ' ,o^ llE Z aMk.y ? / K ''/"'''' z? '?'’sVz z f' O KM ' /Z/' ' • \ W^ w ‘ z % ' s //'x,'” ' S<^^ vX '"" >JV*<* '’•* ■ I 13 Kfe-. y 'grp'XffX': •XX '.±'»y»igr -XSx I HM MM'mir^Tr-■-■!-■ ■■ ■ t-4*x. . < - I Kc BRI «i»li»wiil BB HI * ,-x-.-. . r; ■■■■■■®MBB««B«HHM®KaBHSSBffIKB«MBBii .” ... xmfe««>.vs ..n-«.-.'A>.?>. uat;W .;; X£’ ft’s a.solid vegetable oil which fries light and crisp. 11 ', s ' ft’ s a solid vegetable oil which light and moist. *X ’■ F' '« ' / ' - ■ ■■■'; ’ - :i g-.:'- ?• ’ r nt. <i.» x t .t?Br. < Jatas? '«:< »>» ' < , y . !• '■<■■■ .. ■■■ ■ ■•' ~ .Wfx . "AA U" - '• ’> ’'■'/ “’’ '‘ ' v : ‘■ ’ • ''" '■ • . ' ■ """' *" UVu '****^*ftW»»»<»«**4»f<»*V***’ *"*** A** 1 **vtf S *^** rLI . . .<•-'. . t ’".■ X’ • ■*■* .’ • ’•*..*'-••,. »• 'v'.’ k . '., ' ;’■ .• .’„ <"'_*• ■• I .’ iUxx- —’■ • • A •*' ■’ -| . .. t : ■■.'■■ 'x \ 7?’. /,? Z/ Announcing the amazing new way to * 1 * “f 11* 1 ® Z® 3 ® ■■■•..'■•, ' ;■'. lighter baking and crisper trying- •_ .j- ; • ■ • f . • -., , I .-•- ’ ..’ .«/. " ' .• ’ . \ .XZS - ’■* ■'■ ; ' . j AZ< < -;i- \»• Abels Vegeiable Shortening f "~ " ~ ture less fat is absorbed into the food. So there’s can keep it in its own tub (with the lid on) or Abels Vegetable Shortening no greasy after-taste; no lingering unpleasant in any other closed container. is an amazing new way to better cooking. smehs. f It bakes as well as it fries. Because it doesn’t bum or smoke so g» « --« «»««»»™ «« ■■« — ■ ■»,\f • — easily, Abels Vegetable Shortening will give | KfiFP RECIPEJ yoxs tnoie \yse. You can use it again and again 1 " Why you get lighter baking. Your cakes usithout it becoming discoloured or sticky. i This free bookofso«atj. y and biscuits will bake lighter and have a deli- ' . ~. , .' . I wf y ™SvS dous open texture because Abels Vegetable .. p “ re J natura l. Abels B shortening, in 32 pag «rt CT «re«dn« for baking .nd j shortening is specially processed to beat up Vegetable Shortening is a 100. per cent vege- , ' X quickly and smoothly. So blending is easier. In tabk product with no animal Mno added | this «„ po „ to: . Rccip e Book, P.O. Box 76-072 I i XJ: ' pastry,, the texture is lighter, wil a mouth- nulk. It is formulated from pure, natural palm , Mantta city, Auckland. , . : watering crispness.. Crewing is easier too. - oJ-The low melung point of p.aim ed seals , , ' _ I : 7 , . food raster, makes it better tasting ana more | , 1 ; . .- >: ■< Why you get crisper frying. Pan-fried easily digested. - | A “ ‘ ”~ I x . ■ ,j x - and. deep-fried foods come out crisper when ; Abels Vegetable Shortening keeps per- 0 Abels Vegetable Shortening. .... I you use Abels Vegetable Shortening? fecdy refrigeration. To save valuable I Bakes as well as it fries. cp ® ia . oiM By keeping to the correct frying• tempera- ’fridge space, just let it cool after use andyoU ryL w «m ; «9 w. w m m -mlw
Page 9 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 7 April 1980, Page 9
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