Coal, Coke, Firewood A bag, boot, trailer, ex milL Wood, coke, fast, slow coal. Monday-Friday or Saturday 9-5 pun. 114 Sawyers Anns l Road. D ■ A cosy coal fire is yours, call , in for your coal, coke and firewood, open 8 a.m. to 5-30 ■ p.m. weekdays and 8 : a.m. till noon Saturdayi mornings. Burnwell Coal and Hardware, drive i through Coal Depot,- 314 Waterloo Road, Islington, next to Hornby/Islington Garden Centre, Ph. 497-498. MWFS AAH. Open 7 days for all your coal, coke, wood and kindling requirements. Can- , ning Superette, 62 Springs Road, Christchurch 4, Ph. 497-222. 7 ATTENTION: Open as usual — dry firewood; trucks, trailer’s, car boots etc, my trailer's free useage. Open all holidays — Sundays too. 7 Jordan St (off Hastings St), Sydenham. Ph. 66-535. BAGGED wood, split pine, dry offeuts, Blue Gum, Manuka, . prompt delivery. Ph 488-839 or 487-635. D BAGS of coal, coke and firewood. Bins of blocks, splits, and slab delivered to city and suburbs. You ring, we bring. Phono 68-857 now. • ■ MWS 00 ® B COAL bins, all sizes, delivery and erection available. Ph. 66-815. Sydenham Concrete Products. D COAL; Beat March price rise. All types including Oh al, Linton, Strongman and Spacemaster. Also i coke and kindling. For prompt deliveries phone , 488-839 or drive into our yard, Maddens and Richards, (1979), Ltd, 42 Bienheim Road (opp. Addington Sale Yard Bridge). D MANUKA firewood cut to i your specifications. You can have delivered to your ; back door within 7 days of your order. Only $65 per cord. Hurry now and stock for this winter and for the next. We deliver to Chch and suburbs. Order now at 388-505 or 884-420. 30 Television ALL TV repairs guaranteed at Electrical Construction. Phone 60-178 any time. D COLOUR TV Hire. 22m, $5.60 week, 26in, $6-6.25 wk, plus licence, 90c week. B/W $2, licence 55c week. Payable 4 weekly. Phone 841-584. D COLOUR television, second hand — why risk your money on an old second hand colour TV when you can buy a Sanyo, Pye, National or Philips colour from $lOO dep. H.P. or up to 5 months at cash price, with guarantees up to five years at no extra cost, or phone for a no obligation free home trial or rent for as little as $27.75 deposit. Phone the Specialists, Noe! Leeming TV, Ltd, Ph. 33-728 any time day or night. D HIRE or buy colour TV, delivery within the hour. Com- • petitive prices, only new and latest models hired, deposits from $27.75. Phone the colour specialists now for a no obligation free home trial. Noel Leeming TV. Ltd. Ph. 33-728 any time day or night. D Tenders SWIMMING pool excavation. Advice and quote. Ph. 227922, Musgrove. MWS ' ® New Zealand Forest Service N.Z. FOREST SERVICE AERIAL SPRAYING—-ROTORUA-TAUPO AREA TENDERS are invited for the 1980/81 aerial spraying releasing programme in the following forest: dessication programme to be advertised at a later date. Helicopter FOREST (ha.) Kaingaroa 2500 Waimihia 137 Lake Taupo 604 Wairakei 30 Mamaku 32 Rotoehu 89 Whaka 134 Total 3526 ha. This programme will be spread over the period August 1, 1980, to January 31, 1981. Tenders to be submitted as a price per hectare for each job number and the , work commenced and completed as indicated In the conditions of tender. Further details, and .conditions of tender may be obtained from the Conservator of Forests, P.O. Box 1340, or the following district offices: ] Taupo. Tauranga. 1 Tenders close on Friday, : April 18, 1980, at 4 p.m., with i the Conservator of Forests, i P.O. Box 1340, Rotorua, and ' should be forwarded in a ' sealed envelope marked : “Aerial Spraying. Rotorua- 1 Taupo Area. 1980/31.” i The lowest or any tender ( not necessarily accepted. New Zealand Mix Forest Service N.Z. FOREST SERVICE AERIAL SPRAYING—GISBORNE/EAST COAST AREA TENDERS are Invited for the 1980/81 aerial spraying release ing programme in the following districts: Dessication programme will be advertised at a later date. Helicopter FOREST (ha.) Wharerata 335 Tokoinaru 548 Ruatoria 428 Total 1311 This programme will be spread over the period April 22. 1980, to September 30, 1980. Tenders are to be submitted as a price per hectare for each job number and the work commenced and completed as indicated in the conditions of tender. Further details and conditions of tender may be obtained from the Conservator of Forests, P.O. Box 1340, Rotorua, the Officer in Charge of the relevant forests, or the District Office, Gisborne. Tenders close on Friday, April 18, 1980, at 4 p.m. with the Conservator of Forests, P.O. Box 1340, Rotorua, and should be forwarded in a sealed envelope marked “Aerial Spraying GisborneEast Coast Area 1980-32.” The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Public Notices SELL your stereo equipment with a quick-action Classified advert. D WE'RE highly optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop ' our columns and you’ll see why! D HANGI . HANGI APRIL 7 (EASTER MONDAY) SERVED AT 4.30 IN ROLLESTON TAVERN CAR PARK Adults $1.50 — Children $1 per plate. Proceeds to:— ROLLESTON MARTIAL . ARTS CLUB.
Page 21 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 7 April 1980, Page 21
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