Situations Vacant ' DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR ■ ADVISORY OFFICER/ ASSISTANT ADVISORY OFFICER (WOMEN’S EMPLOYMENT) HEAD OFFICE A VACANCY exists in the department for an • advisory officer to specialise in women’s employment. Duties include servicing the National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women, the preparation of background information for the Council, and the production of publicity material on women’s employment. Applicants should be graduates with an interest in women’s issues. Further details may be obtained by contacting *' Alison Green on telephone 737-800, extension o/O Applications quoting Vacancy No. 2274 should be forwarded on Forms PS 17A (available from . any Post Office) to the Secretary of Labour, Pri- ■ vate Bag, Wellington by Wednesday, April' 16, 1980. CHEMICAL ENGINEER CHEMICAL CLEANING, LTD, is a major supplier of bulk chemicals to all facets of industry throughout New Zealand utilising shipping and road ana rail tankers. In addition the company operates a services division responsible for chemical cleaning of all forms of industrial equipment from boilers to hydraulic systems. A vacancy has recently risen within this division for a chemical engineer in his mid 20s, to undertake various tasks within our team of contract engineering staff. Primary employment will be in the field of on-site contract chemical cleaning, at various industrial complexes within New Zealand initially in the capacity of an understudy to our more experienced personnel, however, considerable scope exists within the company for advancement. The successful applicant will also be required to assist our design engineer in the preparation. of contractural and plant engineering design. An attractive salary is offered with pleasant working conditions. Interested parties should apply in writing to:— THE CONTRACTS MANAGER, CHEMICAL CLEANING (SERVICES) LTD, PRIVATE BAG, MOUNT MAUNGANUISOUTH MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION SERVICING INDUSTRY AN OPPORTUNITY to manage a team in a field allied to the construction industry. The reward basis is generous and includes use of a company vehicle. To . qualify for consideration you would probably be in the 30-45 age group, be a self motivated person with a sound knowledge of the heavy construction industry and possessing a good backgrond in man-management with a good appreciation of the importance of good public-relations. This' important position calls for an ability to sell the company’s services, tender prices, control all work flow and the use of all plant involved. To secure an initial confidential interview please telephone our receptionist on 799-060 or write “Construction,” C/- P.O. Box 450, Christchurch. /7T\ Ministry of Works u!/ and Development TONGARIRO. POWER DEVELOPMENT IST GRADE WELDERS VACANCIES EXIST for experienced Ist Grade Welders. Good working conditions. • Generous allowances paid. Applicants must hold or be capable of passing an all position welding certificate test of NZS 4711 in mild steel. Single accommodation is immediately available. at a later date. Further information-regard-ing rates of pay, general conditions, and accommodation are available from and all applications containing details of qualifications and working experience should be addressee!, to: Project Industrial Officer, Ministry of Works and’ Development, • Private Bag, Turangi. MANAGING PHARMACIST A QUALIFIED and experienced pharmacist is required to manage a Timaru city pharmacy. All inquiries and applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Replies to: • Timaru Herald, A. 1133 Timaru, or phone collect 3327 Timaru. TRAVEL MANAGER CHRISTCHURCH A VACANCY HAS ARISEN for an innovative and dynamic person well experienced in the New Zealand Travel Industry with a sound basic knowledge of I.A.T.A. fare construction and ticketing and with proven supervisory and sales experience to manage our . Retail Trave) Office situated at 91 Worcester Street, Christchurch. To be directly accountable to our Travel Manager New Zealand, the appointee will be responsible for ensuring growth and profitability, staff training and development and promotion of the company’s activities generally. The preferred age range is 25-40 yearsA good salary is offered and membership of the Company’s Superannuation Scheme incorporating Medical Benefits, is available after a qualifying period. Applications setting out. full details of age, marital status, qualifications and experience, positions previously and currently held, interests, availability, etc., to close at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 11, 1980, should be addressed: “TRAVEL MANAGER VACANCY,” PERSONNEL MANAGER, THE MOUNT COOK GROUP, LTD, PRIVATE BAG, CHRISTCHURCH.
Page 18 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 7 April 1980, Page 18
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