Canterbury J. C. selections
T.A.B. double: races 6 and 8. T.A.B. treble: races 5, 8 and 10. T.A.B. quinellas: races 9 and 10. On-course jackpot: races 2,3, 5, 9 and 10.
' BEST BET ; RACE 1 S. D. CALDWELL OTAGO COR'SPOND'T MOST FAVOURED J. J. BOYLE W. R. CARSTON W. F. DUGGAN j 11 a.m.— 1 OPAWA HIGHWEIGHT Kindie Najeeb Sounds Good Sounds Good Kindie Najeeb Najeeb Kindie. Sounds Good Kindie Sounds Good Najeeb Kindie Najeeb Yakcam Kindie 11.40 a.m— X COURTENAY NO. 1 Beach Bird . Mystic Light Purple Velle Bijou Lad Paddv Beaufort Xasushi Bijou Lad Saba Ribbon Purple Velle Saba Ribbon Beach Bird Bijou Lad _ Purple Velle Bijou Lad Beach Bird Bijou Lad »> 12.15 p.m— AUTUMN NURSERY Our Silver Just a Rebel Athos Just A Rebel Our Silver Athos Just A Rebel Athos Our Silver Just A Rebel Our Silver Lucky Chance Our Silver Silver Monarch Athos Just A Rebel 4 12.50 pjn— 4 COURTENAY NO. 2 Sir Ebony Boulder City Sovereign Charles Princess Leanne Sovereign Charles Boulder City Sovereign Charles Actress Princess Leanne Sovereign Charles Princess Leanne Sir Ebony Sir Ebony Sovereign Charles Actress Sovereign Charles r* 1.25 p.m— PREBBLETON HCP. Pennianne Karozshah Wat’s to Come Pennianne Karozshah Spritelv Miss Pennianne Flying Gang Karozshah Pennianne My Lisa Leigh Karozshahr Pennianne Tire Listener Flying Gang Pennianne z; 2.5 p.m— 0 GREAT EASTER Spy Force Scotch Mist Flying View Flying View Scotch Mist The Fantasy Spy Force Flying View Scotch Mist Spy Force* Scotch Mist. Flying View Master Grey Flying View Spy Force Spy Force 2.45 p.m.— / PAPANUI HCP Another Story Spv Troup Timax Flying Ribot Another Story In The Clear Another Story Big Dan Timax Spy Troop Timax Hi Chara Another Story Timax In The Clear . Another Story O 3.25 p.m.— O GREAT AUTUMN Her Greatest Firpo Miles Better Her Greatest Candyboy Blue Defence Her Greatest Blue Defence Varnamo Her Greatest Varnamo Miles Better Her Greatest Mlles Better Candyboy Her Greatest O 4.5 p.m— V s.l. 3-YEAR-OLD STAKES Double d'Or* Hiwinui Firefly Double d'Or Firefly Double Trouble Double d'Or* Firefly Concordia Double d'Or Firefly Concordia Double d'Or* Concordia Mr Coaster Double d'Or 1 04.45 p;m— ill MERIVALE HCP ' Latchmi Dancer Boy Dell ana Latchmi Brigadier Dancer Bo v Latchmi Dancer Boy Grey Flight Latchmi Dancer Boy Kapai Kapai Mister Dee Jay Dolmar Latchmi
Canterbury J. C. selections
Press, 7 April 1980, Page 14
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