Public Notices WAIMAIRI , COUNTY COUNCtt. METROPOLITAN GRANTS A MEETING of representatives of Metropolitan Local Authorities will be held in February, 1980, to consider applications for grants from metropolitan organisations. These must be from organisations seeking assistance on a metropolitan basis. Other applications for grants of a local nature should be made to the individual local authorities who will consider these separately. Twenty copies of submissions are required for distribution to the Local Authorities concerned and should be submitted by January 31. 1980. to:— County Clerk, WAIMAIRI COUNTY COUNCIL, Private Bag, FENDALTON. SWI9 NEW ZEALAND MEAT PRODUCERS’ BOARD ELECTION OF PRODUCERS’ REPRESENTATIVES IN accordance with the provisions of the Meat Export Control Act, two producers' representatives on the New Zealand Meat Producers’ Board will retire this year. Nominations of candidates to fill these two vacancies will be received at the Board’s office up to noon on February 20. 1980. Specimen forms of nomination may be had on application to the undersigned or from Povincial Secretaries of Federated Farmers of New Zealand. M. W. CALDER. Returning Officer. NEW ZEALAND MEAT PRODUCERS’ BOARD, P.O. Box 121. Wellington. OTAGO SHEARING AND WOOLHANDLING COMMITTEE N.Z. WOOLHANDLING CHAMPIONSHIPS OTAGO SHEARING CHAMPIONSHIPS BALCLUTHA FEBRUARY S-9, 1980 N.Z. Woolhandler of the Year — prize money $525. N.Z. Junior Woolhandling Championship — prize money $235. N.Z. Shearing and Woolhandling Teams Championship — prize money $3OO. Otago Open Shearing Championship — prize money $525. Otago Senior Shearing Championship t- prize money $295. Otago Intermediate Shearing Championship — prize money $l9O. Entries close Wednesday, January 30. Entry forms available on application from— The Secretary. P.O. Box 181, Balclutha. AN EXHIBITION OF WILDLFE PAINTINGS by SHAUN WITSEY ARTS CENTRE Gallery 1 and 2 (beside bookshop) JANUARY 19-27 including week-end. Hours; 10 a.m. td 7 p.m. THE 25-45 CLUB ARE holding their Annua) General Meeting on Saturday, January 19, at the Shirley Community Centre, 7.30 p.m. All members are cordially invited to attend, WFIB COLOUR THERAPY HERBALIST OSTEOPATH NATUROPATH ZONE THERAPY MR H. W. I. LE PAGE, E.A., D.Sc., will be in Westport, Greymouth, Timaru, Ashburton, Christchurch; for an appointment write to Box 101, Palmerston, Otago, enclosing vour phone number for contact, before February 1, 1980, or phone 328 Palmerston. HEALTH SUPPLY, LTD, For herbal remedies price list send stamped addressed envelope.
Page 27 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 16 January 1980, Page 27
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