BOWER TAVERN HOUSIE TONIGHT | 7.30 p.m. t $27 OR MORE PAID EVERY 4 HOUSE • S 3 for 30 houses. • Free S5O flag jackpots. • Giveaways. • Silent Lines. • Great Raffies. • Heated Lounge.
Properties Wanted AVONSIDE, Burnside or near. Genuine request for 3-4 bedrom perm, material, for buyers, finance arranged to $47,000. Prompt, courteous attention assured. Phone Lynette or Don Peebles, Manchester Homes, MREINZ. 60-063, a.h. 489-OG9. 17 BISHOPDALE, North-west. Urgently required, $25,000 to $40,000! As local agents we are receiving calls from prospective buyers every day. If you are considering sell could you please Phone me now! Prompt inspection assured! Ken Adie, Papanui Estate Agency, 529455 a.h. 389-918, MREINZ. TWHSI9 BISHOPDALE. If you wish to sell your home and are seeking advice without obligation, please contact Sherris and Robertson Ltd, Eendalton Mall, 517-067., a.h. Robert Svme 227-886, MRENZ. MWFIB BLOCKS of permanent material 2 bedroom flats required for genuine buyers, most areas are of interest. Contact John Berryman 799596 a.h. 858-117 Rathie James and Co., MREINZ. WHSI9 BRIGHTON area, clients seek variety of properties in this vicinity. McNeill and Partner, MREINZ. Ph. 67-673, a.h. 382-289. BRIGHTON north or central, 4 bdrm or 3 bdrm and sleepout perm. mat. home required, must be spacious with open fire. Clients will redecorate. Finance arranged to $38,500. If your home may suit please Ph. Peter Nash of De Vere and Clothier, MREINZ, 50-101, a.h. 883-124. WFST22 BRIGHTON, central, north or south, my client requires a two or three bdrm house or cottage, does not mind doing repairs. Finance is arranged. My client is keen to buy. Please Phone me now, Peter Nash of De Vere and Clothier. MREINZ, 50-101, a.h. 883-124. • WFST2B BROOKLANDS, Spencerville, Marshland. I have client requiring a property up to $60,000. Ph. Stephen Genet of Daniel J. Visser. MREINZ, 67-297, a.h. 298-709 or Spe. 709. .17 ■ B ■ D BURNSlDE— through to Redwood ($30,000-$37,000). Cash buyer requires a good modern 3 bdrm home. Immediate inspection and decision. Transferred and keen to settle in a pleasant home. Please phone Les Jarvis 62105 any time. Beasley, Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ. Our yearly turnover is $17,000,000 p.a. BUKNSIDE High zone: 4 bdrm equivalent, quality weatherboard or permanent material family home. Our client prepared to redecorate. Urgent. Phone 65-231 any time: Beasley, Packard and Chamberlain, MREINZ, Grahame Felton. 16 BURWOOD or surrounding areas, a 3 bdrm home up to $30,000. Ph. L. Williamson, George Grant and Co., 886606 or 894-697, MREINZ. BUYER with $70,000 requires 3 bedroom home on a large secluded section or on a few acres close to Christchurch. Possession to suit vendor. For immediate inspection please Ph. Brian Brown. 792-120. a.h. 227-u.iZ, Sherris and Robertson, Ltd. MREINZ. 18 CASH buyer up to $lOO,OOO for small holding close to the city. Must have good home. If you are thinking of selling contact Wrightson N.MA Ltd. MREINZ. Ph. 460 a.h. Gorman 427-842. WSI9 BB B Q CASH buyers: Two widows whose properties we have sold are waiting for single storey ownership flats within easy distance of buses and shops in Merivale or Fendalton. Price range, $35,000-845,000. If you can assist please contact Bridget Chapman, Warwick Todd Ltd, MREINZ, 799-910, a.h. 559-537. WSI9 CASHMERE, lower, property required in select established area, would prefer the following; Double garage, perm, mat., 3/4 bdrms, open fire preferred. section size over 26 perches. Does not mind redecorating. Finance is arranged to 545,000. If your home may suit please Ph. Peter Nash of De Vere and Clothier, MREINZ, 50-101, a.h. 883-124. WHFT24 FENDALTON School area, young couple transferred to Christchurch, presently renting, require 4 bedroom home with good section, preferably perm, mat., but would consider weatherboard In good cond. In $50,000 to $55,000 bracket. Ph. Kay Lyons. 43-242 any time, Kazukaitis Real Estate. MREINZ. 515-056. 16 FIRST home buyers with finance arranged to $30,000 require 3 bdrm home anywhere in the north-west area. Long possession date could be arranged. Phene Colin Hannah. Riccartan Real Estate, MREINZ. 487-029, a.h. 518-536. 17