Auctions I Reminder Notice i CLEARING SALE DARHELD OF ! I Furniture and Effects and ! Surplus Tearooms Plant ON ACCOUNT OF MESSRS D. M. & G. R. UNDERWOOD, DARFIELD ON Saturday, January 19, 1980 COMMENCING AT 10 A.M. ] For full particulars please see last Saturday’s, January 112. 1980, issue of “The Press." ■ CHRISTCHURCH ! —I I Properties for Sale i 1 REEFTON. Old "Engiisi~styie ‘ cottage, all chattels sold i with house, 5.14,000 0.n.0.] ! Prone 548 Reefton. 16 RICCARTON - UPPER, $31,950, sparkling permanent material bungalow home close to Catholic Church and Church Corner. Beautiful neutral tone carpet throughout, elegant lounge with open fire, adjoining separate dining room, bathroom with vanity and shower, 2 double bedrooms plus sewing room, new block double garage. Beautiful garden ideal for keen gardener. Super retirement home. Pli. sole agent 62-699 a.h. 62-267 Jan] Jackson at Christchurch Real Estate (Carlton), MREINZ. . 17 i RICCARTON (Pieton Ave) I $21,959, early bungalow, completely redecorated I interior plus new carpets i throughout, new bath and I vanity and insulated with j, batts, inspection a must, exterior needs painting, owner moving to Australia. Terrific potentlM for first home or investment. 2 double bedrooms, 2 livingrooms, just offered. Ph. r.ruce Malcolm, Riccarton Real Estate, 437-029 a.h. 519654 MRELNZ. 17 BBSS ROBERTA DRIVE. New listing! Elegant retirement home, on superbly laid out section, this property would satisfy the most fastidious buyer seeking a luxury home in this treelined award winning street, large lounge with open fire, sep. dining room, mod. kitchen plus dinette, 2 largo bedrooms, enjoying all day sunshine. $46,59(1. Sole agent, Lindsav Dove of Peter Wilson. Ltd, MREINZ, Phone 325-995 or 327287 a.h. .18 ROLLESTON, we have several permanent material homes in lire $25,060 to $35,000 price range, some with finance available. Inquiries welcome. Ph. Trevor Monk, Cathcart and Turnbull Ltd, MREINZ. 793-414, a.h. 595213. ROLLESTON, delightful 3 bedroom modern home, large lounge with feature fireplace, spacious scp. dining room /with french doors to utterly private courtyard and beautiful, easily maintained garden. Large single concrete block garage and sleepout. 1/4 acre. A most attractive property, $31,950. Ben Burton of Daniel J. Visser Real Estate. MREINZ. Ph. 68-853 a )i JOO-VOS st' ALBANS ST (just off). $25,500. Sunny 3 bdrm dining/llving, both separate, with open fires, dual hot water, spotless throughout. Few mins walk Merivale or Edgeware Villages. Jonathan Care.v, Ph. 68-669 a.h. 516-161: McCrostie’s, MREINZ. MWI6 ST ALBANS, weatherboard and new decra roof, 3 bedroom home with huge living areas including ' dining room, family room, lounge, sunroom and self contained flat with 2 bedroom lounge and kitchen and bathroom. This property set on -W perch requires some paint and paper but a great buy for only $33,000 0.n.0. The flat is at. present returning $25 a week. Pit. Hazel Baty, Mercer . Real Estate, MREINZ, 66-917 a.h. 488-006. ST ALBANS, a popular area and Ji popular style of older home. This property features separate dining, two bedrooms plus sunroom, wood panelling, leadlight windows and recent floor coverings. A well cared for home in an attractive setting, realistically priced at. $29,950. Ph. Hawkins Real Estate. MREINZ, 41-293 a.h. 515-070. ST ALBANS, $1,1,500 0.n.0. 3-4 bedroom home Ideal for handyman, set on elevated tree studded property with stream boundary, huge lounge with beautiful fireplace and large sunroom overlooking stream and garden. Ph. Hazel Baty, Mercer Real Estate, .MREINZ, 66-917 a.h. 488-006. WSI9
B Q ■■ B ST ALBANS, Knowles Street, $28,300. Attractive 3 bedroom weatherboard home, spacious living areas, new wallpapers and new onetone carpet throughout. Garage. Phone-St Albans. MREINZ, 67-129, a.h. 519-575. Jim O’Hanlon. St’’aCbANs7 ~~"knowieiT - 'SL Very sound w'board bungalow on excellent high and dry section but requiring some redecoration. Some near new earpet. Washing machine and Magicoal heater and surround. Owner having to sell through ill health. Price is $26,950 0.n.0. Your opportunity to increase the value, of property and including your own' colour of paint and wallpapers. Phone sole agents. Everest Real Estate, LREA, 68-532 or a.b. 554-312. SWI6
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