Cars for Sale MINI “S”, 1976, Australian assembled, one owner, 33.500 km. ex condition, radio, light blue_ 54600. Phone Spencerville 728. MINI 850. 1966. Tidy and original, drives well, blue with red trim. 51595, $960 dep. Mecca Motors, enr Colombo and Peterborough Sts. Ph. 799-575. a.h. 266-271. LMVD. MINI 1000. 1976, lovely red and travelled only 39,000 miles. A.A. test, any test invited. $3195. Caprice -Motor Court. Ph. 61-936. MVDI. MINI 850, 1970. immac. little petrol miser, finished tn powder blue and travelled onlv 44.000 miles. 52195. Caprice Motor Court. 55 Ferry Rd. Ph. 61-936. LMVD. MINI 1000, 1976, one local owner bold as brass, in exceptional condition. $3/Jo. N.Z.M.C. Rangiora. Phone 8334 or Chch Direct line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 8020, 8217 Rga- LMVD. MINI, late 1971, 850. Two owners. 43,000 miles, blue with fawn trim. Immac. cond. 52295. Brian Thorne Motors. 7 Dickens St, Ph. 382-661. LMVD. MINI 1000, 1978. One owner, 26.000 km. in new condition, radio, etc. 54799. N.Z.M.C.. I 141 Gloucester St. Phone! 790-020, a.h. 836-700. 595-650. Open Saturday, 9-1 p.m. LMVD. XHI9; MINI Cooper. 1969, Mk IL! English factory model,. front discs. rally seats,, Dunlop Mini-lite mags,] radio and heater, immaeu-| late. Combines perfor-l mance with economy. Ph.; 5100, Rangiora. I MINI 1000 1977, low miles, I burnt orange and beauti-i fully kept, new year price | of 54199. Auto City. 217; Ferry Rd MINI 1000. 1975. One lady j owner, 14.000 miles, as new.! 53999. Taylor Hay Motors, 110 Lincoln Road, Phone 384-964. a.h. 880-174. Inquire about our no dep,, 5 vears to pay, finance plan. MINI Clubman 1100. 1976, 38,000 km. Sparkling red with contrasting interior. A wee gem and only $4195 at Cable Price Toyota. 385 Colombo St. Ph. 797-843; a.h. 427-451. 19 MINI LE. 1978. Luxury limited edition model, one owner. 17,000 km, new condition throughout. 54995. On display now at Archibalds. 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. [ 796-980. a.h. 266-509. 883-516.' I LMVD. I MINI G.T., 1275 c.c., 1979.: Brown broze. cloth trim, { only 10.000 km. as new. I $6200. Blackwell Motors.; Hoi'nbv, Ph. 499-144. a.h.; 44- 324-216. I MIN I van, custom paint,; rear seat. $BOO dep. to ap-j proved purchaser. Lincoln : Autos. 376 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 389-896. MINI de luxe, 62.000 miles, pretty blue, great second car. Look. $1299. Lincoln Autos, 376 Lincoln Rd, Ph. 389-896. MINI 1000. 1978. 28,000 km, ex rental, radio, heater, Bracken orange duco, chestnut trim. 54190. Tench Bros, Ph. 790-631, a.h. Phone 791-816. MINI 1000. 1970. 62,000 miles, heater, wind up windows, lovely original blue with tan trim. Mechanically Al. Immaculate, original condition. Value! at $1695. Dave Mitchell I Wholesale. 110 Riccarton: Rd, Ph. 45-742. LMVD. IMINI 1000, 1974. 57,0011 km; <35,000 miles), white with I blue trim, 3 owners. Only $2790 full price, available ; on low deposit and easy; terms. Ron Rutherford | Cars, 198 Yaldhurst Road.! Ph. 427-898. a.h. 497-317.1 429-186. MVDI. WSI6 MINI 850, 1972. Gold with tan trim. 52,000 miles. Very sound. and tidy. $2500. Cresswell Keeling Motors, 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489853, a.h. 899-313. MVDI. MINI 1000. 1975. extra nice. 72,000 km, $3099. Murray Costello Cars. 305 Lincon Rd, Ph. 389-161, a.h. 583-499. 887-396. LMVD. MINI, 1964. 80.01)0 miles, lovely yellow with matching trim. Mechanically Al. Real value at $795. Dave Mitchell Wholesale. 110 Riccarton Rd. Chch. LMVD, Ph.; 45MITSUBISHI Mirage GLX 1979, inspect this very attractive 3 door’ hatchback, ■ 16.000 km. 57495, Cable Price Toyota, Cnr Langdons and Main North Rds. Ph. 529-861 a.h. 852-886 LMVD. 18 MITSUBISHI Galant 16L coupe, 1973, 48,000 miles. A little sparkler just having valve grind in our workshop. $4OOO. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940; a.h. 45-967; 288-966: 891-074. LMVD. 10; MITSUBISHI Galant 1850 GL: coupe, 1975. 1 owner. 36,000 : miles. Metallic Emerald green. Immaculate all round condition. 85700. McLaren Motors, 108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940.; a.h. 288-966; 891-074; 45-967. LMVD. 16 MITSUBISHI Galant Sigma GL 1600. 1978 (Sept.) 26.000 km (15,000 miles), red with tan trim. One owner, . many extras, in new condition, $7725 0.n.0. ($2OOO under new price). Ph. 529-762. MITSUBISHI Sigma, 1977. 2 owners, 42.000 km. A lovelv car in tip top order. $7299. NZMC, 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 790-020. a.h. 886700 , 595-650. Open Saturday 9-1 p.m. LMVD. XHI9 MITSUBISHI Galants (2i GS models, from $4295. Smithburn Motors. 27 Moorhouse! Ave. Ph. 64-057, LMVD. !
b ra a $ MITSUBISHI Sigma. 1978] 1600 GL manual. Metallic! bronze, 16,000 km, with; headrests, body moulds, etc. As new. $8495 or $5lOO dep. I George Dennison, Ltd, 73; Stanmore Road. Phone 891-; 674; a.h, 792-857. LMVD. ; MITSUBISHI Sigma 1850 GLX, 1978, one owner, a genuine 30,000 km. white with tan trim, an immaculate car. See it. in our showroom. Full warranty. Value at $8195. N.Z.M.C.. Rangiora. Phone 8334 or Chch direct line 277-460, a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or 8217 Rga. LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma 1600 GL, auto.. Dec. 77. Radio and heater. Mint original condition, only 33,000 miles. Compare, $6595. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave Phone 799-199, a.h. 596-529. MITSUBISHI Galant, 2000, G.L.X. One owner. 9000 km. Bronze with contrasting interior. This vehicle is absolutely as new condition throughout and only $9695 at Cable Price Toyota, 385 Colombo St. Ph. 797-843: a.h. 427-451. 19 MITSUBISHI Celeste 1600 5 speed coupe, 1978, metallic blue, only 27,000 km, features radio, sheepskin covers, etc. $8450. Farmers’ Motors. 100 Fitzgerald Ave' iopp. Lichfield St). Ph. 61-' 594. a/hrs Tony Hamilton. 830-959 or Paul Humphreys 792-978. LMVD. MITSUBISHI Sigma GSL 2000! auto.. 1979, aqua metallic,: one owner. 15.000 km, luxury and economy. Look, only 59900. Farmers’ Motors, 100 Fitzgerald Ave (opp. Lichfield St). Phone 61-594, a/hrs Tony Hamilton 830959 or Paul Humphreys 792978. LMVD. MITSUBISHI. See the specialists. buying or selling, Carriage Co.. 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742. MITSUBISHI Sigma GL Auto. 1977. Only 24,000 km. As new $7690. Archibalds. 24 Oxford Tee., Ph; 796-980. A.H. 266-559, LMVD. MITSUBISHI 2000 GLS Auto-, matic, 1 owner, 1977 model,] 10.000 km. green in colour,] look at the savings here. I Onlv $9295. Wrightcars, 285! Cashel St. Ph. 798-530. LM-i VD. 1 MONARO HG, GTS, 308 auto, 1971, red, mags, a very smart original car. Must be seen. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-742,] a.h. 881-408. 1