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' Cars for Sale ’ ’ FALCON Gl 351 1971 XY "Shaker” 4 speed Manual. Powe:- steering, steel sliding sunroot, rauio/stereo, factory globe mags, original red witli brown trim V Cheh ear from new. LnI marked pristine condition :■ Dave Mitchell Wholesale. I lit* Ricearton Rd. Pit 45-742. LMVD. FALCON XB 1975. one owner. . red with fawn vinyl roof. ] Immaculate condition : throughout. $4195. Trevor i Crowe Sales. 160 Ferrv Kd. i Ph. 797-967. a.h 428-722. LMVD. ; FIAT 124 Sports. 1600 motor, i 1971. 64,000 miles, outstand- | ing cond. Yellow, many ex- | tras. $5999. Neate Mitchell Motor.-,. 138 Victoria St. Ph.- : 67-391, a.h. 68-571. MVDI. ■FIAT 123. 1f74. 40.000 miles. • Economical motoring at its; | best. 53690. Taylor Hayi 1 Motors, lit- Lincoln ltd. Ph I 384-964. a.h. 880-174. InI quire about our no dcp.. 5 t vears to pay, finance plan. S 0 0 0 FIAT 132. 1974 model. Only : 50.000 miles, white with: i red trim. At com.!. $4895. ) S2M4O /lep. Ricearton Car j Sales. Ltd. 41 Itiecarten Rd. I Ph 488-923. a.h. 487-396. LMVD. ' FIAT 125. 1968. Motor m good I order, new radials. $2OOO ; 0.n.0. Ph. 855-759. 'FIAT 130 luxury saloon. 1973. 3.2 V 6, auto., power steering, tinted glass, electric windows, velour trim, factory mag wheels, one of the best available. A superb luxury car. 510.995.! Qualitv Cars. 42 Manchester . St. Pit. 50-181. a.h. 588-980. ' , 325-756. FIAT 1509 Crusader. 1965.] i Body in excellent condition. Steel belted radials, motor I needs attention. $750 0.n.0.: i Pi'oirn 487-401. FIAT 125. 1970. 59,000 miles. . I radio, etc. Excellent cond I $3199. Neate Mitchell Mot-, ors, 138 Victoria St, 67-391,! I a.h. 68-571, .MVDI. IFIAT 128, 1973, 42.000 rniiles,; ; Another of these sporty 4 door sedans in excellent all. round order. 53400. McLa-j ren Motors. 108 St Asanh St. Ph. 798-940: a.h. 45-967; 288-966, 891-074. LMVD. 16 (FIAT X-19. 1978. only 7000 j miles, latest mtd-engined I Factory mags. Driving i lights, tinted glass, removj able roof, unmarked cond I $12,990. Archibalds. 24 Ox-' ! ford Tee Ph. 796-980, a.h ' Sumner 6599. LMVD. FORD Escort. 1975, 4 door,* one private owner, moder-: ate mi’es. very tidy condition, $3995. Cable Price To-: yota, Cnr Langdons and.' Main North Rds. Ph. 529-861] a.h. 852-BS6 LMVD. 18 (FORD Cortina 2.0 Estate 19/9 1 i Automatic. I owner, 14.000 km, deep metallic green. Many extras fitted including rear wiper-washer, $10,995. McLaren Motors, .108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940 a.h. 891-074. 288-968, 45-967. 288-866, LMVD. 16 FORD Escort Deluxe, 1968, red, only 61,000 miles, heater. 3 months warranty. $2495. Smithburn Motors, 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64057. after hours 35-249. LMVD. I FORD Prefect 107 E, 1959. very] j good condition inside and] out. Motor rims very well. $550. Phone 534-637. I (FORD Thames van. 100 E, 1958.! i Good order, goes well. $450.! * 12 Island Road, Kaiapoi. I n n n , FORD Falcon 500. 1970 model,; - blue with tan trim. Drives! . extremely well. Wholesale; price $1995, $l2OO. dep. In-i spect today, Ricearton Carl Sales. Ltd. 41 Ricearton' Rd. Ph. 488-923, a.h. 487-396,, - FORD Falcon 1979. Trade-in] special. Look: 5999. L.A., 376 Lincoln Road. Ph. 339-! . 896. , FORD Transit van, 1975. Side, . door, 2 litre motor, side ■ windows. $4299 or low dep.: Lincoln Autos, 376 Lincoln! I Rd. Ph. 389-896. ( B E 5 S B FORD Cortina 2.0 L. 1977 model, radio, auto., mint' cond., pale blue with brown i trim. Thousands under re-, placement cost at $7295 or' $4380 dep. Ricearton Car' Sales, Ltd, 41 Ricearton Rd.) Ph. 488-923, ah. 487-396,1 LMVD. : FORD Landau LTD coupe,: 1974. Luxury coupe, V 8 i : auto., power steering, air, conditioning. vinyl top.: leather trim and mag! i wheels. Genuine 39,000: motor and in lovely condi-. tion. Compate this for only! $9995 at Quality Cars. 42; Manchester Streetf Phone 50-181, a.h. 588-980. 325-756.! FORD Zephyr. 1970. auto., cx-j ccptionally good. $1999.! Mttrrav Costello Cars, 305: Lincoln Rd. Ph. 389-161, a.h. 583-499. 887-396. LMVD. ; e 0 q a FORD Zodiac 'Mk 3. 19651 model, auto., royal bine! with grey trim, radio, tidy] example of this model. ] Value at $1595 or $960 dep.i Ricearton Car Sales. 41 Ric-I carton Rd. Ph. 483-923, a.h. i 437-396, 388-827. LMVD. ; FORD Fairmont XC 1978, VB] auto., power steering, tinted glass, factory alloywheels, only 29,000 km miptl condition, $12,750. Farmers’ Motors. 100 Fitzgerald Ave: (opo. Lichfield St). Phone: I 61-594, after hours Tony! I Hamitlon 830-959 or Paul' ■ I Humphrevs 792-978. LMVD. > ]FORD Cortina 2000 L, S/W.! I European shape. 1 owner.! I 51.000 km. This car has. | been maintained regularly; I and is truly immaculate. | well worth inspection. Price only 59195, so ring now 798- ' 530) Wrifihtcars. 28a Cashel I St. LMVD. ; 0 b n 0 *FORD Escort. 1973, 2 door,) . moderate miles, lemon ycl-i ■I low with tan trim, econo-: ’ mica! motoring. Real value! U at 53195 or $1920 dep. Ric-i t earton Car Sales. Ltd. 41; ■ Ricearton Rd. Ph. 488-92:»: I a.h. 437-396. 388-827, LMVD.: I FORD Cortina 2000 station . I waggon, 1975 model, 1 com-1 : I panv owner, in very sound j ;l condition. 54395. Wrightears! I Toyota, 23a Cashel St. Ph.' ; 793-530 any time. LMVD. I FORD Cortina L. 1974 model.: in very good order, 2 own-1 er car, later grill. White] 1 paintwork. Yours for $3995.| Wrightears Toyota. 235 Ca-; ] shel S't. Ph. 798-530. any, ' time, LMVD. ; FORD Capri G.T. X.L. 1600., 1970. One owner, 41,000! miles. This vehicle would; be the finest example 01' ■i this model, available for' 1 sale. And only $4695. See it: now at Cable Price Toyota, 385 Colombo St, Svdcnham. Ph. 797-843. a.h. 427-451.19 .! 0 0 ® ® a , I FORD Falcon. 196/ model. I radio and heater, engine. ! been o/hauled. Glacier i white with tan trim. mags.. | drives extremely well. Only . | $1495 or S9OO dcp. Ricearton Car Sales, Ltd, 41 Ricearton I I Road. Ph. 433-923; a.h. 437i 396. LMVD.' : FORD Cortina. 1600. 1976. two' owners. 41.000 km. Daytona vellow with contrasting interior. Family motoring in; this immaculate vehicle and onlv $7795 at Cable PriceTovota, 38u Colombo St. Ph. 797-843: a.h. 427-451. FORD Falcon 250, 1972, XA,I 55.000 miles. Orange with cream vinyl roof, showroom ccnd., throughout, $3795 at ; Cable Price Toyota. 385 Co- ; 10-nbo St. Ph. 79/-843; a.h. I 427-451. HILLMAN Hunters. 19/4-ia. choice of two. both in first-! ■ class cond. 53595 or $2160] dep.~ Don McNeill Motors,! 1 73 Stanmore Rd LMVD. - 1 Ph. 891-674. a.h. 3SI-067. HILLMAN Hunter AL. 1977.; : Onlv 20.000 miles, auto., as; i nev. : . Best value at 55795., ■ Sydenham Park Car Sales.; ; chr Lincoln and Moorhouse, ' Ph. 799-199, ah. 596-529.
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Press, 16 January 1980, Page 21
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1,087Page 21 Advertisements Column 8 Press, 16 January 1980, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 8 Press, 16 January 1980, Page 21
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