1 Cars for Sale !
DATSUN 1600. 1971. sport.) ‘ Australian assembled, very! 1 tidy, popular car $2995.1 i Cable Price Toyota. Cnr : Langdons and Main North ; Rds. Pit. 529-861 a.h. 652-386 : LMVD lo DATSUN 1608. 1974. Red. medium miles. 3 month i warranty. Value. 53995. i house Ave. Pi*. 64-057. a.h. Smithburn Motors. 27 Moor-' I 35-249. i DATSUN 1808, yellow, tan* I trim. S3SSS. 3 mths war- * ! ranty. Smithburn Mtrs. 271 ! Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. i i DATSUN 1808 saloon. 1976* * Dec.i. automatic. 1 lady | owner. Only 26.000 miles from new. later face-lift I I model, attractive colour.] I Only 56495. Quality Cars. 42. I Manchester St. Ph. 50-181:; I a.h. 588-980. I DATSUN 2000. 1967. 67.0301 I miles, ex. cond.. fully re-: | con. motor, many extras, i I 52200. Phone 39-961. DATSUN 280 C Custom Deluxe. : 1978. Japanese a'-strn. Met., I gold. Factory radio, stereo.! I airconditioning. automatic 1 j t ransmiss'on. power -lee:-' f ing. 17.,'100 km. Cannot be] I faulted. $14,000. Tench I i Bros.. Ltd. Ph. 799-631; a.h.i ' Ph. 791-816. LMVD. DATSUN ISOB station wag-: i on. 1975. Jap. assent. Fae-1 i lory radio, tinted glass,! 1 plus other extras. Only! I 41,000 km. $7200. Tench! ' Bros. Ltd. Ph. 790-631: a.h.i I 791-816. LMVD. 'DATSUN 120 Y Coupe. 1977.: : aqua, mag wheels, fastback: ! styling with 40 in.p.g.; around town economy, i $6400. Tench Bros. Ltd. Ph. - I 790-631: a.h. 791-816. LMVD.! IDATSUN 1308. 1976. 61.0'0] i km. White, blue trim. 85601). j i Tench Bros. Ltd. Ph. 790-1 I 631; a.h. 791-316. LMVD. ; DATSUN 120 Y Coupe auto..: 1974 (Nov.;. One Chch lady' owner from new. Only! 33.000 km. Radio, etc. Rarely, available. particularly at* this, low mileage. $5500. Tench Bros, Ltd. Ph. 790- 1 ! 631; a.h. 791-816. LMVD. H S E 0 DATSUN 1308. 1973 model, moderate miles. original eream paintwork with blue trim. Immae. cond. Must_bet seen, only $4495 or $2700; deposit. Ricearton Car: Sales, Ltd, 41 Ricearton Rd,Ph. 488-923. a.h. 437-396,' LMVD.j ■ DATSUN 1808 SSS auto.. 1978.: 12,000 km. Tb.is luxury car: | has all extras and finished! : in bronze metallic with: black upholstcrv. Cannot ! be faulted. 810.999. NZMC.] | 141 Gloucester St. Phone! 790-320: a.h. <>B6-71)0, 595-650.; Open Sat., 9-1. LMVD. XI119: ! DATSUN 1808 auto., 1974, one owner, 41.000 km. A very nice driving ear. Look as new $5999. NZMC, 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 790-020; a.h. 886-700, 595-650. Open Sat., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. LMVD XHI9 DATSUN 120 Y s/w. 1976, only 25.000 miles front new, Arctic white with tan trim, heater, wheel trims and side mouldings. Spotless cond. Only $5795 at Quality Cars. 42 ?>lanchester St, Ph. 50-181. a.h. 588-980. 325-756. 'DATSUN 1600 1971. only 59.000 miles, an economt- . cal 4 door family saloon, 53195. Caprice Motor Court, I 55 Ferrv Rd. Ph. 61-936. MVDI. DATSUN 2-10 Z 1973, 65.0001 miles, immaculate condi-ll lion, nice yellow one. Ph.l 383-763. DATSUNS new from Rhodes Datsun, 1980 260 C luxury automatic light 6 sedan, price $16,695, also available in diesel $14,950. 1980 2008 automatic sedan colour Shizuka Beige, with 2 tone trim, price $11,295, 1981) 2008 ZX automatic luxury sedan full instrumentation, velour upholstery, our own demonstrator, colour Namida blue, big saving here $12,180. We trade anti arrange terms. 334 Ricearton Road, LMVI). DATSUN 120 Y 1975, 1 owner. I 69.000 km green, very attractive $4403. Garden City I Motors. 156 Ferry Rd. Ph. I 62-261 a.h. 792-285, 851-536 I LMVD. DATSUN 1308. late ’72 model. Only 53,000 miles, sparkling ! orange. R. and IL. in really I beautiful order. New Year I special at 83999. Auto City. ; ! 217 Ferry Rd. 'DATSUN 120 Y 4 door. 1976. ; low km. Very tidy and ecoI nomical. Always popular. I $4BOO or $288(1 dep. Don Me- i * Neill Motors. 62 Ricearton | Rd. Pli. 487-106. a.h. 277664. LMVD. I 'DATSUN 1600. 1972. tobacco I Road, a verv popular car. i only $2990. Taylor Hay Mot- | I ors 111) Lincoln Rd, Ph. ! 384-964, a.h. 880-174. DATSUN 1200 SSS. Only 44,000 miles, a very quick, good looking ear and 45 m.p.g. Only $3-190 or $2lOO dei). Carriage Co.. 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742 a.h. 381-408. DATSUN 1808. 1976, manual, i GB,ooi)km, radio, metallic blue, very attractive. $5399. Neate Mitchell Motors, 138 Victoria St. Ph. 67-391. a h. | 516-369. MVDI. DATSUN 1808 SSS coupe, 1972, 51,000 miles. Green with contrasting interior. Very* sporty, $5195 at Cable Price Toyota, 385 Colombo ; SI. Ph. 797-843: a.h. 427-451. 797-843, a.h. 427-451. 19 DATSUN 2ul)C, auto., 1976. Metallic blue, lovely order. 51.000 miles. 56500. Farmers’ Motors, 100 Fitzgerald Ave topp. Lichfield S.t>. Phone 61-594, a.h. Tony], Hamilton 830-959 or Paul; Humphrevs 792-973. LMVD. DATSUN 260 C, 1973 model.] I auto, power steering'. Just] ! 56.000 km. Vinyl roof. Many] ' extras. Yours for $10,495.:. Wright ears Toyota. 285 Cashel St. 798-530 anv time.! LMVD. DATSUN 120 Y Estate, mileage just 67,000 km. 19751 model, one ownci- vehicle.)l Value for $4595. Wrightears Toyota, 285 Cashel St. Ph. i 798-530 anv time. LMVD. ! DATSUN 1808, 1976. attrac- ; tive glacier white paintI work. mudflaps. radial I tvres. prettv blue upholstery. 83,000 km, great buying at $5495. We double the government guarantee. Wrightears Toyota. 285 Cashel St. Ph. 798-530 anytime. LMVD. DODGE Dart GT. 1968, V 8 auto, power steering, magi wheels, radio, etc. This ears in in very tidy original order. A good uerformer. 54995 or $3OOO dep. John Poelman Motors, Ltd, 62 Ricearton Rd. Ph. 487-105, after hours 277-664. LMVD.! ESCORT 1300 Super, 1970. 11 careful owner, last 6 years.: genuine 70.000 miles. Receipts for work done, faultless throughout. $2595. Miles Garage. Woodend, Ph. 703 Wnd. after hours 7853 Rangiora. LMVD.
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