I Care of Children •: EXP IE RIE NC E D~crstm ”t pref 1; erably Karitane.) wanted ti ■I mind preschool child am 5 toddler in their own l-.ome ; or. Saturday afternoons. Ph i 843-484. 1 — Carriers ) FURnTtuRE - removals, stor i age, and general cartage Phone the experts: Wai . rakei Cartage. 898-212. St\ s KIRBYS Carriers, Ltd. House > hold removal specialists N.Z. wide. Free inspeetior and quotation services. Ph 497-125. Chappie Place : Hornby, Christchurch. Stor age available. New phone 497-125 MWS Builders’ Supplies ALL your timber, home and farm fencing requirements available from Pinewood and Hardware, 535 Sawyers ; Arms Road, opp. Waimairi Tip. Open Saturday mornings. Ph. 598-830. WS Al premix base courses, top courses crushed chip and garden soil. Ph. Kevin Blair Contractors, 841-928. WSTC PREMIX, good quality. Obtain • a quote from us delivered. Ph. 585-948. Laing Con--1 i t actors, Ltd. WS BUILDERS AND HOME HANDYMEN . FOR all building supplies anc . quotes try J. B. FERGUSON AND CO., 23 Sheffield Cres ! (off Wairakei Road). Phom j 535-006. 4 ) ’ Machinery and Farm > Equipment Sell , ALL broken or cracked mack - hie parts repaired by fam ous Mctaaiock process anc guaranteed. Call Meta Jock Ph. 69-705. WS BELARUS try It, k phone can will have one on your farm for a demo. Belarus, toughest bargain you can drive Ph. 497-862. WS CLAAS Mercury header, 10ft 1500 hours, immaculate con dition, including lifters Murphy pickups. 6 screens for all crops, plus Blslej grain auger, $lO,OOO. finance available if necessary. Ph Cave 879. 1 CLAYSON M 133 harvester, re painted and checked ovei : for season work. Ph. 371 Wanaka. WS2t ' CRACKED cylinder heads ot blocks. Call Metalock for a permanent repair. Phone 69-705. WS DAVIES water pumps foi farm, domestic and indtis trial purposes from B, R Homersham, Ltd. Phone 588-309. WTC DON'T .waste valuable fertilisers. Install a Davies effluent pump and sprinklei from Homersham’s. Phone 588-309. WTC FORD 4000 Y, S.F., P.S. anc cab, 3800 hours, excelleni condition. Finance avail able. $5250. Rangiora 6639 - WS2f FORKLIFT Bull Moose, 6 cylinder, Bedford petrol motor, approx., 5 ton lift, good order. Ph. 791-986. 19 FORKLIFT Sales ana Hire Services, Ltd, agents foi the new Hydrostatic 3000 superiift, full range of used machines, moderately priced. Good stock of spares, tyres and attachments. Wanted, used fork trucks, any condition. No deposit. Three year lease purchase or h.p. Ph. Bob Hayes 60-421 or after hrs 831-271 or write P.O. Box 12-053, Chch. MWS FORKLIFTS, 20001 b to I0,000!b diesel battery electric and gas operated. Ph 63-334, lifting capacity sell, patrol, Geoff Dench. Ltd. D GNAT: Spare parts for all models. Write Orvco, P.O. Box 16, Amberley. Phone 48-461 Amberley evenings only. WFS HOSE 3 inch, and 4 inch, suction, short lengths. Ph. 843607. WSI9 MYFORD ML7 as new, many extras include milling, sawing etc. 53600. Ph. 857-500. NUFFIELD 4 stroke 65 3600 hours, very nice machine, will sell with loader if needed, 14 x 30 tyres, near new. Ph. 371 -Wanaka. WS26 TOW behind Bulk Header. Must be in working condition. Telephone Timaru 83233 after 6 p.m. WORN shafts, stub axles, bearing journals reclaimed for a fraction of new cost by our meta] spray process. Exhaust systems aluminiumised. Cail Metalock. 69-705. . WS w JJ. i; For One Man Operation & Reliable Performance Consult deansavel CHRISTCHURCH & AGENCIES I 271 (B* Designed to Simplify and Speed Up the Process of Weighing Fleeces Consult Ph 489-904 DEANSAVE ' CHRISTCHURCH 8 AGENCIES Machinery and Farm | Equipment Buy • LATHE, bench type, 4iin, CH, -! South Bend or Boxford! with cross feed and gear-i box for threading and feed-j ing, would consider change* gear model. P.h. 837-983. 19; WANTED Co2i WELDER | Approx. 300 amp. ■ Phone Works Manager. 842-019 i
Page 20 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 16 January 1980, Page 20
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