I Situations Vacant i Farm l RELIABLE PERSON i ITO care for horses and do I odd jobs on properly. Full or I part-time. I I Phone 580-278 evenings. MOUNGANUI STATION I TAIHAPE 13,000 acres, requires two single shepherds. 4 to 5 dogs, top conditions, cook house, colur TV, weekly wages and overtime. 12 mile's from town. Apply— Mel Smith, Taihape, 852 S evenings collect. WSI9 Situations Wtd. Farm FARM job required for 16 year old youth. Mixed farm preferred but not essential. Please phone Graeme Hurst 325-470, collect. 19 MAN, 34. requires farm work, permanent position. Limited experience. Prefer stock. Can drive tractor but no cultivating experience. Remoteness irrelevant, planning marriage when practical. Will cook for self. Own transport. Has no dogs. Please write Z 6647, “Press.” SWI9 MARRIED man. no children, requires permanent position on sheep and cattle farm. Have had previous experience. 1 dog, just finished 4 years dairying N.I. Further details Ph. Mike Breen Kai 7434. STRONG 19 year old youth requires position on farm, live in. Please Ph. 893-640. 17 Situations Wanted A strong reliable youth, 17 years old, requires a year’s farm experience, prior acceptance as a farm cadet. Wages not a consideration. Ph. Gerard Reid, 266-817; a.h. 887-169 bus. collect. 19 AN apology is extended the Hawarden caller of Friday 11. whose address we cannot locate. Should he care to phone Reid, 266-817 evenings collect again. !(> CHRISTIAN, reliable woman desires permanent employment, interested in children, or the elderly. Must fit in with school hours. R. N. Phone 227-883. WSI9 EXPERIENCED dicta/copy typist requires work at own home or part-time office position. Ph. 856-569. FENCING wanted, hourly or contract rate. Ph. 296-773. WSI9 MAN wanting work. Ph. 389011. First thing 6.45 a.m. to 7.15 a.m. Ask for Mike. MAN aged 40 seeks permanent position warehouseman or driver storeman. He is very honest, reliable and a conscientious worker and has sober habits. Refs available. Ph. 327-240. WFIB MATURE woman, honest and reliable, seeks any part or full time employment. Not afraid of hard work. Interested in elderly people. Genuine replies only. Ph. 489-913. 17 RECENTLY retired gentleman requires private interior re decorating work, ceilings, walls, etc., painting or paper hanging, free any times, including week-ends. Please ph. 64-327 evenings. WSI9 TELEVISION / Marine / 2 ■wa.v radio / broadcasting / video technician is seeking a position in New Zealand, preferably in a country or seaside town. Age 35, married, 3 children. Available late April, 1980. Have had considerable experience in marine radio electronics. 2 way radio and car radio. Present position as technician in charge of a country television repeater station in West Australia. Please reply to Mr A. W. Reynolds, P.O. Box 48, Leinster 6437, W.A. Ph. Leonora 376-005 ext 380 any time. ASAP. YOUNG builder seeks career in farming. Farm sought must be active and hardworking with scope to progress. Small experienoe in dairy farming. Write Herald. P.O. Box 1824. Auckland. 17 Immediate Service POLICE Christchurch .. 11l FIRF BRIGADE City and Suburbs .. 111 ST JOHN AMBULANCE Christchurch 69-133 HOSPITALS 'Christchurch) Medical Services LIFE LINE . 66-743 Inquiries Patients 799-160
Page 20 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 16 January 1980, Page 20
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