Situations Vacant EDITOR “ FOR LEADING * PROVINCIAL NEWSPAPER Due to promotion, the Manawatu Standard .Ltd., Palmerston North, has a vacancy for an editor to take editorial control of the “Evening Standard” daily newspaper and "The Tribune” Sunday community newspaper. The successful applicant will have a proven jour-. nalistic record, be capable of exercising sound judgment and working closely with senior management. The editor must also be able to demonstrate a capability to manage and co-ordinate the editorial resources of the newspapers. We expect the editor-elect will already be hol'ding a senior editorial position on a daily newspaper, and will have had considerable practical experience in all facets of journalism. Salary will be fully commensurate with responsibility and working condi- g tions are excellent. ft Applications, together with all relevant industry ' experience,and testimonials, should be addressed to the undersigned, closing on January 3i, 1980./ / All ‘applications wilt be treated in s‘rictoM confidence. j P-G. HENSON, X Managing Director, / ' S j-J L v Manawatu f] I ) P.O. Box 3, f ' N- / PALMERSTON NQ&TH. EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTANT BAY OF PLENTY NEGOTIABLE FROM $20,000 AN ACCOUNTANT is required with proven ’ skills in management and technical accounting. • Reporting to Senior Management, the posi-J tion covers a full range of accounting activities L and includes: — Development of management and informa- ? tion systems. ’ — Preparation of financial accounts and reports. i- — Budgetary controls, cost investigations, v capital expenditure evaluations. ? Full use is made of the Company’s in-house j computer installation. Applicants should have a high level of accounting competence — however, the main ' > consideration will be the ability and initiative of ■ applicants to handle the responsibilities of this ; senior position. Full training will be given on", all facets of the Company’s accounting and-J . management operations. t The package for this position includes relocation costs, housing assistance, etc. r, Kaingaroa Logging Company, Limited, is situated at Murupara and is part of the Tasman i Pulp and Paper Group oc Companies. Murupara i is a town with a population of 3500 and is situated in the sunny Bay of Plenty close to Roto-. rua and Whakatane with easy access to popular lakes and beaches. | Written applications should be addressed j to:— MR D. WIDDOWSON, j KAINGAROA LOGGING COMPANY, LTD, PRIVATE BAG, MURUPARA. ( WSI9 I ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN Ufi TO $14,000 PER ANNUM THE SERVICES of an Electronics Technician are required for maintenance of the TAB on-lma computer terminals and communications equip* ment in the Palmerston North area. . I The person we require must have limited electrical registration with a background in elec- j tronics and communications. Digital technology 5 and experience is essential. Previous experience in electro-mechanical devices wiuld be an advan- : tage. Full training in specialised equipment will i be given in Palmerston North. .. i| It is necessary to work on Saturdays, Statu- ; tory Holidays when racing is held and occasion- l ally i nthe evenings. A day off is given during the week. A vehicle is provided for business use. Fringe benefits include four weeks annual leave, superannuation, sick leave, assistance with relocation expenses. _ Written applications giving personal details and work experience should be forwarded to:— Personnel Manager, TOTALISATOR AGENCY BOARD, P.O. Box 3645, WELLINGTON. —<i I FIRE ALARMS i BURGLAR ALARMS j WE REQUIRE a Service Technician to fill a vacancy in our Servicing Team. The person we require should have a good , knowledge of extra low voltage wiring and also •. have an understanding of fundamental electronics. ( Experience in fire protection or the security m- 1 dustry would be an advantage. ■ The successful applicant should be self-1 motivated, be able to work alone and be of neat , and presentable appearance in order to maintain j our Company’s image with clients. ’. An after hours call out roster is worked and • all test equipment is provided. Specialist training . will be given on the job by a Senior Staff Member. A company vehicle will be provided. Please telephone for an appointment:— R. A. WOODS, SERVICE SUPERVISOR, IfwQRMRLU VIGILANT . 211 MACES ROAD. BROMLEY, TELEPHONE 89M07 j P. O. BOX 195A5. CHRISTCHURCH. NR. Applicants are advised that subject to the granting of a Certificate .of Approval under the Private Investigators and | Security Guards Act 1974. WSl9|
Page 18 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 16 January 1980, Page 18
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