Wanted to Purchase HAND tools, power tools any equipment for engineering, woodworking. mechanics, gardening., etc, good prices offered by Megson Tool and Equipment, 135 High Street. Ph. 65-239. a.h. 857-500. WFS HOUSE tots ol furniture and effects bought for cash at Smiths Citv Market tradein centre. Free pickup. Phone 798-100. ext. 866 or 867 for our valuer to call. MTW US JEWELLERY, antique and old fashioned costume type wanted, anything considered. Ladv buver will call. Ph. 429-301. 16 LPS and cassettes in good condition, Rock jazz, blues, classical. Top prices paid phone 62-017 bus or call Riverside Traders 50 Oxford Tee. WS OAK double bed ends wanted to buv. private buver. 227465. WSI9 OLD batteries required by Williams Motor Electties. 51.25 each Cnr Durham and Battersea Street, Sydenham. 19 PALLETS, used. buv. Phone 487-635. ' SMWI6 PRE •war handles. castors, carved panels, rough furniture for parts, buv. Phone '3BB-633. SMW3O SURF caster, rod and reel. Ph. 488-733 a.h. 16 TOOLS and equipment of any kind bought for cash. Good prices offered. Megson Tool and Equipment. 135 High Street Ph. 65-239 a.h 857-500. WFS TRAINS buy. electric, clockwork and steam. Old or new. In any cond. Phone 383-421. D TYPEWRITERS, standard and portable, wanted for cash. Geo. Berryman. Ltd. 77 Ferry Rd. Free parking. D SCRAP METAL ANNEX ROAD METALS, 257 Annex Road. CASH BUYERS OF ALL METALS. HIGHEST PRICES PHONE 43-205. Open week-days, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m.-12 noon. Annex Rd. open — entrance off Blenheim Road WTC SCRAP METAL PREMIUM PRICES Copper. Brass. Radiators. Lead, Batteries, and all non-ferrous metals. ROLMET INGOT CO., LTD PHONE 895-675, Maces Road. Bromley. WF COINS WANTED COINS WANTED Gold Sovereigns SI3O Half Sovereigns $BO 1935 Waitangi Crowns $l5OO. HIGHEST prices paid for all silvei and gold coins. We are now paying 11 times face value ($ll per $1) for New Zealand pre-1947 silver coins. Registered postage refunded on consignments over $5. Payment sent within 48 hours. P. and M. ECCLES, P.O. Box 2937, AUCKLAND 1. WSI9 SCRAP METAL DOLLARS AND CENTS CASH Brass .. .. 31c kg Copper Wire .. .. 60c kg Copper Mixed .. 52c kg Radiator .. .. 31c kg Lead 55c kg Cast Iron. Steel. Batteries, Sacking. SHAKESPEARE METALS, LTD, 7 SHAKESPEARE ROAD. OPEN WEEK-DAYS. 8 A.M. TO 4.30 P.M. AND SATURDAYS, 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON. PHONE 65-493. OPEN THROUGHOUT HOLIDAYS. MWF COINS AND STAMPS THE money source will always attempt to pay more for all material. We urgently require large quantities of quality stamps for our International Clientele and Local Collector/Investors. We sell on behalf by private treaty or public auction at low fees or pay top cash prices. All gold and silver also required for auction or cash. For further information and fast results and other details. write, call in, or telephone. Always travelling to inspect quality holdings. SOUTH PACIFIC PHILATELICS Manager, George Piunti, Licensed Auctioneer, First Floor. > WORLD TRADE CENTRE, Sturdee Street, WELLINGTON. P.O. Box 6344 Te Arc, Wellington, Phone 848-594, a.h. Stokes Valley 7941. WSI9 Personals A wedding or special occasion, hire the latest in men’s suits at Dean’s Suit Hire 610 Colombo St (between Tuam and St Asaph Sts). FW ABORTION Referral Service, Seeking an abortion? Contact 5.0.5., 796-970. 24 hour service. O BATIK Bazaar. Caftans $32.50, sarongs $9.50, tops $14.50, Ali Baba pants $19.50. jumpsuits $32.50, wraparound skirts from $17.75. The Batik Bazaar, Brighton Pier Shopping Centre. Ph. 884-503. Wl6 CONTACT our massage service. Phone 50-233. Hours 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. Mon-Sat. 184 Hereford St. 21 ESCORTS: Fanny’s Escort Service. New ladies plus old favourites. For a better deal Phone the girls on 890-227 from 10 a.m. till 1 a.m. 21 ESCORTS. Attractive and competent ladies available. Also outcall rap. Ph. 881-467. 18 FEMALE pensioner would like lady companion to share flat, expenses, cooking etc. Garage. Ph. 858-613. 17 FRUIT juices. Pinto Fruit Juices, pure fruit drink concentrates — orange, grapefruit, paw paw and orange, unsweetened grapefruit, lemon, passion fruit and orange, boysenberry, feijoa and grapefruit, unsweetened lemon — available in 2 litre and 5 litre containers, also available tomato juice, marmalade, sliced tomatoes. Call in and sample before you buy, 406 Tuam St, Ph. 66-219. WSTC FOR any number of delicious meals, just phone Dial A Dinner. 792-500. Delivered to your home or hall. Menus on request. SMW3O
Page 17 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 16 January 1980, Page 17
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