Florists ■ ODERING ana May for ‘ flowers of distinction. Ph. , 486-659. A.H. 389-175. D RANGIORA, Lyndene Florists. ’ 47 High Street, Rangiora. ' Deliveries to Kalapoi daily. I Phon* 7751. A.H. Kaiapol I 8142. 35 1 SHADES Florist. Deliveries < daily. Phone 790-806. D I THE Flower Seller, Brighton S Pier. Phone 881-669 (Tues- i day to Saturday). Phone r 790-806 Monday. D 1 ■ - < GOUGH’S FOUR SEASONS J FLOWERS Phone 45-411. After hours 843 066. !, Dll 11 Lost and Found I
—. 1 LOST, lady’s gold watch, ; leather strap, between Con. | dell Ave and Wagon Wheel, j Saturday evening. Ph. 597- \ 543 after 4 p.m. 1 REMOVED ironi the premises , in King Street, one white ] gold Fwiza watch, round , faced, encircled with dia- ’ monds. This watch is of i great sentimental value. A « substantial reward will be , paid for return or Informa- . tion leading to its recovery. < Phone 325-888 any time. 12 i SETTER, red, male, found In , the Harewood area, is now ( impounded. If not claimed ] and all expenses paid within 7 days, will be disposed of Paparua Count, Coun- 1 cil. Ph. 45-119. < TERRIER Cross, tan and < white female found in the i Halswell area, is now im- 1 pounded. If not claimed I and all expenses paid with- < in 7 days will be disposed ! of Paparua County Coun- : cil Ph. 45-119. WALLET. Lady's win. wallet ' lost Sat., between Parka Garage and Shirley, containing money, personal papers and bank books. Reward offered for return to Woodside, Hororata.
Page 31 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 31
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