HILLSBOROUGH I TAVERN j] Every Monday 7.30 pan.: $32 houses for $3, lines $6, houses $3O, $25. s2o.' Payouts exceed sll4oij nightly. St Martins School. HALSWELL TAVERN i Every Thursday 7.30 p.m.: $3 card, 30 games,! silent line, jackpot and! raffles. Halswell Rugby! League Club. Good! prizes. HORNBY TRUST Wednesday 7.30 p.m.:, Hornby Rugby Football I Club. Every Thursday night at . 730 p.m.: Best prizes in town. Hornby Rugby League. ISLINGTON TAVERN Every Tuesday night 730 p.m.: Run by Homby Ladies’ Hockey ■ Club and Hornby Men’s Cricket Club. LINWOOD RUGBY CLUB ROOMS Kearneys Road Every Wednesday 7.30 p.m.: Linwood Rugby | Club, $1.50 card, 30 j houses. Jackpot $5O. LINWOOD NORTH | SCHOOL HALL Woodham Road Every Tuesday 7.30 p.m.: 30 houses, $2 a card, silent lines, golden houses, raffles. LANCASTER HOTEL Every Monday 730 p.m.: Good prizes and raffles. Linwood Premier Squash Club. Every Tuesday 730 p.m. Cards $3, 30 houses. Top prizes and giveaways. Silent line. Excellent raffles. Chch Metropolitan Pipe Band. New Spot. Every Wednesday, 130 p.m.: Heated lounge, best prizes, colossal raffles. All prol ceeds given to com-; munity projects. Lin-I wood-Woolston Rotary i Club. Wednesday evening 7.30 p.m.: Blue Star Taxis! Social Club. Every Thursday 1.30 p.m.: $3 a card, 31 games, j , plus silent line and last j game cards. Minimum t payout $lOOO. Lancas- i ter Park Cricket Club. ! Every Friday 1.45 p.m.:! Top payments, lucky! cards, raffles. Marist Rugby Club. Every Saturday 2 p.m.: $3.50 card, 36 games plus silent line and last game card. Minimum 1 payout $ll5O. Lancaster! Park Cricket Club. McALPINE LOUNGE. 94 Falsgrave Street Every Friday 7.45 p.m.: 30 houses, $3 card, $5O jackpot every night. Excellent prizes. Metro Ladies’ Pipe Band. NEW BRIGHTON SCHOOL HOUSIE HALL Seaview Road Every Monday 1.15-3 p.m.: 20 games. $1 card. Silent line, raffles. Afternoon tea 10c. Proceeds to New Brighton Handicap Centre for the disabled. NEW BRIGHTON TAVERN Seaview Road Every Monday 730 p.m.: 30 games. Cards $1.50, $25 jackpot. Quinellas and 10c player lines.
PAPANUI R.S.A. Every Wednesday 7.30 p.m.: Merivale-Papanui Rugby Football Club. •
PAPANUI WORKING MEN’S CLUB MEMBERS Every Friday 7.30 p.m.: 36 houses. Papanui W.M.C. Building Fund.
Houslo Playors — Watch this column every Monday morning. Organisations wishing to advertise in this weekly column please ring 790-940 and ask for ext. 853.
Tradesmen ADDITIONS, alterations anch repairs bv master trades- ■ man with’ many years experience in tbe building > trade. For tree quotes ring; Gravestons Ltd. 64-939. a.h. | 33-823. DI ASPHALT. About drivel, con •ult tbe expert!: give competitive prices ano guarantee our worn. Ring Super Seal Construction Phone 583-836. D BRICK repairs done by exspeciality. BUILDER requires work Free quotes o. labour only. Additions, alteration* and new work. Phone Sprlngston 876. ask for BUILDING: Get your borne into shape by S. G. Staite, Builders. Plans prepared, firm quotations free We CAR painting and panel beating at reasonable P rices, prompt service, free Pick up and delivery. Ph. or 857-338. ** CARPENTER wanted for labour only contract on house. Phone 831-271. SMWI2 CAKPfei remaking, ■•.•■oa and repairs. For all carpet services. Ph *l-«W 316 D CARPET and upholstery cleaning- quick drying free quotes. Ph, 496-635. MWS
Page 31 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 31
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