"TONIGHT’ 7.30 pm James Robertson Conductor (with the support of the N.Z. Opera Co.) Anthony Besch Director JAMES HAY THEATRE with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra in English $B.BO, $7.30, $5.30 Hus normal r,oncess.ons Bookings at the Christchurch Town Hail Phone 68 899 for information Also Tues Sept 11 7.30 p.m.
I Properties Wanted I BURNSIDE / .Westburn to $45,000. My genuine buyer has finance arranged for a I 3 bedroom home with good I living space dikes Maurice 1 Carter layout! and prefers] ‘ more than 607 sq. metre ; section. Please phone Brian ' Cleland. 797-830. at Ford and Hadfield, Ltd. MREINZ. a.h. 427-971. 10! CASH buyers for properties; in all areas. We urgently! I need your house or flat for! buyers waiting and can; I assure you of service. We I live in the south and cover the citv Ph. Chambers and! j Lyall. MREINZ. 69-387 or | i 69-609, a.h. Nocll Lyall 325,963 ‘ * MWF I ■ CASH to about $30,000. Young; I couple seek a good family • home in either St Martins • or the Windsor. Shirley or surrounding area*. Prefer a modern home but have no objection to an immac- ‘ ulate older home. Privacy. sun, 3 bdrms and spacious living areas required. Genuine sellers only please. Ph. Paul Larkin on 66-917 or a.h. 853-840. Mercer. MREI- | NZ. 10 , CASHMERE, Lower Cashmere. Hoon Hay. Somerfield. Beckenham. We have strong demand for properties in the above areas. Please ring II for prompt and confidential J sen ice. Grant Real Estate. | MREINZ. Ph. 33-189, a.h. 370- { 050. 10 CASHMERE. Wanted urgh ently homes of any de- [ scription and price, on the hill or the flat. We specialise in Cashmere properties I and have an excellent reI cord for service and effi- , 1 ciency. Please phone Kevin Dore at Jones for Homes. I MREINZ, 67-436, a.h. 556143. SMWI2 CASHMERE and surrounding areas. I have cash buyers to $70,000 who desperately [ require hill properties in this area. For guaranteed prompt efficient sale by the experts in hill oropeilies. No less than “10 sold by us last week.” Phone Tony, Jones for Homes. 67-436, a.h. 555-974. MREINZ. 10 FENDALTON, Merivale or | surrounding. Older style | character home in good con- i I dition in the price bracket ! $60,000-$70.000 wanted now* i for executive with young family, recently transferred. , Equivalent 4 bedrooms and would like two living rooms jf possible. If selling please Ph. Bruce Malcolm. Ford , and Hadtieid, Ltd. 797-830. a.h. 519-654. MREINZ 11 GENUINE private cash buyer . j requires front perm. mat. 2 bedroom ownership flat, Lowe” Riccarton. Spreydon, Addington area. Ph. 383-337. CHURCH CORNER, Upper RicII carton. We have a genuine j and urgent requirement for ■ a client with finance ar--1 • ranged to $65,000 for a 4 or [ i 5 bdrm home somewhere 1 ■ between Yaldhurst Rd and ■ Epsom Rd. Please phone Paul Muir. Chch Real Es- . fate, Bryndwr. MREINZ. 517J 159. a.h. 597-971. MTWHSIS ’■■ ■ ■ HHALSWELL: 3 and 4 bdrm ; homes are urgently re- ’ quired in this area. If you ' j require assistance in con- ’ eluding a prompt sale of your home please contact | your local agent. Robert • Syme. Ph 62-769. a.h. 227-886, ’I Binns. Barber and Keenan ;! Ltd. MREINZ SMWI2 r HILLSBOROUGH, Opawa. St ► I Martins: Can you help our client who has just retired , and seeks either an o/ship flat or a smaller home in -' this area? Finance arranged ! up to $40,000. Ph. Arthur .! Ainsw orth, Simes and Co., t Ltd. MREINZ. 64-347; a.h. I 893-153. SMWI2 . I have two keen clients wishing to buy in. or close to. j, Merivale, Papanui. across .. to the north-west area. ! Price range from $27,000 to $45,000 bracket. 3 to 4 bedJ rooms, character or perm. J mat. modern. If you are J considering selling please f help us to help you. Phone 1 Jocelyn Spiers. Chch Real ■, Estate Brvndwr. MREINZ, ’’l 517-159. a.h. 856-972. 12 ‘ I LAM. Cash buyer to $60,000 f requires 3 bdrm modern J perm. mat. home with good size garden section and dble ’ garage. Phone Les Dunbar at Sherris and Robertson, r > Fendalton. 517-067, a.h. 526I 642. MRELNZ MW 12 ’ ILAM, Burnside area. Young- | ish home of 3 bdrms. 2 ’ bathrooms with spacious '! living areas required by 1 ! middle aged couple. Must I have good garaging facili-; ’] ties. Cash to $75,000 Pos-< j session could be delayed.! J Phone Sherris and Robert-1 Jj son. Fendalton. 517 067, a.h.l I I -Gavin Topp 556-965. Les ] j Dunbar MREINZ MWI4 lILAM, Avonhead areas. Mod-; I ern small home or big ow n-1 .1 ership unit on smallish sec j "J tion required by genuine cash buxer tn $43,000. Ph ’ ei Sherris .and Robertson. Fen-! si dalton. 517-067. a*.h. c (Tavin : Topp 556-965, MREINZ 21 MWFI4I
Page 30 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 30
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