i Auctions SPECIAL ENTRY ANNUAL MACHINERY AUCTION SEPTEMBER 13, 1979. 3927 FORD T ton truck, fully restored and in immaculate condition. PYNE, GOLT D. GUINNESS LTD, Auctioneers. Properties for Sale NORTH-WEST, only $43,250. A quality 3 bdrm brick home with a sense of space and privacy. 2 spacious adjoining living rooms. Up to the minute kitchen. Expensive carpets and drapes t/out. Set on tree studded 28 p. section with dble garage. Ph. Heather Collie, Manchester Homes. MREINZ. 60050. a.h. 45-737. MW 12 NORTHLANDS shopping tand all amenities). Only a leisurely stroll along the North Rd from this incredibly neat and tidy brick home and garden. 3 bdrms, lounge, big kitchen dinette with wetback open fire, plus batts in ceiling for tiny power bills. Bath and shower cab inet. Huge 4-car garage equipped with many lights and points. Drastically reduced for urgent sale to only $28,500. Sole agents. Arthur Berry Real Estate. MREINZ. 555-557 anv time. MW 12 OPAWA, well presented 3 bdrm roughcast bungalow, - large living area. Decramastic roof. Priced to sell quickly at $19,950. Phone Brian or Paula Farrow 66917, a.h. 427-040 Mercer Real Estate, MREINZ. 10 PAGES ROAD, just off. Splendid 2000 sq ft, 4 bdrm family home, only 6 y ears, permanent mats, immac. order. Terrific 22 x 15 lounge, smart spacious kitchen dining (island divider). Lovely batljroom (Sep. shower) mahogany joinery, excellent 20ft x 15ft pool room, dble block garage (power on). New 12ft x 10ft glasshouse. Most attractive 24 p. section. Only $29,500. Tremendous buying. Ist time offered, sole agents. Ph. Tom Glass 60-050, a.h. 499-709. Manchester Homes Ltd, MREINZ.
MW 12 PAPANUI, Matsons Avenue. Appealing residential location with attractive mature gardens adjacent. Spacious red brick bungalow containing two double bedims, sunny kitchen and adjacent dining area communicating to lounge with street outlook. Approximately 23yrs of age very comfortably furnished and fitted. Gar-
age. glasshouse and tool shed. Short walk to Papa ! nui roundabout and shops. G.V. $28,200 asking $29,500. excellent value. Sole agents! Simes and Co., Ltd. Phone 64-347. SMWI2 PAPANUI: Perm. mat. home on 30 perch section. Closie to schools. shops and buses, 3 dble bdrms, nice lounge, good kitchen, walkin pantry* carpets, drapes etc. Garage. Price $26,000 0.n.0. Contact P. Coleman,
sole agents: Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ. 555-707. 555-708, a.h. 556-660. H
■ ■ ■ B PAPANUI: Ist time offered, close to St Andrews College; good 4 bdrm home on 30 perch section. Nice lounge, wood panelling. Good entrance hall, wood panelling, nice living room plus kitchen, 2 open fireplaces plus wetback. Nice bathroom. 2 toilets, ’ carpets, drapes etc. Garage, pins carport. Price $39,750. Contact P. Coleman, sole agents: Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ. 555-707. 555-708, a.h. 556-660. 11
PAPANUI. Chapter St. Dble storey home facing north. 4 bdrms, lounge plus games room, double garage, good living room, huge kitchendining. walk-in pantry, bathroom plus 2 toilets, carpets. curtains, etc. Price $43,500 0.n.0. Contact P. Coleman. Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ, Ph. 555707, 555-708. a.h. 556-660. 11 PARKLANDS, $33,500, 4 bedroom summerhill stone family’ home in immaculate condition. Carpets and drapes lovely section with large garage. Nice situation. Sole agent Neumann, MREINZ. 60-360, 559-158. 10’ PARKLANDS. Split level ‘3 bdrms, sep. dining, spacious and sunny, nice cond. Urgent sale. $39,950. Bill Edwards, 67-436. a.h. 516-878, Jones for Homes, MREINZ. PARKLANDS. Modern perm, mat. house. 3 bdrms, spacious lounge, sep. dining, dble garage, sunny landscaped garden. $33,000. Ph. 830941. PARKLANDS: $35,950. listed today, sole agents. Magnificent two year old perm, mat. home, in immac. cond. inside and out. Situated in quiet cul-de-sac, fenced and landscaped with massive new block garage. Features include 3 double bdrms, office or sunrm, i large formal lounge, sep. familv room, ultra mod. kitchen, sep. shower, great carpets and drapes. Be quick fen this one. Ph. Bill Llovd bus. 555-771 or 555-708 a.h. 559-561: Merivale Real Estate, MREINZ 14 RANGIORA: Property buyers, we may have the property that suits you: 3 bedroom older type home. $lB,OOO. Three bedroom concrete home: close in. $21,000. Three bedrooms: very large section, best part. $26,750. Tw o bedroom Summerhill i stone home, north west.! $30,000. We have homes and; ownership flats all areas, | all prices. Gillman Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. Williams St. Kaiapoi. Ph. 6552 a.h. 6092 Rang. Open Sat. morning. 10