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Properties for Sale I BEXLEY RD ijust offi. only $16,950 0.n.0. Urgent sale. Lo.eiy compact 2 warm per-| manent mat. oungalow. nice ; cav. lounge, roomy kitchen/ dining Une tone gold car- 1 pels throughout. 24 perches, i Single garage, ideal couple ! or small family. bore agents Ph 10m Glass 60-050, a.h. ; 490-701?. Manchester Homes MREINZ. BELFAST. Smart modern 3 dbie bdrm home, bolstered ' Summerhill Stone, only 2’ years old. Immac. order, splendid lounge. sloping I ceilings, exposed beams, terrific ’dining, eye les el oven pantry. Wastemaster. Lovely bathroom, shower < room. excellent carpets, internal access to double j garage. Easily maintained' section. $39,950. Ph. Tom Glass, Manchester Homes. MREINZ. 60-050. a.h. 499-709.’ BISHOPDALE. 6 pew compact homes on smaller sections. These homes are | built jn permanent materials. have fencing erected, pads for garages. Cobblestone parking areas and shrubs supplied. Ph. Merritt Beazley Homes, j 797-829, a.h. Tony Smith at , 841-668 or Chris Wilson at 60-101. in BISHOPOALE. Ideai investment opportunity for someone who doesn't mind redecorating. Summerhill stone open fire in lounge. 31 bedrooms, only 12 vears old. in quiet street. $5OOO avail ! able on second mortgage at! 10 per cent. To view ring sole agent. Dorothv Webster of Drewery’s. MREINZ. 799 646, a.h. 41-276. FMIO BISHOPDALE: A home tor
entertaining; luxury kit-‘ chen. formal dining plus family dining. 3 bdrms, double carport. This home is in beautiful order; throughout with fittings in the luxury class Great ' value at $45,00(1. To view I ring Dorothy Webster of I Drewery’s. MREINZ. 799-646 a.h. 41-276. FMIOBISHOPDALE, Papanui. . $33,000. Sole agent. Immac. brick, tile roof home, easily 3 bdrms and spacious lounge I plus large kitchen/dining.l Laundry has room for deep! freeze Bathroom and sep. shower. Attractive street j appearance. Sunny j acre! section. F irst da\ offered! Ph. Basil Hurrell 45-129 bus., 598-775 a.h.. Peter Wilson,' Rice.. MREINZ. BISHOPDALE. First day exclusive. $42,000. Immaciilate executive residence for ; genuine sale. Fastidiously I maintained and offering I extensive entertaining 1 areas, large pool room, 30 x ' 10 kitchen/dining, sep. 1 lounge, open fire, cooler i house. Established section. ; To view Phone Roger Milsom. 555-771. a.h. 558-005, Merivale Real Estate. MREINZ. j 2 BISHOPOALE. First time offered by exclusive agents. Modern ranch style Summerhill Stone home on attractively landscaped 23 perch section. 3 dble bed rooms. 24 x 12 lounge with open fire good sized kitchen/dining area. Double garage. $35,500. To view contact Jeanette Hoare of Drewery’s, MREINZ. 799-646 i a.h. 486-430. 10 I BRYNDWR; New listing. Not i a cent to spend on ■ this immaculate 3 bed- ] room family home, quality’ fixtures and floor coverings! throughout, loads of living space, well shrubbed section! with double garage and carport, $21,950 0.n.0. View! now, sole agent. Brent j Miles. David Murray Real ' Estate. 556-102 any time. MREINZ ' 10 | BRYNDWR - * Leasehold, | $20,000. Sole agents. Good solid perm. mat. home of 3 sunny bdrms, lounge, family sized dining/kitchen (both rooms with open fires), plus; large hobby or games room. Excellent carpels and wall-; papers. 30p shrubby section, high and dry. Ground rent much less than mortgage interest. Be quick, phone now, Clutha Halliday. Ber- ]< nard Berry Real Estate, MREINZ. 599-583. a.h. 487-524. j BRYNDWR, $33,000. First time offered. Attractive summerhill stone property situated in quiet cul-de-sac in desir-! able area. Sunny lounge with feature stone open fire, living room with space heater. 3 excellent bdrms al! with built-in ’robes, shower cabinet in bathroom, easy care section with 25 x; 12 garage. Phone Margaret, Duval. Chch Real Estate.; Church Corner. 488-366, a.h. 583-584, MREINZ. Il BRYNDWR. First day on , market. Perm. mat. .small home on easily kept section, ideal retirement home Must be sold. $21,000 0.n.0. j Riccarton Land Sales. MREINZ. 487-029. a.h. 554-475. BRYNDWR. One of best streets. Really super 3) bedroom perm, mat home, in tip top cond. throughout featuring spacious enter- ( taining. reception areas. | with doors to private sun . decking. Quality chattels. ; Many extras. $43,000. G. Dickens of Daniel J. Visser, I MREINZ. 68-853. a.h. 891-826 BRYNDWR, Wairakei Rd. close Farrington Ave. Large size bungalow includes 4 bedrooms. 2 living j rooms and kitchen. Double ] garage, large section, just; ideal for a familv. Dry. healthy spot Handy io shops and schools. Just I available Absentee keen seller. 529.500. Don’t miss ' it! Phone 797-830 a.h. ! 599-305. Ray Cunningham?, Ford and Hadfield, Ltd. MREINZ. Il ;< BRYNDWR (Gregan Cres $24,950. Beautifully and tastefully presented smaller ; home on elevated shrubbed section. Weatherboard, tile roof. Features huge 25 x 14 . lounge open fire). cosy kit-. 1 chen/dinette. 2 bdrms. Neutral carpets and drapes.! Single gaarge. Ideal couple or small family. Phone | Sherris and Robertson,; 792-120, a.h. Brvan Dobson i 39-808. MREINZ. MTHSIS!
■■■ ■ u BURNSIDE, $36,750. Ranch style summerhill stone, sunny and appealing bungalow in good street. 3 dble bedrooms. L shaped lounge with dining area, stone fireplace and doors to terrace. central heating. First class carpets and drapes. Stippled ceilings throughout Double garage. inis home is truly in immaculate condition To view ph. Jocelyn Spiers. Chch Real Estate. Brvndwr. MREI.X'Z. 517-1 SB. ah. 856-972. MWSIS BUR NS I DE. 3 bed room buck with tile roof home sited so handy to all amenities. Lounge with open fire, dual hot water, sunny spacious kitchen dining, bathroom with separate shower, concrete block garage. Price $27,250. Vendor transferred. M B. Cook and Co.. MREINZ. Ph. 68-334, a h. 588-448. BURNSIDE, close to Seven Oaks Drive. Immaculate bungalow on approx. 30 perches. Spacious lounge with sunroom off. 2 double bedrooms, super kitchen with auto, stove and a delightful bathroom. Garage. Price $27,950 0.n.0., inclusive of quality carpets, drapes. etc. Close to • schools, shops, etc. Please , Phone W. C. Mehalski, ■ 66-979, of Geo. Anderson. Smiths City Market. Ltd, MRELXZ. >ole agents. BURNSIDE. Interesting established executive style home j a spacious private 875m2 <32 : perchi section close to park. 4 big bedrooms plus study (fifth bdrm), separate! living with open fire, big I formal dining room with feature panelled wall, ■ modern kitchen with oveni set in brick surround. < w’astemaster. Dishmaster, | and Xpelair. Beautiful | sunny breakfast area with room for table. Its huge garage complets the pic-, tur* Phone Haw kins. MR-1 MNZ. 41-293, ah. 517-439.1 W-054. 101
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Press, 10 September 1979, Page 29
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1,019Page 29 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 10 September 1979, Page 29
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Page 29 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 10 September 1979, Page 29
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