IF you have been refused employment because you are too young or lacked experience, we have the opportunity for you.
Work where neither youth nor age is a disadvantage. Sapid advancement possible. An excellent opportunity to gain business experience. If you are free to travel and able to start immediately, phone. 69-842 for interview. U ASSISTANT NIGHT SUPERVISOR AN active responsible person is required to join our team of Night Staff. Duties include the supervision of up to 20 girls in a living unit, ensuring their safety and wellbeing. Some supervision of staff, grounds and buildings Is also required. Driver’s licence is essential. The appointee will work on a roster which involves some week-end work and allows for two days off each week. Hours are from 10 p.m. to 6.30 a.m. A good salary is paid together with a penal rate for week-end work, and a night rate. Applications should be made to: THE PRINCIPAL, KINGSLEA. P.O. Box 27080. CHRISTCHURCH, bv Monday, September 17, 1979, on Form PSC 17A obtainable from any Post Office and forwarded direct to the Principal. Interviews will be arranged on receipt of the ap. plication. lO COMPANION HELP GENTLEMAN would like person with own income to share home with him and help with home duties, for small retainer end car available for use. PLEASE PHONE 298-893. DICTA TYPIST FIGURES CAN BE FUN A BRAND NEW Professional Office In the city needs an addition to their dynamic team. Accurate and speedy typing is essential. You will be responsible for the typing of minutes, correspondence and balance sheets. The atmosphere is friendly and conditions of employment are excellent. Great salary. Call Kate McShane. 795-940. FOX GLACIER CHEF CHEF OUR busy tourist hotel on the West Coast is looking for a Chef. Experienced in Table d’Hote and A la Carte cooking is essential. This is a live in position. Apply with references to: The Manager, VACATION HOTEL. 776 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. PHONE 795-380. FILING CLERK Experienced, mature person, 30 plus, required 3 to 4 hours daily. Phone 64-878. Mrs Ryder, for an appointment. FASHION JEWELLERY WAREHOUSE CENTRALLY situated offers temporary employment for Junior Assistant includes light duties, assembling and packing. A. and P.M. STYLES AGENCY, LTD. Unit 10, 75 PETERBOROUGH STREET, PHONE 63-159 between 9 a.m.11 a.m. Monday morning for appointment.
GENERAL HAND TO assist in manufacturing and distribution of Engineering Products. Good wages and conditions. BEGG & ALLEN LTD, 75 McAlpine Street, SOCKBURN, Phone for interview, 487-033. 11 JUNIOR/TN TERMEDIATE SHORTHAND TYPIST FOR ADVERTISING AGENCY WE require the services Of a competent Shorthand Typist in our centrally situated Christchurch office of one of New Zealand’s largest advertising agencies. The work is interesting, varied and plentiful. Ideally applicant* should have a pleasing personality, a courteous manner to dealing with people, direct or by phone, and the initiative to cope with a variety of responsible work. Typing neatness and accuracy (on 1.8. M. “Golf Ball” typewriter) are essential. A generous commencing salary will be paid to the successful applicant. Applicants should »tate qualifications, experience and any other relevant information and be addressed to:— The Manager, CHARLES HAINES. LTD, P.O. Box 65. CHRISTCHURCH. Or Phone Miss Wenmoth, 65334 for an appointment.
WORKING FOREMAN A permanent position is offered to a reliable person with a good work record to control the plywood reel making, cardboard core cutting and despatch. This vacancy would-suit a carpenter or machinist looking for a secure job with an established firm. Good wages and conditions. Apply: The Manager, BRYCO LTD Phone 64-413 7 BATTEASEA STREET, SYDENHAM lO
Page 27 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 27
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