Situations Vacant Farm LINCOLN student for mixed cropping farm tn Mid Can. terbury, Nov./Feb. Reply Box ZP8556. 'Pre**.' - Situations Wanted 2ND year Lincoln College student requires job on cropping or sheep farm, aged 20. Start sept. 6 on wards for 3 months. Contact G. Mannion, C/o M. JMcGuire, Ahaura. Wen Coast. (PAINTING For prompt, • friendly »enice at reduced I winter rates Pb. SM-550 or , &SS-429 Personals A. J HALL <u* trenunx and pictures 5*6 Colombo St D ABORTION Reterral Serrtco. Seeking an abortion? Contact SDS. 796-970- 24-bour I service D AliokhTiONS. etc., trouser* tapered. Garth Owen. Bespoke Tailor. 115 Cashel St (next Whitcoulls) Phone 81-539 D CADES for fashion wool selection Call at Armagh St or Bells Arcade. 29 CABA Del Sol is pleased to announce that our very popolar singer guitarist l« now playing 3 nights a week for your vleaaure. Monday. Wednesday and Frldav. Book your table non. its warm inside. Ph. 60- MWF CLASSIFIED ad* are tn* very best means tn town to com municat* what vlu bare for sale Try them D DINING out on Sunday I* a pleasure. Now you can choose from the superb a la carte menu at the Casa Del Sol. STC SSCORTS. Je t’alme Escorts Phone 797-899. SO ESCORTS: Presentable ladies tor all occasions. Phone 792-794 any time. SO ESCORTS arranged, attractive ladles from Serenade Escorts, the top-line agency (established 1074), Phon* 61- 6n Oxford Tee, Box Mt. D EVERYBODY says that our food is superb. If you have heard about the Casa Del Sol but have not yet tried our wonderful menu come and see u« soon Reservations are advisable. Open every night from 6 p.m. Ph. 60-822. for reservations. SM IMPROVE your social life. Meet new people through Avon Dating Centre. Ph. 61670. 60 Oxford Tee, Box Ml IQ and personality toning Free service at the Chch Test Centre. Families, businessmen, housewives, etc . lat Floor, 172 Hereford St Ph. 325-515, a.h. 843-236. SMWFIS MITTONS Fashions Ltd — fashion* for th* larger woman, have moved to eur new address: 104 Gloucester 7W-uf P ' Ph - MITTONS Fashion. Ltd — specialise In the larger women** fittings size* 18-28. Late night Friday, 104 Gloucester Street (opp. Haywrlghts). Phone 787-892 D NEED your car repaired* Need new tyres? YouTl end bargain* that can’t be best in Ctassified D PREGNANCY Help. Ph. 88-355. MGF RAP studios: Ever felt like rapping to someone different. well, come on down and meet the girl* at the Shady Lady. 285 A Hereford St. Ph. 89-872. or the Storlanka. 159 Gloucester St. Ph. 797-899. 12 noon-8 »jn 30 STEAM cleaning cam, tracks, machinery, buildings, path* etc. Reasonable chtrge Pl 791-988, IS HIRE SERVICE UNFIT? OVER-WEIGHT? 5 MILES A DAY GETS THE KILOS AWAYII EXERCYCj.ES ONLY 83-Ml PER'WEEK rowing Machines ONLY $2.50 PER WEEK. Free Picup and Delivery Minimum Hiro 4 week* CH CH KEEP FfT, Phone 857-256 MW Trucks, Sell FALCON 500 utility GB, 1975. automatic, 250 motor, genuine 45,000 miles, heater, beautiful Daytona yellow with brown trim. Absolutely as brand new. Best for sale. Value at $5395 or 91IW0 dep. Dave Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd, Pb. 4a-742. LMVD. 10 ■■ ■ ■ MINI van, 1973. In really ale* original order, over *5OO lust spent on g/box. Heater. Real value at $1895 or 8450 deposit. Date Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd, Ph. 45-742, LMVD. 16
MORRIS JU 250, 1972. In ex celtlent original condition. Heater, floor change, rear and side opening doe: Mechanically Al. Real value at $1995 or $650 dep. Dave Mitchell Wholesale. 110 Riccarton Rd, Ph. 45 742, LMVD. 16 FATROL - Cabal) — Hurtle:, the pride of Nissan, now at A. C. Rhode* Ltd, Phone 45-099. LMVD,, MWS MLL new Bedford JIC2 truck. Reply 6402 ••Pre**.”
THE Datsun 1500 ule from A. C. Rhodes, Lto, could be cheaper than you think. Ph. 45-099, LXIVD. i<WS THE Hustler ta here, bee it at A C. Rhodes, Ltd. the new Datsun dealer Phone 45-091,, LMVD MRS TRANSIT flat deck. Dec. 1977. 1 owner, latest motor, 14.00 U km. Heater, drop sides. Absolutely as brand nee. eave *3OOO. Real talue at *5995 or *2OOO dep. Dave Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Rkcarton Rd, Ph. 43-742, LM VD. 10 VALIANT Utility, 1970, VF, genuine 61,000 mile*, heater, lovely metallic bronze paintwork. Immaculate ortg, cond Real value at *2*95 or *lOOO dep. Dav* Mitchell Wholesale, 110 lllccartoRd. Ph. 45-742, LMVD. 10 Trucks Wanted LANCASTER Molvrs nut*, ■ells and trades trucks,
Page 27 Advertisements Column 10
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 27
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