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ALL DAY EVERY DAY — ana remember Tn« Prets' nas more readers than any other South Illa nd dally co give you more contacts — more opportunity tor Classified Advertising DLM 792-440 Public Notices SELL vuur stereo equipment with a quick-action Classi fied advert. D WE'RE mghlv optimistic about our Classified ads. Shop our columns and you’U see way! D SPRING CLEAN CARPET SHAMPOO SPECIAL $lO Average lounge. $3O Average 3-4 bedroom home. BOOK now: PH. 898-931 29 THE PRESS NEW SECTIONAL MAPS COMPREHENSIVE index giving street locations listing places of interest, city and country hotels and taverns. $3.50 Also our popular pocket and wall maps. $2. from THE CHRISTCHURCH PRESS CO., LTD. D WEIGHT WATCHERS WEIGHT WATCHERS WEIGHT WATCHERS Open meeting, no obligation to join. Free recipes and magaiines. Tuesday, 1 p.m. at 661 Colombo St. Be slim for summer. SMI7 IN THE MATTER of the Sale of Liquor Act 1962 AND IN THE MATTER of an application by GRAEME DONALD McINTOSH, of Twixel, Caterer, and JEANETTE HELEN McINTOSH, his wife, for the transfer of a Restaurant Licence.
GRAEME DONALD McINTOSH. of Twizel, Caterer, and JEANETTE HELEN McINTOSH, his wife, have made an application to the Canterbury Licensing Committee for the transfer of the Restaurant Licence in respect of the Posada Del Flamingo Restaurant, situated at 111 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Any person who wishes to object to the transfer of the Restaurant Licence may not later than fourteen days after the first publication of the notice file a notice of his objection under the grounds thereof to the Clerk of the Licensing Committee. Dated this 7th day of September, 1979. Graeme Donald MeINTOSH and Jeanette Helen MeINTOSH. This is the first publication of this notice. The address for service of the applicant is at the offices of Messrs Raymond Ward Sullivan and Cooney, Solicitors, 27 Strathallan Street, Timaru. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 267 Cambridge Terrace OCCULTISM—THE NEWEST RENAISSANCE by Dudley Gower, of Auckland WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 12, 8 P.M. All Welcome.
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Page 27 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 27
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