I- Available from 808 BROWNS HI-FI SOUND 194-208 High St and The Mall Brighton
Frank Sinatra Welcome the brilliance of Sinatra into your home tonight. Imagine you’re actually there, every note, every chord, every moment of a perfectionist-at work. It’s this dedication to perfection that has kept 01' Blue Eyes at the top for three generations. Aim for anything less than a high performance stereo system and you’re doing Sinatra an injustice. The new Fountain C 53070 integrated music centre brings you the voice and musical arrangement with every hint and subtlety intact. For the first time, you can enjoy. 30 watts of component stereo performance in one compact unit. The t-ountain C 53070, a precision record player, versatile cassette deck and advanced radio tuner. A 30 watts RMS per channel hi-performance home entertainment centre with the versatility ease o* use and reliability that will satisfy the most critical music enthusiast. 01' Blue Eyes does it his way... we’d like you to hear it our way. • -i n ■nranm MHHMK e FOUNTAIN ®tej INTEGRATED MUSIC CENTRE 7.-,e new C 53070 is only one of a superior range of Fountain music centres available from all leading home appliance stores and hifi dealers. 4196
ErfTl IMTAI IM • for top I (ABOVF ’ Ik- trade-in .. K „™ iHTE) M/Q PRICE Phone 3 INTEGRATED MUSIC CENTRE 79 °-° 5O I TOP TRADE-IN-LOW DEPOSIT-EASY TERMS | E • HIGH ST • NORTHLANDS • NEW BRIGHTON 3 f Phone 790-050 Phone 528-415 Phone JB9-252
Page 24 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 24
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