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»' s , J i fW®- 1 ■ Inflation Bonds .'» Oi“When I can afford my own farm my money will be worth what it is today” Tm working hard to get a deposit together for my first farm. In the meantime I need to protect my savings from being eaten away’ by inflation. The New Zealand Government Inflation Adjusted Bonds give me peace of mind. I can put up to $l,OOO a year into bonds and mysavings are inflation proofed. If I use that money towards a deposit on my first farm I can withdraw it at a month’s notice and still have benefitted from, the inflation protection.” Howlnf lation Bonds work The whole idea behind Inflation Adjusted year on Ist July, you receive an interest Savings Bonds is to maintain the payment of 2% on the amount of your purchasing power of your savings. When original investment'. you cash in your Bonds you are You can buy Bonds to a maximum of guaranteed a tax free premium, equal to $l,OOO in any one calendar year. The the percentage change in the Consumers maximum amount that can be held by Price Index, while you've held the bonds, any one person is $5,000. The minimum or5G per annum compounded quarterly application is $lOO and after that in. — whichever is the greater. Also, each multiples of $5O. When can you cash-in Inflation Bonds? Normally Inflation Bonds must be held for at least 5 years. But, you can cash them in at one month’s notice if you are: • Over 60 years of age • A first farm purchaser • A first home purchaser • A first commercial fishing vessel purchaser. Inflation Adjusted Savingsßonds the look ahead investment thatprotects your savings Application forms and prospectuses are available from and subscriptions will be accepted by any Post Office, Trading or Savings Bank. Sharebroker, or the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. Or fill in and send coupon. Chief Accountant Ar Reserve Bank of NZ ' ‘ PO Box 2099, Wellington Inflation Bonds: Please send me a prospectus for Inflation Adjusted Savings Bonds Name-... Address„ I-5 9 I ■UM ■■■■M MH ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■
Page 20 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 10 September 1979, Page 20
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