WHAT'S ON AT THE CSA So much, so much we are fortumte indeed to hewe the C.S.A., and the many stimulating exhibitions they bring our way. Like DRAWING 79. This is the kind ol exhibition that Must be seen by aN, including the cognoscenti, as it includes works by many of our best artists. The Matt Pine exhibition of sculpture, and drawings is on until 13 September and is another must. Matt Pine is the current Francis Hodgkins Fellow Also on until the 13 September, an interesting exhibition of cartoons and drawings by SAM MAHON. * SALE * 25% Off All TREES SHRUBS ROSES THIS WINTER CLEARANCE OF 20,000 PLANTS RUNS UNTIL SUNDAY-16th SEPTEMBER V|j PREBBLETON NURSERIES II 109 Blakesßd.Prebbleton X V Open 7 days 9am —spm
farmers’farmers’ YOUR SPECIALISTS IN ■ FASHIONS - APPLIANCES HOMEWARES • FABRICS • SPORTING GOODS ■pgn IAK E 1 ftw ■farmers) lEATER TRADEMARK IR) UflU If you’re tired of spending the better part of your weekend's keeping your lawn in shape you could need a weedeater from Farmers • Weedeater gets into places that can't be reached by a la wnm <> w e r • Weedeater is safer • Cut s away while you walk at a natural pace • No stooping, bending, or reaching M| C JT • Lightweight and easy to operate • Saves time • Double ?'■ insulated. ■W ‘ The -I I F WEEDEATER I S vLX Family can cut it. ■ ■ DISCOVER I I THE GREATEST / LAWNCARETOOL / SINCE THE ewOoi ' POWER MOWER. MfsB9 / 12 MONTHS I the versatile tool —trimming. jZ GUARANTEE ■ manicuring your lawn. As well as J 90 DAYS FOR COMMBtCIM UMS I efficiently and safely removing ■ weeds, from those hard to get at places, without damaging /Jy surrounding objects. X And you receive a reel / J | of filament line FREE / > ""I i H| when you buy from / //'\ Jk ACM I i I FARMERS /// I 1 / M MODEL 847 1 H I f REE' I $B9 I y DEPOSIT $13,70 MONTHLY $4.20 I MODEL 848 ■ LHj pricf $59 I I LAY-BY NOW -L_ lsB-85j ■ FOR CHRISTMAS MONTHLY |52.86 I Beat rhe Christmas rush. Secure your PFTRAI AAfthEl /AnD) 1 I I new Weedeater today. For just I deposit and regular instalments your I Christmas worries are eliminated. PRICE DEPOSIT $25.85 i V7S4 OTTud MONTHLY J | B C|(J I B WMHt , Ar - 5 -'' A, > ‘ - --"-iiiiwaiiiiriiiiiiiii l ll■llllllMW■l fl COME AND SEE I WEEDEATER ( > AT farmers ' y / Come and see the mighty ft I \ electric and gosoime Ji TheWEEDEATER ■
Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 8 September 1979, Page 7
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