i riTTrwßWß' <nr 111 ii 111 — LLLLLIi I | WOOLWORTHS 1 BISHOPDALE GARDEN CENTRE | & OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9am - spm B FRUIT TREES E rvj Tall Apples, Dwarf Apples, Double Graft Apples. Apricots, this will be KM td your last chance to get these trees at such a low price R □ All $2.95 each 3 ROSES ‘ } 3 Guaranteed to grow. To clear stocks these top quality roses are all .. . Etf b*! Reduced to $1,50 each jEf 3 RED CURRANTS “~W There is still time to plant red currants, always useful for jams and jellies W H Normally 5i.95. Reduced fo $ 1.50 J I “YATES” DAHLIA TUBERS “ “ ■ "■ As a weekend special these named variety packs of tubers with colour B B illustrated header cards are again ... 4 Reduced from $1.63 to $1.39 LJ “ Large double flowering, pompom and Cactus types. F’J POLYANTHUS ELITEi - H “ We have more of these beautiful plants in full bloom and colour range 70< each or 3 for $2.00 jj s MANY OF THESE LINES ALSO AVAILABLE AT NEW BRIGHTON ON SATURDAY £ EITYYr.V.i dll r'.'t ."V J I rn— t:i»ir’ll, mßyi 1111 i i 1 11 *ll. Mi ill!111U Alii
I Medley Wells NEW WORLD STANDARDS IN PURE PHONO REPRODUCTION HIGHEST PROFESSIONAL QUALITY IN AUDIO TECHNOLOGY TECHNICS and NATIONAL are two of the best known and respected names in the World of high fidelity sound. If you're serious about Hi-Fi and really appreciate music, you will never regret STEPPING UP TO TECHNICS The Technics Turntables featured below made world history by virtually eliminating wow and flutter, and rumble — setting new world standards in the pure reproduction of music just as it was originally played. But don't take our word — come in to any Sedley Wells Store (bring your own record if you wish) and remember its what you DON'T hear on Technics, that makes what you do hear so enjoyable. Affifi ißb* ' MHPMMMHffiaMSEVSM MWNBMWESSi , ... „ . , ~. TECHNICS SL23O •Fully automatic TECHNICS $13200 •Direct drive, »Auto TECHNICS $1221 •Magnetic Cartridge .Memo repeat ‘Mognetic Cartridge ’Belt feturn .Magnetic cartridge •Independent •Belt drive ‘lndependent pitch controls Drive .Independent pitch controls -Elec- „ ch contro(s . Fu) | im ted . 0 03% •Electronic speed change *Auto return tronic speed change *FG Servo controlled wow flutter •FG Servo controlled motor. motor. .... mw nep C 7 80WK1Y $279 or LOW DEPOSIT $1.97 WKLY $295 or LOW DEPOSIT $2.08 WKLY or ' •ALL TECHNICS TURNTABLES ARE FITTED WITH PERSPEX COVERS* 9 ‘ i S'* 37 WATT STEREO AMPLIFIER TECHNICS $13300 •Direct drive •Fully TECHNICS 5L5200 •Quartz-phase locked •37 wafts (RMS) per channel •Microphone automatic ‘Magnetic cartridge »lndepen control •Direct drive ‘Semi automatic level control •Provision for 2 sets of den f pjy t h controls •Fully imported •Magnetic cartridge •Fully imported speakers *4O step volume control »Loud- , Memo t . O 03 wew /flutter. •Pitch controls •0.025% wow flutter ness/Scratch/Rumble filters *0.1% THD $365 IOW D{pOJlT j 2 57 w|aY $459 or LOW DEPOSIT $3.24 WKLY at 37 watts (20 Hz -20 KHz). T $470 OR LOW DEP. $3.32 WKLY -i nßßße***. ’ 'JhH h i .* I LIN cm 1 R kf P B H s A ystem 6,5 FRONT LOADING CASSETTE DECK 2 Way Dolby noise reduction circuitry •Electronically controlled DC motor *4O 5549 PAIR recor<d ' n 9 l eve l control *Oil damped cassette door *3 position tape selector ’Timer facility on record and play back •Illuminated tape comOR LOW DEP ° SIT partment. $3.87 WEEKLY 41A OR LOW DEPOSIT 53.49 WKLY •250 mm Woofer and 60mm Tweeter •Superb performance •Attractive Styling. ■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■R ■■■■■!■■ Bi ■■■■■■ Bl ■■■■ R BUY W/TH CONF/DENCF! I I SEDLEY WELLS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I W f If you are not completely satisfied (with 7 days) with any Technics or | FOR ■ National Component you have purchased from us we will exchange, g J VERY ■° r re^ y° ur money ' n ooyth'ng be fairer? (ri £/'T|\/F ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■ ■ FOR BEST TRADE-IN PRICE ** Your Trade-in could pay your deposit and help reduce weekly payments. TcchniCS Hecidphones Call af ony OUr stores or phone us for free valuation. Technics linear drive headphones create a THE SOUND OF SILENCE IS HERE - NOW! hi* l" S,en ' n 9’ The finely engineered technology and fine reproduction of the TECHNICS »“rn nn range is available NOW at Sedley Wells. Come in and listen to the $72.00 OR EASY TERMS Technics sound of silence yourself! In association with h— Fisher and Paykel Ltd ’HIGHSTREET ’NORTHLANDS ’NEW BRIGHTON Phon. 790-050 Dir.ct Phon. 528-415 Direct Phon. 889-252 OPEN TODAY at BRIGHTON 9a.m.-9p.m. Brighton Mall — Opposite Clock Tower, Phone 882-252
Page 5 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 8 September 1979, Page 5
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