1 Properties for Sale I NEW ~~ LUXURY HOMES NORTHWEST WE HAVE A SUPERB SELECTION OF READY BUILT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION — NEAR COMPLETION IN SELECT SUBDIVISIONS. AVONHEAD $63,750 Period Colonial styled split-level residence in a prestige street of $70,000 home off Harrowdale Drive. 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 w.c.'s and built in a unique cream Mt Sommers natural istone, including the odd fossilised shell. ILAM $54,850 Beautiful Mediterranean Spanish styling with ail the top features. Attached double garage, study or 4th bedroom and large sunny living areas. Top luxury finish. Close to all amenities. BRYNDWR $42,850 Superb large 3 bedroomed in contemporary ranch styling, featuring exposed raftered raking ceilings, stepdown lounge floor, extra large separate dining room and finished in brown kiln run brick. Price includes double block garage, drives, paths, fencing. AVONHEAD $52,875 Distinctive and different this 4 bedroom home has been designed for max. use of outdoor areas. Full of character, on 2 levels with large living rooms, near completion in our Westgrove subdivision this is exceptional value. PH. 45-189 Aebiterprisb HOMES NEW HOME BUILDERS 55 EPSOM RD. A.H. NOEL WELLS 584-379 -BRUCE MacRELL 478-937 CITRUS ORCHARD IN THE SUNNY BAY OB’ PLENTY 4.8 HA. (11| acres). A very attractively laid out orchard, 4 miles distance from Tauranga City P.O. Planted in all varieties of mature citrus and producing an excellent income. An extensive range of buildings includes a split stone home and basement with expansive water aitl rural views. A full range of implements is included in the price of $300,000. A GREAT INVESTMENT FOR FUTURE SUBDIVISION. Contact us now’! RAND, MATHESON and DAWSON, MREINZ, opp. P. 0., Spring Street, TAURANGA, P.O. Box 60. Phone 84-084 office, After Hours Cliffe Dawson Phone 25-833. HAREWOOD A 1.2300 HECTARE property with improvements, situated on the corner of Sawyers Arms and Waimakariri Roads, is available for sale on the following options: (1) Cash—s3l,ooo, or (2) Deferred Payment Licence Deposit $6200. Term 30 years. Half-yearly Instalments $1255.55. For further particulars contact Department of Lands and Survey, telephone 799-760, ask for Miss Schoolderman. Applications close September 24, 1979. SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY, LINWOOD UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AT CHRISTCHURCH AT the request of the Second Mortgagee in exercise of the power ,of sale contained in Memorandum of Mortgage registered in the land Registry’ Office at Christchurch under No. 122135/5 on Wednesday the 25th day of September. 1979, at 2.30 o’clock in the afternoon, Messrs Whittle Knight and Boatwood Limited will offer for sale by Public Auction at their premises at the corner of Clyde and Riccarton Roads. Christchurch, ALL THAT parcel of land containing TWENTY PERCHES AND FOUR TENTHS OF A PERCH or thereabout situated in the City of Christchurch being Lot 3 on plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Christchurch as No. 7578 part of Rural Section 30 comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 374 Folio 030 Canterbury Registry. The property is located at 463 Hereford Street, Linwood, Christchurch, and is a 53-year-old storey and a half property, of weatherboard construction with corrugated iron roof. Comprising five rooms with two kitchenettes and two bathrooms. At present divided into two flats. The rear flat of one bedroom, and front flat containing two bedrooms. Original stained panelling in lounges and hallway. Could easily be returned into one residence. The property is occupied. The Mortgagee’s estimate of value and Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the office of the Registrar of Die Supreme Court at Christchurch and at the offices of Messrs Cavell, Leitch, Pringle and Boyle, Solicitors for the Mortgagee, 152 Manchester Street, Christchurch. during office hours, prior to the sale and at the office of the Auctioneers at the time of sale without payment of any fee. AS22
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Press, 8 September 1979, Page 45
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