Properties for Sale ST ALBANS. First time offered. a home full of character and potential. 2 huge bedrooms (3 possible), sep. kitchen dining, livingroom and lounge, original wood panelling, ornate ceiling, bay windows, open fires, dual water heating. Large section. Requires redecoration. Very realistically priced, 518,000 0.n.0. Contact owners agent, Brent Miles, David Murray Real Estate. 556-102 anv time. MREINZ. 10 ST ALBANS. Estate sale. Large sunroom, two bedroomed home. Needs redecorating. Priced accordingly. Cunningham Real Estate MREINZ, 266-273 any time. jT ALBANS, 522,950. absolulutely spotless family home, 3 double bedrooms, spacious living with open fire, separate dining room, modern kitchen and bathroom, separate shower, lockup garage. Delightful 36 perch section. Superbly carpeted and decorated t/out. Ideal HC finance, $2OOO plus capitalisation deposit, view today, Phone Brian Twiss, 556-102, anytime, David Murray Real Estate, MREINZ. 11 ST ALBANS. Character filled, old residence, fresh on the market, 2 large living rooms, 3 bedrooms, modernised kitchen/dlning area and bathroom. Fully auto home laundry. This property oozes ‘olde worlde’ charm and character. An ideal first home for a handyman. Finance could be available. Priced to sell at only $27,900. Phone Paul Larkin on 66-917 or a.h. 853-840 Mercer, MREINZ. 10 ST ALBANS (Cleveland St), $18,750. G.V. $20,500. Sound 2 bdrm and sunroom bungalow on excellent 38 perch section. Finance available. Good value. Ph. Joan Harnett of Daniel J. Visser, MREINZ, 67-297, a.h. 792-405. ST ALBANS: Ist time offered at only $22,750 (family home). Sole agency. Look . . . tons of space for even the largest family. 20 x 15 lounge, 20 x 15 master bedroom plus 2 more doubles, modern kitchen with sep. dining area. Double garage with large workshop, all sited on a large 34 perch sunny sheltered section. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase this luxurious home. Please call Bruce Higgins, of Collins Real Estate, 488-784; a.h. 266-264. MREINZ. 8 ST ANDREW'S College close, character 3 bdrm, sunroom home, lounge, formal dining, carpets, drapes included, treed, family section. A lovely home. $37,950. Newmann, MREINZ, 60-360 or 559-158. 10 ■ ■ ■ ■ ST ANDREWS HILL, $48,500. Lower slopes. Brick and tile home in well sheltered position, easy drive-on section, excellent views. 3 bdrms plus utility room (used as bedroom), tasteful decor. Phone 555-911, McClelland Real Estate. MREINZ. ST MARTINS (Centaurus Rd). Two storey 3 bedroom brick family home nestling on hill section and out of all the winds, built by County Inspector some 17 years ago. This home has copper spouting and many other features. Large dble garage, plus carport on 612 sq. metre easy care section. A very sunny warm hom e for just $37,500. Ph. Peter Ellis 798-200 after hrs 881-575 Dalgety N.Z., Ltd, MREINZ ST MARTINS, foot of hills, secluded area, architect designed 3 twin bdrms, builtin wardrobes, large lounge, beams, open fire. sep. dining on to sun terrace, excellent chattels, washing machine, dryer. Dishmaster, fridge. $52,850. Ph. Ruth Barrett of Daniel J. Visser, MREINZ. 67-297, a.h. 31-914. ST MARTINS selling below G.V. large attractive family home offering tremendous potential for handyman or speculator, situated in tree lined street close to all amenities, ph. Beattie Real Estate MREINZ, 237-191. 10 SANDILANDS, Nicholas Drive: exceptional condition Summerhill stone 3 bedroom bungalow with kitchen/dinette and adjoining lounge, sep. laundry bathroom, shower cabinet etc. Excellent carpets and furnishings. Landscaped section with garage. Sunny position with outlook over playing fields, $27,000. Contact sole agents: N.Z. Farmers’ Real Estate Dept, MREINZ. Ph. 795-040 a.h. 35-947. SCARBOROUGH (Whitewash Head Rd). Unique opportunity to purchase this executive type home in this exclusive area. We are proud to offer this family home for $97,000. Includes these great features: Two level spacious lounge, sep. dining area, 4 dble bdrms, full sized games room, dble garage and Includes a 25 x 15 feature swimming pool. All set in a suntrap situation with unsurpassed views of the coastline and mountains. Please call owner’s agent, Bruce Higgins of Collins Real Estate 488-784, a.h. 266-264, MREINZ. ■ ■ ■ ■ SHIRLEY: $28,500, sole agency, just on market. Beautifully presented three bedroom brick property offered by transferred owners. Sunny kitchen with divider to living/dining with space' heater an 1 french doors to patio. Good lounge with open fire and concealed lighting. Insulated ceilings, sep. shower, dual hot water, garage and carport. Very neat, well shrubbed section handy to schools and bus. Value for money here but be quick. Ph. Ainsworth Ingram: Ford and Hadfield, Ltd, MREINZ, 797-830 a.h. 427-773. 8 SHIRLEY $35,500 absolutely spotless 3 bedroom home, large lounge, open fire wetback space heater, quality carpets and drapes. Family size section. Double garage. Neumann, MREINZ 60-360 or 559-158 10 SHIRLEY, $19,950. 2 bedroom and sunroom/bedroom, well maintained character home, wood panelling, open fires, new oven, kitchen and dining rooms redecorated. On tree lined street. Urgent sale. Collins Real Estate, 488-784 a.h. Sandra .Counsel! 898-308. SHIRLEY, $20,500. Redecorated, recarpeted (plain tone) 2 bedroom home. Living room and lounge, open fire, bus at gate, schools close, great buying. Sole agent, Neumann, MREINZ, 60-360 or 559-158. 10 SHIRLEY: $19,000. Sound w’ell maintained w/board 2 bdrm home, sep. dining, 2 open fires, good carpets and wallpapers. Being sold fully furn. right down to the toaster. Ph. Gill Knight, of Whittle, Knight and Boatwood, MREINZ, 790-410; a.h. 487-275. 10 SHIRLEY, $30,500. Immaculate spacious sunny family home, 3 double bedrooms, built in wardrobes, drawers, vanity, sparkling w’ell equipped kitchen, wall oven ceramic cook top, sep. dining. lovely living room. sep. lounge, excellent neutral carpets, drapes, attractive bathroom. sep. shower, good laundry, good storage throughout. Close schools buses, shops, sep. block workshop or office with extra toilet and hand basin. Double garage. Phone Mrs Sedgley. 843-887. after hrs Livingstones, MREINZ, 796280.