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1 Businesses for Sale FLORIST shop. situated n proeminent north-west shopping centre Tins Ru i I live well appointed bust ■ ness is tor sale owing to health reasons Member <»f : i Inter Flora. Further details I to genuine intrie.Med pio> ■ pectixr purchase! s from j Dalgety Real Est. MRU\7 ' Ph. 798-200; a.h. Trex or ‘ He ion 583-055. FOOD di.Miibution Short ■ hours, light work. Siyu! Van axailable if required Ph. 527-545. GARAGE to Ica-e with xerx good clientele and turnover, i specialising in tnamlv com i mercial vehicles. fullx I equipped service var. iva i sonable rental im-hidrr.; : tools and plant Fun her in quiries. Phone 799-257 s GIFT shop in busy suburban Mall, T.O. just under $800; per week and increasing. Excellent stock and plant. Goodwill $3850. Simes and Co.. Ltd. MREINZ. 64-347, 1 a.h. Malcolm Ramsax 588411. GOOD clientele. lea rooms i and takeaway xxith ladies i hairdressing salon attached; • 7 days a week. freehold, plus stock and plant approx $7OOO. Any reasonable vfivt New garage store room, sleepout combined Swim | ming pool Accom. attached. 3 bdrms. 2 living rooms, re cently renovated. s49.o!»<' avail Phone 119 Dunsandt l; or write P.O. Box 55, Dun j sandel. AS22I GROCERY, 5 or 6 dax . for urgent sale, bright present , able shop, on Nexx Brighton Rd. due to pr esent owner s ill health, good lease, stock, plant and goodxxill $23,00U Ph. 526-039 Mondav. HAIRDRESSING Salon. Well] established hairdressing business, modern premises and equipment, situated in the booming township of Met liven, near Mt Hutt ski'; field. Enquiries: Flair for; Hair. The Mali. Mcthvcn Ph. Bus. 28-354; Pvte 28-6!; S 15 LADIES' fashion boutique, excellent central eitx loca tion. Purchase now and catch the Christmas sales ; Goodwill and stock at xalu i ation Walk in walk out $16,000 o ri.o. Phone Trevor I Wright 555-707. 555-771. a.h 44-260 or 588-356. Merixale! Real Estate. MREINZ LITTLE WANGANUI Kai. mea. West Coast, undevelop I ed. approved caravan ua k! and camping ground, free hold title Area of 2.7273; hectares in natural bush setting with unobstructed views of river and sea. High pressure water, sewerage, underground power, tele , phone. 2 miles from hotel , and shops. An investment.! $9995. Would tr ade car or ; boat. Dave Mitchell Whole sale. 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph 45 742 I.MVD. 10 MANUFACTURING business with exclusive plant and ' products available for well 1 , under cost. High profit. $150,000. Finance available. Ph. 841-059. MENSWEAR. City Fashion Store in Christchurch's No. 1 Arcade. Total ingoing;
.xvuwk,. « tnai ; approx. $lO,OOO includes! stock and fittings. Ph. 68-1 I 742, a.h. 381-015. WSB MILK bar-tearooms. Holidav i ! resort. Handy city. Home j attached. Netting $31,000. : 6-day. Rat hie James. MREI | NZ. 799-596: a.h. 881-047. ! MOTEL business Self contained units. plans to I extend to six. Finance available from vendor. Very good turnover. Quiet location, handy to shops, etc. .Accommodation perm. ■ mat., fully insulated 3-level home. 5 bdrms, spacious lounge with stone wall feature, bar. beamed ceilings throughout, well laid out kitchen, gas and elec-| ■j trie cooking. microwaved i dishwasher, island divider i to dining area, sop. laundry,' ! glamour bathroom, shower, and W.C. sop.. Finnish: li sauna, central heating, dual ; I hot water heating, fire; I alarm system in every room, carpeted throughout.' I: 2-car garage. 11l health >j reason for selling. $70,000 plus stock. Phone 738.! Write Gallery Lodge, Franz i Josef Glacier. 522 | MOTEL, 6 units on Main city , and let 4 bedroom own-, er’s accommodation, can be I run by wife. Good returns, I room to expand. $140,000.’ Sole agents. Wrightson i NMA Ltd. MREINZ. Ph. 796-460; a.h. Gorman 427- j ■ 842. S 8 MOTELS: Really attractive 8i ■i unit complex with excellent 3 bdrm owner's residence . I situated on main thoroughI fare m Chch. Excellent rei turns, easilv managed. This i splendid business offers a very pleasing life style. $135,000. Owners would acI cept smart modern home as i trade, mortgage finance, i Ph. Tom Glass. Manchester Homes, MREINZ. 60-050; a.h. 499-709. MOTELS: Comprehensive! j selection. First class com-; i plcxcs. City main outlets ! and main highwav centres, j Rathic James. MREINZ. 799I 596; a.h. 881-047 PART time food delivery suit- | able for married woman or l retired person, van optional. I ph. 554-734. PET World Pet Shop. .Arcade Ashburton. Ph. 4511 Ash-; burton. QUICK Lunch. City centre., I 5-day. Good seating. Bright; shop. New lease. Rathie I James. MREINZ. 799-596:; i ah. RBl-047. RANGIORA. Contract com mercial cleaning business' in Rangiora and surrounding districts. Apply to No. K 399. “Press.” Rangiora. i REDWOOD commercial lots. ! l3op. Worth $5OO p. Adj.j I shops. Hot spot. What of-' fers? Ph. 61-712. 64-446. ROADSIDE Restaurant, on junction of two tourist roads, 20min. from Chch. Ultra modern tearoom with sep. 3 bedroom house. Acre of land Increasing turnover and more bus contracts every year. Owners must sell owing to illhealth. An energetic couple could increase turnover , and profit margin. Price; $65,00(1 For particulars Ph. : Ken Wright 45-129 Bus.;; 517-811 A.H. Peter Wilson. | Rice.. MREINZ. SECOND-hrnd shop. Aecom Good returns. Apply 465 Barbadoes St. 10 SEVEN day lock-up dairy on 1 main outlet in North West. ; one modern block of shops. I with turn-over in excess of : $lOO,OOO per annum, with ■ room for increase with new subdivision adjacent. Ph. i 597-955 or 237-052. TEAROOMS Takeaways. An | opportunity of a lifetime i to purchase this great business on busy thoroughfare. No goodwill. Price for; plant iwhich is predomin--antly new* is $10,500. Fantastic potential here. (Genuine enquiries only. Phone Allan Lambie 44-148. a.h ■ 524-759. Whittle, Knight and Boatv. ood. MREINZ. WSBI TRANSPORT business: 4 lic< ences and trucks. All replies confidential. Reply PZ! ! 4991 “Press.’ 8 WE offer an excellent well . established business in : Westland trading as a book I and toy shop, newsagent.! j and holding several worth ; • while agencies. The prem j ises are available freehold j and at very reasonable price, which may be dis- ’ cussed with any interested i purchaser. Please reph in writing to- “Press’’ ZP6792 D I WEST COAST, unique 7-day grocery/dairy, only shop >n i township, returns approx. I j $5OO p.w net. Freehold. i slock and plant, 565.006. Ph 526-039 Mondav. WESTPORT, dairy with re« taurant and takeaways, up Ito date plant, great re. turns suit family Fo- fui-'j ther information Ph. 526-039 • Monday,
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Press, 8 September 1979, Page 41
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1,045Page 41 Advertisements Column 9 Press, 8 September 1979, Page 41
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Copyright in all Footrot Flats cartoons is owned by Diogenes Designs Ltd. The National Library has been granted permission to digitise these cartoons and make them available online as part of this digitised version of the Press. You can search, browse, and print Footrot Flats cartoons for research and personal study only. Permission must be obtained from Diogenes Designs Ltd for any other use.
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Page 41 Advertisements Column 9 Press, 8 September 1979, Page 41
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Copyright in all Footrot Flats cartoons is owned by Diogenes Designs Ltd. The National Library has been granted permission to digitise these cartoons and make them available online as part of this digitised version of the Press. You can search, browse, and print Footrot Flats cartoons for research and personal study only. Permission must be obtained from Diogenes Designs Ltd for any other use.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.