bars ior Sale END OF FINANCIAL YEAR SALE SALE 10% • 10% Discount on the following O.K. TESTED USED CARS Offer Closes September 10th 7Q SUNBRIO UC Auto, Latest model, 16,000 km, / O Metallic Gold, Radio Was $9OOO . . SAVE 10% T-J PREMIER HX 308. VB, 1 owner, Radio. 1 1 21.000 km, Bronze. Was $11,200.... SAVE 10% 77 STATESMAN DE VILLE H.X. 1 owner, / / Metallic Bronze, 15000 km. Was $13,750 SAVE 10% 7E TOYOTA CORONA 1800 Dark Green. Very /u tidy. Drives well. Was $4400 SAVE 10% -jr- KINGSWOOO HJ Auto. Station Wagon, /*} Brown with Matching trim, 85.000 km, Was $6700 7/1’ KINGSWOOO HQ 202, one owner, 72,000 / t T miles, needs tidying but look at the price, was $330 SAVE 10% 7*J KINGSWOOO HQ V 8 Auto, Sports paintwork / and mag wheels, radio etc. was $5OOO. SAVE A WHOPPING 15% 7*J BELMONT 173 Many extras, 2 owners, / Brown tan trim was $3400 SAVE 10% 7Q STATESMAN, metallic gold, 62,000 miles, /£. Beautiful condition. Was $5500. ... SAVE 10% 7« BELMONT HT Economical 161 motor, very /u tidy order. Was $lBOO SAVE 10% 7H VALIANT VG Blue with white roof. Drives /U well was $2200. . SAVE 10% 100 FITZGERALD AVE - PH 61 594 AFTER HOURS CONTACT: TONY HAMILTON 830 959 PAUL HUMPHREYS 792 978 FARMERS MOTORS (Canty) LTD L.M.V.D., M.V.D.I. j
FORD Fairmont. 1978, Vtftfr auto., reclining bucket seats, factory sports wheels, p steering, etc , a prestige; car in suoerb condition, only 29.000 km. Farmers’ » Motors. 100 Fitzgerald Avej inpp. Lichfield SO, Ph. 61-' 594. a.h. Tony Hamilton 830-959 or Paul Humphreys’* 792-978. LMVD FORD, 1942. 2 doox. r.o run- 1 gear. excel. body,; tinted glass. S6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 881411. 1 FORD Anglia van. 1500 GT C ortina motor, fats, stereo, chocolate brown, first class condition, $1395 0.n.0. Ph. Kaiapoi 7452. FORD Gran Torino. 1972. red | with black vinyl top. mags a magnificent example. $9490 Park Lane Motor Co., 85 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 795 | 567. LMVD FORD Escort. 1972. 1300 XL. mags, radio, iridescent blue with black trim. Mint con-1 dition. $3595 or 52160 dcp.l Riccarton Car Sales. 41 Rivcarton Rd. Ph. 488 923. a.h 487-396. LMVD 1 FORD Cortina 16. harvest; gold, one owner, travelled 72.000 km. A popular model Reg. 1976. Price S5OOO. Ph. , Tench Bros, LMVD. 790-631. 1 a.h. 853-569 . 518-363. GT Cortina Mk 3, 1973.. auto..; 1 owner, superb cond. $4495 | Smithburn Mtrs. 27 Moor house Ave. Ph. 64-057. a.h 852-878, LMVD I HANSA station wagon. 1961,. 1100. Andv Hogg Motors,; Ltd. 236 St Asaph St. Ph. 68-004. a.h. 342-074. 843-774. | LMVD HILLMAN Imp. 1965- 2 owners, 5650. Ph 596 499 ■ « ■ ■ HILLMAN, Sunbeam Imp. 1970 . 64.000. Excel, cond.. very economical, extras fitted. Genuine reason for I selling. $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 429470. HILLMAN Super Minx. 1955. xery tidy, good running oid 1 er. $l2OO 0.n.0. Owner bought bigger car. For inspection 25 Dominion Ave. HILLMAN Minx station waggon. 1965. Tip top cond.. cannot be faulted. SI 299.1 Wholesale Autos, enr Ferry Rd and Barbadoes St. Ph. 792-675. a.h. 324-279. 8 HILLMAN Super Minx 1965 station waggon, very' good all round condition. Excellent paint. tow-bar. heater, Michelin radials,, new W.O.F. $1550. Please phone 585-718. HILLMAN Imp. 1964. runs well, economical to run. $650 0.n.0. Ph. 529-918. HILLMAN Minx, 1959. S3OO or offer, current W.O.F. Ring 515-747. HILLMAN Hunter, 1975, AK.i Automatic. 4**.vOU miie&. A completely original car at a realistic price of $3995 Sydenham Park Car Sales Ltd, enr Lincoln and Moor house Ave Ph 799 i 99; ah 596 529 HILLMAN Hunter. 1967, excellent cond. Drives extremely well. Any inspection 51795 Archibalds Tuam St. Phone 62-241. a.h. 853-264. LMVD HILLMAN Hunter G.L. 1975,1 one owner, 59,000 kms.' Radio, heater, mudflaps, etc. Attractive yellow with bone interior. $4795 Archibalds. Tuam St., division. 166 Tuam St. Ph 62-241, a.h 853-264. LMVD HILLMAN Imp. 1964. trade in special Average condition, motor needs some mechanical repairs. 5499. Richmond Motor Court, 249 Staimort Rd. Ph 897-155. a.h. 890-692. LMVD HILLMAN Hunte:. 197! Sparkling metallic tur quoi&e with tan trim. Best, available $2599. O’Connell« McKay Motors. 393 Ferry Rd. opp Edmonds “Sure to Rise ” Ph. 896-596. a.h. 598 915 LMVD HILLMAN Hunter. 1970. tidy throughout. mechanically sound Any trial. Good value at $1995 or $l2OO deposit. Riccarton Car Sales,! 41 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 488 923. LMVD. a.h. 487-396 HILLMAN Hunter. 1971. Rally wheels, GT gauges and extras, in truly immaculate original condition. Al mechanically. Real xalue at $2195 Daxe Mitchell Wholesale. 110 Riccarton Rd. P’ 45-742. LMVD. 10 HILLMAN Ax eager 15uu Super. 1972. English assem Beautiful deep metallic green with matching trim. Heater. mechanically Al Immaculate. Real value at $2395 Dave Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph -5 742 LMVD 10 HILLMAN Axenger 15U0 Super. 1972. genuine 44.900 miles, heater radio, lovely metallic gold with tan vinyl top bodywork wants a tidy up. Real value at $2195 Dave Mitchell Whole sale. 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph 45-742. LMVD. 10