BMC 1800, 1968, tidy condition, heated rear window, towbar, heater, $llOO. Ph. Kai 7693. BMW 1602. 1969. Popular 2002 model, fitted 1600 c.c. motor. Superb condition throughout Two owners moderate miles. $4495 or $2700 dep. Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd Phone 797, a.h. 585-612. BMW 1602 Coupe 1972 Only 36,000 miles, $7490 Park Lane Motor Co., 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567. LMVD BMW 2002, 1973, only 53,000 km, immaculate in white with black trim and only $7490. Call and inspect at Andy Hogg Motors, 236 St Asaph St. Ph 68-004, a.h. 842-074. LMVD. BMW Til 1973, fuel injected performance model, many extras including sun roof, heated rear screen, tinted glass Immac $8995 Archibalds, 24 Oxford Tee, Ph 796-980 a.h 557 945 883-516 LMVD BORGWARD Isabella s/waggon, 1960, reliable and economic, $750 0.n.0 Phone 799-156. BUYING a new car or Just thinking? Then you should inspect and test a Toyota—ask for David Tait and Snow Lancaster or drop in and see them at Cable-Price Toyota, enr Tuam and Antigua Sts. Ph. 797-840 An excellent place to do business. THS CAPRI GT, 3-litre, 1972. Only 41,000 mis, extras. $5690. Park Lane Motor Co., 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567. LMVD. CAPRI 3000 GTXLR, 1972. Red with black vinyl roof, mag wheels, only 42,000 miles. Superb cond. throughout. $5799. Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd. Ph. 747-967; a.h. 428-722. LMVD. CAPRI 1600 L. 70,000 mis, white with black trim, Rosstyle wheels, etc., excel, original cond. $3995. Toledo Motors, 7 Dickens St. MVDl. CAPRI 2.05, 1976 (Dec.). 48,000 km, 1 owner, every extra. $9999 or $6OOO dep. Mini Car Corner, enr Fitzgerald Ave and Ferrv Rd. Ph. 66-379; a.h. 798-174. MVDI. 10 CAPRI GT XLR 2000, Auto. Moderate miles, metallic paint, vinyl top, radio, cassette. $4790. Park Lane Motor Co., 85 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 795-567. LMVD. ■■ ■ w CAPRI 3000. 1974, English assembled, all extras including sun roof, heated rear window, etc. Excellent condition, 49,000 miles. $6900. Phone 842-175. CAPRI 3000 G.T. June 1972, V 6. 41.000 miles, radials, driving lights, radio and heater, metallic blue, Al condition, $6OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 596-078. CAPRI 2000 GT XLR, 1970, tidy throughout. Terms available Ph 527-291. CAPRI 1974, 1600 OHC Daytona yellow with tan trim, a gleaming example of this popular model $5199 Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd Ph. 797-967 a.h. 428-722 CAPRI, 1976, 2 litre hatchback, 34,000 km, metallic gold with matching brown trim, radio and heater, excellent condition and priced to sell at $9290 full price. Ron Rutherford Cars, 198 Yaidhurst Rd. Ph. 427898. a.h. 497-317, 429-186. LMVD. CAPRI 1600 GT, 1972. mint cond. and travelled only 41,000 miles by 2 careful owners. $4795. Buchan Traders, 71 Buchan St, Ph. 799-740, a.h. 276-298. LMVD. CAPRI 2000 GT Hatchback 1975. Only 47,000 km by one careful owner, orange with black trim, $8399. Neate Mitchell Motors. 138 Victoria St. Ph. 67-391 a.h. 516-369, MVDI. CELICA 1600 LT, 1972 model, 39.000 miles. Performance, economy and luxury. What else could you wish for In a car for only $6395. Wrightcars, 285 Cashel St. Phone 798-530 any time.