I °.ar Parts and Access i CARS NOW WRECKING ■ AUSTIN Westminster, A 55, lA6O, Fiat Crusader. Vaux halls. EIP, Victor 2000. Hill- ■ man Super Minx. Humber 80 land 90. Peugeot 403, Morris iIWO, Morris Oxfords, Singer I Gazelle, Ford 10, 100 E. 107 E. I Cortina Mk I, Consul 315, • Holden HD. Zephyr Mk 2, iValiants APS and APO. We jalso have a range of motors. • gearboxes, diffs and body panels in stock. PHONE 41-834. 8 CHEVROLET PARTS 1. gin Steel bellhousing; 265, 454. conforms N.Z.H.K.A specifications. 2. Big block Hooker headers. I suit Camaro. I 3. 1957 front guards, bonnet. 4. 396. 454 Holley Street Dominator manifold inew.'. 5. Holier carb list No. 4780. 6. 396. 454 2 barrel manifold carb. 7. Q Jet, suit 350 CL I 8. 3 7in Aunger Trident mags. '6B-71 Holden. 9. Bolt to bellhousing. 10. 15 x lOin AG rims, optional Ford centres. IL 1934 Mater chassis rear guards. 12. HQ brake booster 13. ’36-'3B heads, gearboxes. 14. FlOO sump. 16. E.J. tail lights. PHONE 6319 or 6715 GORE. THOMAS WINCHES 80001 b. Power take-off for Landrovers and Toyotas. 12 volt DC. To suit all 4 x 4 and most other vehicles. South Island Distributor, A. L. BALDWIN, 365 Ham Road, Christchurch 5, Phone 518-067. Trucks Wanted • ALL types commercials wanted urgently. Landrovers a specialty. Terminus Car. Court, cnr Ferry Rd and Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 65-586, a.h. 38-838 or 63-374. MVDI. THS LANCASTER Motors buys sells and trades trucks, vans and pick-ups Ph 65309 LMVD MWS LANDROVERS and four wheeled drives always buying now. Top prices at Ray McLean Motors, 266 St Asaph St, cnr High and Madras Sts. Ph. 67-401. a.h. 518-510. LMVD. STH VANS, station waggons, utlli ties, all models urgently re quired. Highest cash prices Kennedy’s 255 Ferrv Road LMVD MWS Trucks, Sell |A better deal of me best selection ol heavies, lights, vans, utes. plenty of finance available on any second-hand unit. Cal! now at the f armers’ Motors, 100 Fitzgerald Ave Ph 61-156 LMVD THS A6O van, extremely tidy, ideal runabout. $999 or l/3rd dep. Wholesale Autos,
enr Ferrv and Barbadoes St. Ph. 792-675, a.h. 324-279. 8 ALL steel wellside, new Ford F 250 25CST, 6-cyltoder. 4speed geartiox. Red. Hutchinson Motors, Ltd, LMVD, Phone 793-440, a.h. 588-048. SWHI3 ALUMINIUM truck deck sell, complete with wire sides. Fits D5OO Ford. $450. Ph. 524-337 ANGLIA van, 1966, side windows, immac. order, terrific cond., cheap runabout. $1299 or l/3rd dep. Wholesale Autos, enr Ferry and Barbadoes St. Ph. 792- , 675, a.h. 324-279 . 8 AUSTIN J 4 Van, 1971. 85,000 I miles, new paint, fully Yined interior, excel, mech., <1795. Ph. 382-365. AI«TIN A6O PU, 1964, three ovners, 13,000 mis. on recoid. motor. Flat deck. Tidy oiler. $995. H. and A. Bavlis ’,td., Leeston LMVD. Pii. I 628, a.h. 305 Collect. I AUSTIN A 55 van. Special, $699 ir terms at Morries, 231 Cdombo St, LMVD. 8 AUSTIN A 55 Van, 1961. i Straigh- in the body, mechanically very sound. Today’s spicial at $6501! New M.0.T., wo.L Clyde Collins j Motors, IIVDI, 211 Ferry Rd. Ph. 6.825; a.h. 855-611 or 68-213. AUSTIN 3yd ip truck. 6 cvl. petrol. Duai rear wheels, excel, cond ready for work. Must le good value at $1995 or $7lO dep. South Pacific Cars. 1.17-119 Main South Rd, S&kburn. Ph 45-151 a.h. 849-9 M, LMVD AUSTIN 1800 Uility, 1970. This high mileage' vehicle is very tidy throughout and mechanically somd. This week’s special a\ $16901! Clyde Collins Motifs, MVDI, 211 Ferry Rd. Pl. 61-825 a.h. 68-213 or 855-61. BEDFORD TK 300 perol. 2 speed Eaton diff., 18t 6in deck, in excellent :ondition. $4700. Ph. 85-892. Evenings. 8 BEDFORD J2 70,000 mile, 2 owners. Very good all round conditon. $2lOO. 588-216. WiB BEDFORD CF Van, lat. model, low mileage, rv quired, Ph 831-165. BEDFORD C.F. 1975, Jumbo, new motor, clutch and t« r o tyres. 60,000 miles. Needs painting. $4900 0.n.0. Ph. 495-036. BEDFORD KGLC3 cab and chassis, 1964. Fully rebuilt in our workshop, $5500. Clyde Collins Motors. Ltd, 211 Ferry Rd. Ph. 61-825; a.h. 855-611 or 896-092, MVDI. BEDFORD CF van. 1972. 57,000 miles. A very tidy example. Good buying at $3490. Clyde Collins Motors, MVDI, 211 Ferry Rd. Ph. 61-825, a.h. 68-213 or 896-092.