i Motor-cycles Buy, Sell A comprehensive range of new and used motor-cycles at Sabistons Motor-cycles. ■ Ltd. 527 Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 793-934. LMVD. ALL models bought for rash --top prices at “The Bike Shop." Neale Mitchell Motors. 138 Victoria Si. 67-391, a.h. 68-571. MVDI A guoU range oi used Jap. | part* at reasonable prices. 1 Open Saturday morning Bikes and Bits. 14 Waller Tee. Phone 60-895. HS A good range of used Jap ■ parts at reasonable prices. Open Satin day morning. Bikes and Bits. 14 Wallet Tee. Phone 60-895. HS AC 50 Suzuki, good condition Reg. and w.o.f. $3OO 0.n.0. , Motor just been cleaned I out Call 29 Mandeville St. I Riecarton Sat morning. BIKE tanks etc. painted. M. and P Car Painters 294 Cashel St nip drive opp. Wrightcars Toyota) Phone 790-067. FS.M BARGAIN: Large and small I Jot helmets. $2O each, only at Honda City. 72 Manchester Si. Ph 61-157. BELL-ray motor-cycle lubrii cants for engines, fiont I forks and rear shocks. I available at the Suzuki Centre. 35 Manchester St, I Phone 60-129. BE NELLI Motorella. 1975. 2 owne’s, just been reeondi- | tinned. $250 or $5O dep., at I Cxcle Salvage. Ltd. 1 Tvne | St. Ph. 45-424. BOMBER vinyl jackets. $62.50. Lay-by now on, small deposit. at Honda City stockists, 72 .Manchester Si. Ph. 61-157 B.S.A. 250. 0.h.v., 1955. Excellent original cond. $350. Runs perfectly. Apply 29 Horotane Valley. BUY: Bikes for wrecking. Rex Russell. Ltd, 20 Raymond Rd, Ph. 890-430. BUY trail bike, private cash buyer. Phone 884-889. BUY: Zimdapp suitable for wrecking or parts. Reply P.O. Box 80, Lyttelton. BUY Honda CT 90. late model, loxv mileage. Ph. 57. Akaroa. BUYING motor-cycles. Any condition. Open Sat. mor.ning. Bikes and Bit. 14 Waller Tee. Ph. 60-893. STC BUYING motor-bikes tor wrecking. Seized, smashed.! or in good running order. Cycle Salvage, Ph. 45-424, 1 Tyne St. LMVD WHS C 8450, 1975. 26.000 km, reas. cond.. $BOO. Ph. 45-364. CHEAP transport. Suzuki MTSO, 1973. $250. Ph. 43-941. CHOPPER must sell call at 78 Randolph Street . 9 CZI7S Trail 1976. Rebored, just run in, gearbox recently overhauled, $420. Ph. Amberley 48-868. DEAD, dying or derelict. We* buy any bike for wrecking.i Rex Russell. 20 Raymond: Rd. Ph. 890-430. LMVD. FOR sale, 650 e.c. Triumph; Tiger, goes well. Ph. 89-444 Bln. , FOk lop quality insist on Lsti-i baki motor-cycle chains' available at jour Motor; Cycle Dealer. Proven under | racing and Moto Cross- conditions STC F/S, 1970. BSA Lightning, small tank model, good condition. Ph. 7360 Westport. GLOVES: Imported Bell touring and competition gloves, Roger de Coster Moto-X gloves available now at the Suzuki Centre. 35 Manchester St Ph. 60-129. GO-CART, ready to race. Latest McCulloch 93 engine. Three meetings old. Oiler clutch, bridgestone tyres. Alloy rims. Competitive setup. Priced to sell $950 0.n.0. Ph. 299-711. HELMETS: The largest stock of N.Z. and imported helmets. at competitive prices. ARvmvs availnhlp from the
Always available from the Suzuki Centre, 35 Manchester St. Ph. 60-129. HONDA CB 550, 1976. ex-; cellent condition, recently reconditioned engine. $lBOO 0.n.0. Ph. 792-867. HONDA 50 SS. 1972, 13.000 miles, receipts for engine. $2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 596-835. r HONDA XL 250 motor sport wanted, cash buyer. Ph. 597-173. HONDA 400 Fours. Both immaculate, red. $1995 and $2095 or $7OO deposit. 100 per cent xvarranty. Ted Youngman Motor Engineer, 49 Lincoln Road. Ph. 384659. LMVD. HONDA XL 125. only 500 km. nexv condition. $1295 or $435 I Deposit. Ted Youngman; Motor Engineer, 49 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 384-659. LMVD. HONDA 50, step-thru, Pannier. excellent condition $390. Ph. 554-056. HONDA 50 Step Thru. We have eight step thrus in stock, alt xvith 100 per cent warranty and only $l5O deposit. Ted Youngman Motor Engineers, 49 Lincoln Road. Ph. 384-659. LMVtf. HONDA Dream wanted, any condi t i o n considered. Please. Ph. 859-168. HONDA 50 step thru 1971. good condition $425, 0.n.0. Ph. 859-548. HONDA SLI2S Trials. Extras plus $2OO receipts, $550 0.n.0. Ph. 881-133. HONDA CB 360 very tidybike, Goes really well. $l2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 528-663. HONDA ST9O. 1974, immaculate condition, loxv miles, one lady owner. $4OO. Ph. 389-526. ‘ a b ■ n HONDA 50. 1969. onwards, gear box parts wanted. Ph. 527-821. HONDA XL2SO 1974. Excellent cond., $B5O 0.n.0. Ph. 527-458. HONDA Chaly, 1976. 17,00'Jkm. very good condition, large carrier, $445 0.n.0. Phone 841-650. HONDA Enduro T-shirts, all sizes available noxv, only at Honda City, 72 Manchester St. HONDA C 8360. 1976. Low "km,” absolute perfect condition. $1275 0.n.0. Ph. Wnd 631. HONDA CLI7S, 1972. Recent recond. engine, gearbox, nexv paint, excel, cond.. spare front wheel and ; parts. $575 0.n.0. Ph. Rangiora 7648. HONDA C 8125. Reg. June. I 1974. 1000 mis on o/hauled engine, new M.0.T.. w.oj., extras, excel, cond.. $550. Apply 708 Ferry Rd, Sun dav. HONDA 50 c.c. (1966). Goes verv well. $250 0.n.0. Ph. 6480 Kai. HONDA 400 four. 26.000 km. extras including fairing, tank cover, crash bars. Metzelers. bike pack. Excellent cond. $2050 0.n.0. Ph. 790-018. Steve, not evenings. «! HONDA 360. 74. motor just i overhauled. nice looking I bike, many extras, $9OO. Ph.. 496-122. 10 I HONDA 50 step thru, 1973. I immaculate condition. $425. I Phone 371-095 HONDA 50, 73, step-thru, j New warrant, near new ’ condition. $4OO. Ph. 857-119. •HONDA C 81.75, 1973. Sell. $BOO 0.n.0. Phone 886-752 after 11 a.m. j HONDA CGI2S. 1976. Two j owners, 14,000 km, mint condition. $875. Neate Mitchell Motors, the bike • shop, 138 Victoria St, Ph. i 67-391. a.h. 68-571. • HONDA XL 100, 1975. Two! j owners, low kms. $7BO. Neate Mitchell Motors, the j bike shop. 138 Victoria St, ' Ph. 67-391. a.h. 68-571. HONDA C 8360. 1975. 31,000 j km, mint condition. See at “The Bike Shop,*’ Neate Mitchell Motors. 138 Vicl toria St. Ph. 67-391, a.h. 68-571. MVDI. HONDA C9O. 1975. Very tidy I and economical. $6OO or I $2OO dep., at Cycle Salvage.! 1 Tvne St. Ph. 45-424. I HONDA C 8350 Four. Just had $6OO in parts spent on motor. Best around at “The Bike Shop.” Neate Mitchell Motors, 138 Victoria St. Ph. 67-391, a.h. 68-571. MVDI.