J For Sale I (CATERING equipment. Large Mercer hot food station ißain Mairee type), 10ft 6in wide with 8 large liners, each take standard pans.; also individual sithmerstats. complete with stainless! steel pans, plate rack and! steel guard, large 4 door; warming oven below. Approx. J price. $2995. Mer-i cer Mobile Bain Mairee type food warmer, 4 stainless steel pots and meat serv-> ery. $695. Large double; door Frigidaire, $l7O. Taylor Traders. 21 Manchester; St. Ph. 66-682- WSB CASH registers. See me latest in electronic Casio models from $395 at Turners Ltd, cnr Colombo and Tuam Sts MWS CASETTE Tape recorder, I Sony, good cond, electricity ; or battery powered. Rechargeable batteries, $6O 0.n.0. Telephone 497-933. CHAIN saw, o/hauled. any i trial, $l3O Ph. 882-820. CHAIRS, 4 wooden kitchen, $lO each. Ph. 882-080. 8 CHAIRS. Select from over 40 * used lounge, dining and fireside chairs from as little as $8 upwards. Smiths CityMarket Trade-In Centre. CHAISE Longue, beautifullyrestored. To see is to buy'. A sound investment at only 1 $450. Telephone 555-557. CHAMPION incinerator with chimney, $5O. Ring 527-178. 1 CHEAP reading at Sarahs. 181 High St, next A. J. Whites second-hand. 8 ; CHEAP interior French doors 1 and jambs, $l5. Ph. 528-776. CHEST of four drawers, kidney shape, in excellent condition. $35. Ph. 428-060. CHESTERFIELD lounge suite and Activair cabinet drier phone 891-247. CHILDREN'S new wooden 1 painted tables and chairs. I $24. Ph. 885-912. 'CHINA coektail cabinet, exI cellent condition. $lOO. Ph. 1 I 853-720. CHINA Cocktail Cabinet com binations, modern, as new-, in light stained mahogany, 1 $175 and $125. Terms. Hutchinson White Ltd., 189 . Tuam Street. c CHINA cabinet, glass front $4O. Ph. 894-974. CHILDS ear seat excellent - condition $35, also door c safety gate $5. Ph. 227-570. CHINA ornaments, pictures, kitchen utensils, silverware, heaters and sundries. Ph. ( CHINA Cabinet, blonde stain, kitset type $4O, Kelvinator . fridge/freezer, 7 cu.ft, 3 *• cmft.fair cond. $75. Ph. CLOTHES Drier. Westinghouse cabinet model, $25. Telephone 559-763. CLOTHES Dryer, small Jet- . amatic, $35 0.n.0. 131 Fleete c Street, Burwood. CLOTHES dryers, save money on Fisher and Payke'l Clothes Dryers. Limited - number of slightly marked 460 and 410 models reduced in our Annual Spring Cleare ance sale. Starts 9 a.m.Tues. pI Sedley Wells three stores. a CLOTHES dryer, Westinghouse, cabinet tvpe, good J cond.. $35. Ph. 69-631. « CLOTHES dryers, both tumbler and cabinet models in e stock, recond. and guaran-
teed at Farmers’ Trade-in 4 liept. Bedford Row. i. CLOTHES line, rotary, $35 e Ph. 891-936. ) CLOTHING, young fashions ;■ and girls 8-12 years, man's vinyl jacket, all verv reasonably priced. Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Ph. 487-268. J CLOTHING excellent condi- , lion, tops, skirts, etc. Plus flat leather boots, guitar, and several odds and ends. >- Ph. Ann 555-006. WSB r CLOTHESLINE rotary type $l5. Ph. 326-594. a COAL Range, Shacklock 501 cream and green, excel, cond. Ph. Cust 716 or Chch 559-128. COAL range, enamel Shackloick. 501. wet back $350. Ph. 883-507. COAT, fur fabric, size 14, ' shoes, sizes 4 and 8. jackets, dresses, 10 and. 12, - men's shoes, size 9, leather handbags. 22 Severn St. t COFFEE table, large unusual 6 sided, dark stained wood, , $B5. Ph. 882-080. 8 COFFEE Tables. New, two large solid rirnu, $2OO each. One smaller Adzed, $l2O. Telephone 855-640. COFFEE tables. 2 new wooI den tables, $3O and $5O. 28 i Waiau S't. COINS mail bid sale. N.Z. and ■ World coins, copper, silver, gold. Write for free list, Carlton Coins, P.O, Box , 17508, Christchurch. ■« ■ ■ COMFORTABLE cool jute , shoes, natural and rainbow 1 colours. Handcrafted leather sandals at “Thyme Cottage,” 809 Colombo St, near Town Hal]. COMPACTUM, 6 drawer, painted white. $65. Ph. 795678. COMME R S.W. 1964, overhauled engine, needs paint. $550. Ph. 524-384. COMPACTUM. 6 drawer light rim u immaculate, 595. ’ Smiths City Market TradeIn Centle. CONCRETE tub sell. $6. Ph. 857-598. COOLER, single glass door display cooler, 2 to choose from. 23 cu. ft. Inspect at 46 Ferry Rd. Ph. 793-631; a.h. 897-220. COPIERS, 4 exciting Toshibas plus second-hand models, from $3OO George Berryman. Ltd. Ph 793-920. D COPPER top coffee table as new, shampoo polisher, $3O. Grey carpet, $45. Walnut cabinet, glass front, formica top suitable for games room, $l4O. Ph. 34-595. CORKS and cork bungs. Three types, numerous sizes. Pottery Dept. Smith and Smith, Ltd. 213 Tuam Street. Sl5 CORNER lounge suite, seats fixed. sleeps 2, needs i recovering, $2OO. Ph. 427CORRUGATED Iron long run, good condition, 40 cents I metre. Telephone 383-404. CORRUGATED iron rerolled, a 11 lengths available. | Wylies, 6 Maunsell St, Wollston. STC COT (Collapsible) excel cond., > $3O. Telephone 886-478, COT, dropside stained wood, > good cond. $25. Ph. 855-072. COT, (collapsible) with mattress, door and small triang trike, all in excellent condition. Ph. 527-261. . COT, folding, and mattress, $2O. Ph. 884-136. COT, mattress and quilt, very , good cond.. $55. Ph. 842-230. COT, white, with stained dowels, unusual shape, collapsible. Excel, cond., $35. Ph. 227-444. < COT and mattress, $2O; highchair, chrome and vinyl, . $2O. Phone 595-438. COUCH 2 seater. covered in | blue green Sanderson linen, only 3 weeks old, cost $4lO, sell $3OO. Ph. 585-331. i CROCK, stone, 11 inch x 10 inch new $2O. Phone 384-283. CURTAINS, white and cream | net, two years old. Phone 529-781 CYLINDER hot water, 30 gal, in good eond. $65 0.n.0. Ph. 428DECRAMASTIC tiles, 300, brown and black. What - offers? ‘Phone 888-079. DEEP freeze, only $65. Large j about 19 cu. ft ideal for garage or farm shed. Old but very reliable. Cashmere TV. Ltd. 129 Waltham Rd. Ph. 66-504. DEEP Freeze. 17 cu ft, as new cond., $3OO 0.n.0. Telephone 6081 Kaiapoi. DEEP Freezers. We have a large selection of good used chest type deep freezers from 7.5 to 1.6 cu ft. Models include Leonard, Frigidaire, Atlas, Prestcold. All available on easy terms. Smiths City Market Trade-In Centre. DEEPFREEZES, Guaranteed and delivered. 3cu ft, $B5; 11 cu ft, $175; 16 cu ft, 5175. Telephone 856-101. DEEPFREEZE upright. 7cu ft, as new, 6 months guaran tee. Will deliver, $225. Telephone