Todays late classifieds
Properties for Sale BULLER: 3 bdrm cottage; needs work, $3OOO. Ph. 890-20 S. CASHMERE four bedrooms and study 5 years old, 63 perches (1561 sq metres) two titles drive on access all flat permanent material two storey, lounge 30 x 21 separate living 20 x 12, kitchen dining 31 x 10, suite bath shower and toilet, separate bathroom, t\yo baths, three showers, three toilets, separate laundry, built in furniture, central heating, two 60 gal dual tanks, heated pool, panaramic views, Pacific Ocean to Mount Hutt, dishmaster, wastemaster, auto washing machine and • dryer, furniture available if wish, delightful rural outlook, partzone commercial, never be built out, $120,000. Wrightson NMA MREINZ. Arscott. Ph. 45-760. 10 Properties Wanted BURNSIDE-Westburn $35,000 to $45,000, I have several buyers with finance arranged looking for 3 or 4 bedroom, permanent material homes. Preferably with double garage. Please Ph. Basil Hurrell 45-129 bus 598-775 a.h. Peter Wilson Riccarton, MREINZ. Sections REDWOOD, the price will please you and the terms will knock you out. Only 7J per cent interest over 4 years with a deposit lower than ever. No building ties, fully serviced. Ph. 598-137 bus 382-736 a.h. Bishopdale, MREINZ. SMWI3 Businesses for Sale FOOD store: 7 day mixed business situated in good area, no opposition, high T/O. Good ease, good plant, good 2 bdrm accommodation. Genuine health reason for selling, finance available. Genuine inquiries only. Phone 898-233. Grazing GRAZING available for one horse, reasonably priced. Ph. 227-489. Television COLOUR TV for urgent sale. Excel cond. near new, S6OO 0.n.0. Ph. 69-010. PYE colour Vidmatic TV excellent condition, sell $7OO. Ph. 598-548. Boats, Buy Sell SUZUKI outboard engine 9 horse power Dec. 78 just run in excel cond. econ. $BOO 0.n.0. Ph. 890-065. Cats, Dogs, Pets SPRINGER Spaniel pedigree with kennel $25. Canary with cage S2O. Ph. 797-849. Radios, Stereos, Cassettes C.E.C. BD 2200 belt drive stereo deck. Manual, mag cartridge, new diamond stylus, excel. condition. Recently serviced, $lBO 0.n.0. Enquiries Ph. 559-299. STEREO cassette tape mechanism, with counter, auto stop, pause/auto eject, suit electronics enthusiast. Brand new. worth $6O, sell $5O 0.n.0. Ph. 584-965. SUPERB quality 3 piece stereo system. turntable amplifier ear phones, top loading cassette deck, Dolby N.R. S7OO. Ph. 69-010. Fruits, Plants, Produce FODDER beet for Sale $5 per ton Rangiora area. Ph. Oxford 24-251. STRAW wheat, barley and ,n-»a. all iOc bale. 70c delivered. Ph. Lincoln 377 or «uo.
Page 22 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 8 September 1979, Page 22
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