Across I—A steed in not very frisky form. (6) 4—Capital form of punishment. (6) 9—Sort of surrender with which a French state com forts almost all. (13) 10— Newspapers don’t if the employers do. (4, 3) 11— Fat bees out after nothing. (5) 12— It is used for carrying out a legal suspension. (5) 14—Still out to get rhythms. (5) 18— Epic story held back by the national dailies. (5) 19— Once right to cry out. (7) 21—A new start in life? (13)
22 — He guards the southern gate. (6) 23— Fetches sailing vessels around the North (6) Down
1— Cuts up half the corn plaster (6) 2 — The decay of French musical work. (13) 3— Colour and leave the dance. (5) 5— Stumble on crude oil in N. Africa. (7) 6— Study money — share with exclusive attention (13)
7— Some loose change for a literary pirate. (6) 8— Goodness is a major point in compassion. (5) 13—I'd enter uphill races beside the motor-cycle. (7) 15— Fruit tree that could be rustic. (6) 16— Long time getting a letter. (5) 17— Improves and repairs under direction. (6) 20—Seat of learning? (5)
(Solution on Monday)
Yesterday's solution
Across: 1, lake good care; 7, Right, 8, Newer; 9, Odd; 10. Overthrow; 11, Glower. 12, Airman; 15, File a suit; 17, Tub; 18, Radii: 19. Title; 2). Uninterested. Down: 1. Thoroughfare; 2. Gag; 3. Outset: 4. Constrict; 5, Rower; 6. Drawing-board; 7. Radio; 10, Operation; 13, .Mitre; 14, Bustle; 16, Laden; 20, Tie.
Press, 8 September 1979, Page 14
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