Cabled briefs
I airport split Fairport Convention, or* of the pioneer groups ■ f British folk rock, are reported to have split up The musicians who were rn the last line-up of the band will form two new groups and the singer. Sandy Denny, plans a solo album — 1 ondon. Hiatts kill boy A 10-vear-old boy was killed and eight person' were injured in the northern Portugal town of Mirande'a on Saturday when four explosions wrecked a printing shop from which Leftist workers had just been evicted The blasts occurred after fire broke out in the building. The police were investigating whether they were caused by bombs — Oporto.
Moon atlas The Soviet Union has published the third and final part of an atlas of the far side of the moon which it 'describes as the first pub.'i(cation to contain a detailed ’ description of the part invisible from Larth. The volume, published by the Shternberg Astronomical Institute, has about 200 photographs taken by the last three unmanned “zone” probes. — Moscow. Crash dam a firs j A 27-year-old man who that a rear-end I car collision turned him into ! a homosexual has been awarded SUS2OO.OOO by a Detroit jury. Carmen Leo said that the accident four years ago left him unable to carry on a normal sexual relationship. Although his onlv physical injury was to his back, Leo said the accident had a jarring effect on his personality and altered his sexuality, causing him to leave his wife, move in with his parents, and start hanging around gay bars and reading homosexual literature. — Detroit. Tourists killed Five young French tourists, Including the son and daughter of a French diplomat. were killed in an ambush in the Spanish Sahara last month by guerrillas of the Polisario independence movement, the Algerian authorites have disclosed. — Algiers. Call for ban Weapons experts, jurists and military experts from more than 40 countries have agreed that booby-traps should be banned as weapons of war. Booby-traps are among the weapons the International Red Cross Committee proposes to limit or to abolish. — Lugano. With care Valentine’s Day, traditionally a time for ex- ; pressing love, has been pro- ' claimed “Love Carefully Day” by Zero Population i Growth, a family-planning organisation, to call atten[tion to the problem of teeniage pregnancy. — Washington. Nuclear test The United States has conducted an underground nuclear test in the yield range equivalent to between 200,000 and 500,000 tons of T.N.T., the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration has announced. A spokesman said there were no reports of radiation leaks from the blast, at a Nevada test site, but the shock was felt in Las Vegas, about 100 miles away. It was the second United States nuclear test last week — the other was on Thursday — and the fifth announced this year.
Cabled briefs
Press, Volume CXVI, Issue 34078, 16 February 1976, Page 17
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