Noon Forecast
Situation: A west to south-west airstream covers New Zealand. A cold front moving east across the Tasman is expected to reach Fiordland this afternoon. Forecast: ; Canterbury, Kaikoura Coast: | Mainly fine, with light I winds; a few showers , developing late in the day [ about the western high country -south of about Mount Cook; mild by afternoon. Marlborough Sounds: Light
Observations taken at the Meteorological Office, Christchurch Airport, yesterday. Barometer: 6 p.m, 11 p.m. Millibars .. 1005.5 1009.5 Temperatures: deg Maximum (to 6 p.m.) 16 Rainfall: mm. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. . Trace Saturday .. 0 To date this month 3 To date this year . 374 To date last year .. 352 Average to date 233 Average for May .. 76 Wettest May (1945) . 234 Driest May (1896) .. 10 Sunshine: h m Yesterday 3 06 Saturday 9 12 To date this month 79 18 To date this year 736 12 To date last year .. 673 00 Average lor May . 126 00 Humidity: Per cent at noon . 63 Per cent at 6 p.m 92 Temperatures and rainfall for the 24 hours to 9 a.m, yesterday. —Maximum 20deg, minimum 7deg, grass sdeg. rainfall nil.
winds, fine; cool this morning, moderate afternoon temperatures.
Central Marlborough, Nelson: Moderate south-westerlies predominating; a few showers in the ranges, but mainiy fine; mild this afternoon.
Buller, Westland: Light winds; mostly fair at first but becoming cloudy, with scattered showers more ! widespread this evening; ■ moderate temperatures. (Outlook: Showers in the i west, otherwise fair.
SUN, MOON, ANO TIDES Sun—Today: Rises, 7.33 a.m; sets, 5.18 p.m. Tomorrow; Rises, 7,34 a.m.; sets, 5.17 P.m. Moon—Today: Rises, 812 s.m ; sets, 5.50 p.m. Tomorrow. Rises, 9.12 a.m.; sets, 6.42 p.m. High water at Lyttelton—Tods'l 4.50 a.m. and 5.18 p.m. T<v morrow: 5.42 am. and 6.11 p.m. Phases of Moon ; First quarter: May 18. 10.29 P m Full moon: May 25. 5.31 p.m. (Last quarter: June 2. 11.23 am. (New moon: June 10, 6.50 a.m NOON WEATHER (Auckland: lOdeg. partlv clouds S.W.. 24 knots. [Wellington: 16deg. cloudy | N.N.W., 10 knots (Christchurch: 16deg. parti/ I cloudy, S.W., 5 knots I Dunedin: 13deg, cloudy. S.W.. ! knots.
Noon Forecast
Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 26
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