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Tenders TENDERS | i FOR THE ERECTION OF GARAGES AND STORE j TENDERS addressed to the Secretary, Kaikoura Pest Destruction Board, P.O. Box IUS, Blenheim, and closing at 5 I p.m. on May 23, 1975, are invited for the erection of garages and store at Scarborough Street, Kaikoura. Plans and specifications are available from the undersigned of the Boards Supervisor, L. D. Battersby, 176 Esplanade, Kaikoura. The lowest or any tender; not necessarily accepted. E. J. BATTY, Secretary, f Ka’koura Pest Destruction ; Board, ! P.O. Box 105, | BLENHEIM. 54801 Io Let A 2 bedroom unfurn modern I ! fiat, Richmond, $2B; furn. | sleepout, Hills Road, $8; 3 bedroom unfurn. house, ; Cashmere, $35; Bealey Ave, $3O; 2 bedroom unfurn. house, Woolston, suit couple, short term, $23. Apply in person Mrs Wilson, Pasley Real Estate, I Ltd, cnr Victoria and i Peterborough Street after 10 a.m. M 5144 j A furn. S.C. 1 bedroom flat with washing machine, fridge, W.W. carpet and i drapes. $lB p.w. Ph. 884-281. I AVONSIDE, sunny self-con- ; tained two bedroom flat, ■ newly decorated including carpets, drapes, fridge, washing machine. $35 p.w. Also two bedroom self-con-tained flat, partly furn., newly decorated, $3O p.w. Please ph. Miss Condon 67-095. T. G. Healy. M.R.E.E.I.N.Z. 54977 AVAILABLE soon in rural area: A modern split-level fully furn. home with 4 bedrooms, central heating, 4 car garage, etc. Short term basis, whilst owners overseas. Rental §42. At Sumner, an upstairs 2 bedroom partly furn. fiat with floor coverings, drapes, phone, garage, etc., $22, to quiet married couple only. Please apply Mrs Garrett, Ruric Hunter, Ltd, M.R.E.1.N.Z., 60 Sandyford St, Sydenham. M 4637 AT Papanui: 2 bedroom furnished house available Ist June, $3O; for 3 months, Burwood, 2 bedroom unfurn. flat, bus couple, $27; Sydenham, 1 bedroom unfurn. flat, bus couple, $2O. Leslie Parker. M.R.E.1.N.Z., cnr Riccarton Road and Picton Ave. 84123 ADDINGTON: 3 bedroom unfurn. house with washing machine and garage available to responsible family. $3O. Papanui: Luxurious 2 bedroom unfurn. split level ownership flat with washing machine and lock-up garage, $4O. City: 1 bedroom unfurn flat, suit bus. couple, $2l. Avonhead: I bedroom unfurn cottage, plus sunroom and washing machine. Available to couple for 3 months. $25. Please apply Mary McNeil. Bohnenn Real Estate. M.R.E.1.N.Z., 192 Cashel St. M 4755 ATTRACTIVE luxury 2 bedroom flats, city, furn. and unfurn. Apply 162 Chester St, Flat 7, upstairs (Fitzgerald Ave end), from 8 a.m. or phone 887-422 after 2 p.m. M 5395 BACHELOR flat, close city. Ample parking space. $lO p.w. Papanui Land Agency, M. 529-455. FEMALE flatmates wanted (2), prefeiably mid 20’s, own rooms. Phone 528-762 after 5.30 p.m. FURNISHED house to let for six months. Require responsible reliable couple. No children. No pets. $3O p.w. N. area. Lawns to be mown. Bond and references. Phone today 519-326. M 3339 | FURN. flatette, fridge and phone. 112 Leinster Road. 10 to 11 a.m. !MT PLEASANT, 2 bedrooms plus sunroom, unfurn. flat with character and terrific outlook. Suit business couple. $32 p.w. Apply Collins Real Estate. Ph. 488-783 after 9 a.m. OFFICE city, ground floor.! two rooms, one with large | display window, $l2 p.w. j Please ph. Miss Condon' 67-095. T. G. Healy. M.R.E.I N.Z. 54977 RICHMOND: 2 bedroom unfurn. flat, suit couple, $26. Hei Hei: 3 bedroom furnished house, suit family, available May 27 for 4-6 months, $35. Applv Miss Jenkins, Whittle, Knight and Boatwood, Ltd, M.R.E.LN.Z., 44-138, M 4385 SHIRLEY, furn. 2 bedroom flat, lock-up garage, small lawn and garden available to married couple for four months, thereafter monthlv basis, §3O. Close city, modern 2 bedroom unfurn. flat. $26. Merivale, spacious upstairs unfurn. redecorated flat, suit married counle. $3O. Mrs Clayton of Warwick Todd, Ltd, M.R.E.1.N.Z. Phone 67-246, or apply 45 Bealey Avenue after 9 a.m. SPREYDON, 2 bedroom unfurnished flat. $24 p.w. Kaiapoi, 3 bedroom unfurnished house. $37 per week. Richmond. I bedroom unfurn. flat. $lB per week. Please contact Miss Condon. T. G. Healy’s, 67-095. M.R.E.I.N.Z. SUIT refined business lady onlv. Citv Central: SC. flat unfurnished. D. bedroom, snacious lounge (fire place), dual hot water, modern kitchenette. A sunnv flat. Rent $24. Bond required Ford and Hadfield, Ltd. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 5447 TWO bedroom unfurnished flat, garage. St Albans. $2l weekly. Phone Merritt Accommodation. Phone 67-282. TWO 2-bedroom flats, 14 | Gresford Street. New carI pets, drapes, redecorated, I fridge, washing machine, ! heater, $3O p.w. Phone ! 66-669 after 8.30 a.m. THREE bedroom unfurnished ! house, Bryndwr. S4O weekly. Three bedroom house. Riccarton, S4O weekly. Two bedroom unfurnished flat, city area. $261 weekly. Married couple only. Phone Merivale Real Estate. 195 A Papanui Road,! 555-707. UPPER RICCARTON: 2 bed room sunnj’ brick flat and; garage. own entrance, i washing machine and some . floor coverings, $22.50 p.w. ! Middle aged or elderly ; tenants reouired. P’ease ‘ contact Riccarton Land ‘ Sales, M.R.E.1.N.Z., 487-029. office hours only. M 4658 J Holiday and Hotel Accommodation ; MFLROSE Motor Lodge. A.A. c 4-star plus and 4-star. For S families and businessmen ? Licensed bar and restau- q rant. Conferences Adjacent Moana Olympic Pool. From: $3 70 per person. Ph. 60-405. telex 56L5 n U nedin. Clr- : <t church 69-586. MW ! •IOUNI COOK VISHors I c at Lake Ohan Lodge Fen nomv tariff Phone Tn||«!*and ask far Bureau F.ak<; a Ohau O: —.—-I CHRISTCHURCF WINDSOR PRIVATE HOTEL. F 52 Armagh Street fc (3min from Square) 5 First-Class Bed And n Breakfast Tariff $5 B and B PHONE 40-503 OR 77-997. t b MWFS
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Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 25
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894Page 25 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 25
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Page 25 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 25
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