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; Farms for Sale WEST COAST (SOUTH ISLAND) 1 DAIRY FARMS TOP OF THE LINE Opportunity to purchase one of the highest producingfarms in Westland at the more than realistic price of s 160.000 going concern. Currently producing 55.0001 b of butter fat and running dairv beef as well with scope for further advancement. Property is graced with a 1600 sq. ft brick home and all' other buildings cannot be faulted.
| IDEAL 194 acres producing 31,0001 h of butter fat. Contours are {flat and property is weli | fenced and has a good range of plant. Priced to suit most pockets at $lOO,OOO. I SNIP i A small holding but cer j tainly worthy of considers 'tion. Production this year should be around 24.0001 b and .still has scope for improvement. Shed is two years old ; and complete list of plant (making the price of $72,000 going concern totally real istic. I FIRST FARM I Top notch proposition for ; the young farmer starting out and looking for stepping stone proposition to bigger ; and .better things. Priced at i $56,000 going concern. This property’ has excellent ; buildings and good plant. SEM l-R ETIREMENT Peaceful surroundings and the serene outlook of this! lower priced property make: it the ideal place for the; older farmer to retire and; keep an interest in the land.; Presently milking a few cows! but mainly running beef on! 150 acres and priced at! $48,000 going concern making! this an absolute gift. BARROW BROS REAL ESTATE. P.O. Box 38, Phone 7268, ! GREYMOUTH. M.R.E.I.N.Z After Hours: 327 Hokitika. Let Us Open The Gate To Your Next Farm 8482
Farms Buy : BUYERS (3), with finance arranged to approx, $67,000 1 are looking for 5 or more ! acres, preferably with a house within 30mins drive of city. Please phone Peter • Woodham, Bohnenn Real I Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 40-753. A.H. 324-206. ' CLARKVILLE, Ohoka. up to 5 acres wanted. Either bare land or with older type home. Please reply, ’ Whittle, Knight and Boatwood. Ltd, M.R.E.1.N.Z., Ph. 44-149: A.H., Tavlor, 428-004. M 4157 Sections A building company requires sections in established areas of Christchurch for $BOOO to $20,000 depending on position and size. For further details call Julie Warner, anytime, 40-053. Boote Real Estate, M.R.E.LN.Z. 54771 AVONHEAD. Large rear section for sale. Ph. 588-788. D ■■ ■ ■ BISHOPDALE: Superior estates only’ $2500 deposit, required to purchase attractive home site. Terms over 40-432 any time. Christchurch Real Estate. Ltd. 3 years. Ph. C. Francis, M.R.E.I.N.Z. 9390 CASHMERE. $15,000. 22-perch elevated section, sunny aspect and gently inclined. Ph. Gill Knight of Whittle. Knight and Boat wood, Ltd. M.R.E.1.N.Z., 44-149, A.H. 487-275. 54536 LINWOOD, Nursery Rd. 40 perch Res. 3 section, capable of accommodating 5 ownership flats. Excellent building site. $19,750. Simes and Co., M.R.E.1.N.Z.. 64-347. A.H. 588-411. 2493 MURRAY AYNSLEY HILL: Large 44 perch sunny elevated section facing due north. Sealed drive, all services on section. Shelterd north-easterly and southerly winds. Valued $lB,OOO. Accept best offer over $14,000. Phone 325-524
evenings. T 3679 NEW BRIGHTON RD. Attractive 36 perch back section, trees abound there! Price $lO,OOO 0.n.0. Phone 68-669, N. H. McCrostie and Co. . M.R.E.I.N.Z. OPAWA, wide sunny 20 perches, close bus and: I shops. Plans and specs for * two flats or ideal small ( house. Will finance for six j ! months. Ph. 40-241, T. H. | Buckett. M.R.E.I.N.Z. M 4389! REDWOOD: $25 weekly, 4-year terms, on 10 per cent; deposit. What better way to secure a section for the future? Ph. 67-436 any time, Russell Sansom. 5477 RUSSLEY. Excellent building sites. 3 available in established areas. 32 perch, 39 perch. 40 perch. $13,500 each. Terms available. Simes and Co., M.R.E.1.N.Z.. 64-347, A.H. 588-411. 2493 SECTION owners, we special ise in filling low lying sections Phone 382 039 Mus grove’s Q SELLING? Then consult the action team. Christchurch Realtv. M.R.E.I.N.Z. Phone 892-895 MWF SOLEARES AVE, Mt Pleasant. $15,000, near flat 25-perch section Ready to build on. Magnificent views over, sea and city. For inspection please Phone Sue Vincent. 60-184. A.H. 77-301. Hutchin-! son White. Ltd, M.R.E.I.N.Z • SUMNER. Level bulding sitesi available from $lO,OOO. 10; p.c. deposit. 8 p.c. interest. Wakefield Avenue, opposite j School for Deaf. Pasley Real Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z. Ph. 62-538 any time. 54622 SUMNER. Beautifully situated sunny 21 perch section in an extremely sheltered position. Great value at $12,950. Finance available. For . further details call / Julie Warner, 40-053 any) time. Boote Real Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z. H4212J
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Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 22
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724Page 22 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 22
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Page 22 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 22
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